Wanna go Cav before Cyber deals, possible with this roster?

Hi Guys,
I am UC and haven't touched Act 6 yetbut wanna take a go at it before Cyberweekend deals.
From my roster my Top 3 champs are 6* R2 CMM, 5* R5 HT ( duped x60) and 5* R5 OR (duped x160).
Also , next week I'll have enough units to get half suicides (DE+Coag, NO LC) .. (just about 600 units away form getting it)
Questions are:
1- Besides my above mentioned top 3 who else should fill my 5 member team? I know that on chapters with lotsa metal/robots on the path or as bosses my 5* R4 Red Mags ( duped x100) and Medusa (duped x20) are a given. Besides that, who else should I consider bringing.. for example in substitution to Medusa if there are no robots?
2) Would half suicides ( DE+ Coag, no LC) help me to achieve Cav? Or should i just save those 600 units for the Cyberdeals?
I am UC and haven't touched Act 6 yetbut wanna take a go at it before Cyberweekend deals.
From my roster my Top 3 champs are 6* R2 CMM, 5* R5 HT ( duped x60) and 5* R5 OR (duped x160).
Also , next week I'll have enough units to get half suicides (DE+Coag, NO LC) .. (just about 600 units away form getting it)
Questions are:
1- Besides my above mentioned top 3 who else should fill my 5 member team? I know that on chapters with lotsa metal/robots on the path or as bosses my 5* R4 Red Mags ( duped x100) and Medusa (duped x20) are a given. Besides that, who else should I consider bringing.. for example in substitution to Medusa if there are no robots?
2) Would half suicides ( DE+ Coag, no LC) help me to achieve Cav? Or should i just save those 600 units for the Cyberdeals?
Dunno why the roster pics are not showing. Attempting to post them again now
I just got Cav a month ago with 5*R5 Void as my MVP. No suicides.
6.1.1 - Any heal block champ will work.
6.1.2 - Medusa
6.1.3 and 6.1.4 - Any. Easy quests.
6.1.5 - I want to see your roster so I can recommend who might work.
CMM is poison but she relies a lot on her SP2 for the burst damage which you won't be able to fire unless you bait heavies a lot.
6.1.6 - Magneto/Medusa
My Roster sans 4*:
Your only hurdle is 6.1.5. Your options are Medusa, CMM, Omega Red, and Sentinel. You just have to be aggressive to deal a lot of damage. If you want to fire an SP2, bait heavies to push the opponent's power bar.
Ok, gave it a go and reached 6.1.5, now onto Crossbones.
Haven't touched the quest yet. Been studying guides and YouTube videos before giving it a go.
I know that technically my OR is currently my best counter to Crossbones ( I just go DE+ Cuagulate btw) but before going into it so I'd like to ask who to R4 for bringing as backup.
From my roster I've identified Sentinel and AA as top picks to take for R4 specifically for this fight. They are both 3/45, AA is duped x50 and Sentinel isn't, but I have a tech gem if necessary ( was saving it for Warlock, Gully2099 or Ghost, but no dice). To be completely honest if I were to use the gem, it would be for Starky and then take him to R4 (he's also 3/45) but since I am dead set on get Cavalier with the least amount of units possible, I can use it in Sentinel if u guy think it's better.
Another candidate for R4 for this fight is Morningstar. She's duped x40 and also 3/45. She's great with DE suicide and will punish dearly Croosbones's furies and regens with her L2 and whatnot.
So should I R4 Sentinel, AA, Morningstar or Starky? Remember that this is mainly for 6.1.5 , as I already have Medusa as Red Mags for 6.1.6.
If you don't think I should R4, let me know... I'd rather save the rank up resources for whomever pops up with the Cyber deals ( NF, Aegon, Ghost, Warlock or Doom, hopefully, if not will likely R5 my Red Mags for variants) but again, I am set in Cavalier so I'll do whatever for it.
I know I know that you might think I am overthinking this since many of you got Cav with R3s and R4s, and I already have two R5s and one 6* R2. However, one thing you mist understand is that I SUCK AT PLAYING THIS GAME, I am perhaps a below average player as I usually use more units than most. Case in point, I've already used three group revives in Act 6 so far... even with my roster, while other with lesser rosters can do it without using any. That is how much I suck.
That is why it pays for me to invest in ranking whomever can help me to use the least amount of rezzes and units possible.
Your help is appreciated,
It will be difficult to counter Crossbones with Omega Red now that the Biohazard node is gone, so I suggest you should R4 Sentinel and give him the gem as a backup.
EDIT: It will be a long fight, so prepare your willpower. Lol.
Ok so according to your suggestion, my team for 6.1.5 should be:
HT (for path clearing)
Sentinel after R4 rankup and awakening
...correct? I guess Red Mags wouldn't do much to Crossbones because of the poison node, the stun immune and the fisticuffs that prevents the magnetize effect, am I right?
Thanks again for your invaluable input!
If only you have Nick Fury and Deadpool X, you can cancel the poison.
I don't know about Medusa's damage output but she's also poison immune. I'm just not confident that she can outdamage the heal. With Sentinel you can heal block, so even though Sentinel doesn't have those big numbers, he can chip through Crossbones' health. It will just take a lot of patience.
You can also build CMM before the boss fight at around 20 Binary charges. You just can't rely on her SP2 because of the global node, so just pummel through.
Take the left side path with Superior Iron Man as the first defender and the buffet Winter Solider as the last to remove the Bane linked node.