Can we get an ORIGINAL Latino or Asian Champion?

We have plenty of African American champions including multiple versions of Black Panther...... Where is the Asian or Hispanic champion with his or her own orgin story? In a generation of inclusion and cultural representation.....the Hispanic and Asian communities have been ignored for too long. And no....I don't count Massacre (Deadpool Ripoff) or Miles Morales (half Puerto Rican and Black alternate Spiderman)! A black female Iron we really need another Iron Man? You made Gulliotine why can't we get a Hispanic or Asian hero...just sayin.....
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I mean Russia is part of both Europe and Asia so you could say Red Guardian is one by technicalityThe definition of asian as per google is: "a native of Asia or a person of Asian descent"
Russia covers Europe and Russia so depending on where he hails from or if the entire country is considered both, he falls into this category
- You can't disregard Mile Morales, just because you don't like the character or for "only" being 1/2 Latino, come on now
- Whether you like Masacre or not, his origin is what it is too.
- Psylocke is represented as Asian in this version of the game (she is sometimes British / sometimes Asian in the comics).
- Iron fist, well, it's hard to tell if he's white or Asian in this game, but he does appear to be the Netlix version more-so than the comic book version.
- Diablo - has a Hispanic origin
- Kamala Khan - Pakistani
- Sunspot - Hispanic
- Peter Parker, Magneto, Iceman, Scarlett Witch and MoonKnight are Jewish
- We also have a lot of non-human characters in the game that are from space, other dimensions/realms, worlds, etc.
- Not all white characters are just white either - there's diversity in their origin as American, European, etc. too. We have some Russian, German, Polish, etc.
- I'm probably missing a few more, but there's more to this when you dig a little deeper.
Could/should Kabam add more diversity - sure, why not if it makes the game better and more fun, not just to check a diversity box for the sake of checking a box.
Elektra - Greek origin
And actually, Sunspot is Latino because the term Latino/Latina refers to those of Latin American descent or heritage, considering Brazil is part of Latin America geographically and organisationally.
Second, I didn't say anything about EurAsian counting as straight up Asian but enough for it to count as either of the two, by the same logic he isn't straight up European.
and what's wrong with not being straight up asian? you asked for asian, he counts.
some people can’t understand even asian-americans (quake) count as a form of asian representation
If you read that and think that's stupid, then you'll agree that forcing diversity and inclusion is also stupid. Characters will be added when they're added, nor because specific users feel under represented in a mobile game. If you feel under represented in any capacity while playing the game, just know there is a whole world of Internet out there that can satiate your particular needs.
Now, Latino immigration (outside Bracero Program) was consistently minimal. Then, the Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986), Immigration Act (1990), and Immigrant Responsibility Act (1996) were signed. And, as expected, immigration shot through the roof. In fact, if we look at this graph, the 3 acts line up perfectly with the exponential, meteoric rise of Mexican immigration (couldn't find a detailed graph that takes all Latinos into account. Idk why, just Google being Google).
Why am I mentioning this? Because at the very same year that the Immigrant Responsibility Act was introduced, Marvel files for bankruptcy. Since the massive influx of Latino immigrants was so sudden, I don't believe they had time to "react". So as the demographics were shifting, Marvel was too busy imploding. I mean, for all we know, there was a Latino hero who could've done great, but Marvel was so broke that they couldn't afford to continue it. I believe they could and would have had they not been disintegrating.
As to why they didn't make more Latino heroes before? I mean, it's probably because the authors were American and had not really thought of it, as there simply weren't a significant number of Latinos. Kinda like why we have a lack of Asian heroes.
Although technically Psylocke is/was Asian. Then became British. This one is weird, since they change her ethnicity at seemingly random for no reason.
Graph of Immigration:
jesus christ
to quoth Obi-Wan
"You have become the very thing you swore to destroy"
Anybody else think Gamora from the MCU
was hot AF?