Do we need more gamma coins..????



  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 865 ★★★

    Mercury79 said:

    Im not going to argue anymore because I cant understand a word that your saying but what im saying is proven should not get top notch rewards. Those rewards are for UC and Cav.

    Yeah brother proven will never get those reward....eveni don't want...I am justsaying what I am getting in my milestone is a bit hard toget so plz increse the coin so we can even collect mine proven milestone which are 400k I am not asking to go 1.9 and it can't be practical think about it my store limit is only 400k then how can I spend 1.9m
    If you want to hit that milestone, you gotta work for it. There already is a lot of gamma in heroic and master difficulties as well as the login calendar, side quests and objectives.
    But.. but..I don't wanna work for it. Kabam should gimme free rewards 😢
    Honestly, this is where I'm at. But we don't really need more, just prioritize what you buy from the store. I did a spreadsheet with a high and low spend depending on how much I want to grind. My low spend leaves the t5b out, but I'm always maxed on t5b.

    I wouldn't mind more Gamma, but I DON'T want to grind for it. Did mutant day 7 runs yesterday, some arena and completed Uncollected. More Gamma behind more grind is a hard pass.
    I was being sarcastic lol. I have 0 problems with the gamma available
    Heh, I realized that, but at the same time I was saying the only extra Gamma that would do me any good would have to be free.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    It’s a boring af side quest and almost as bad as last months . The faster I get my featured 5 and be done with it the better so yeah I will gladly take more coins
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★

    Mercury79 said:

    Im not going to argue anymore because I cant understand a word that your saying but what im saying is proven should not get top notch rewards. Those rewards are for UC and Cav.

    Yeah brother proven will never get those reward....eveni don't want...I am justsaying what I am getting in my milestone is a bit hard toget so plz increse the coin so we can even collect mine proven milestone which are 400k I am not asking to go 1.9 and it can't be practical think about it my store limit is only 400k then how can I spend 1.9m
    If you want to hit that milestone, you gotta work for it. There already is a lot of gamma in heroic and master difficulties as well as the login calendar, side quests and objectives.
    But.. but..I don't wanna work for it. Kabam should gimme free rewards 😢
    Honestly, this is where I'm at. But we don't really need more, just prioritize what you buy from the store. I did a spreadsheet with a high and low spend depending on how much I want to grind. My low spend leaves the t5b out, but I'm always maxed on t5b.

    I wouldn't mind more Gamma, but I DON'T want to grind for it. Did mutant day 7 runs yesterday, some arena and completed Uncollected. More Gamma behind more grind is a hard pass.
    I was being sarcastic lol. I have 0 problems with the gamma available
    Heh, I realized that, but at the same time I was saying the only extra Gamma that would do me any good would have to be free.
    Ah fair enough. I'm doing enough to get the 2k 6* shards and that's it. I basically have everything I wanted from the store at just over 1m Gamma spent.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    JessieS said:

    It’s a boring af side quest and almost as bad as last months . The faster I get my featured 5 and be done with it the better so yeah I will gladly take more coins

    lol same Im going to get the featuredd and then head out
  • Moot4LifeMoot4Life Member Posts: 2,132 ★★★★
    JessieS said:

    It’s a boring af side quest and almost as bad as last months . The faster I get my featured 5 and be done with it the better so yeah I will gladly take more coins

    yes i agree, especially since they made it timed for no reason and just have 7 quests.
    most likely you will try and run the same one in one day and have nothing to do for the rest of the week.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Pro players having trouble with legendary? I am an intermediate cavalier level player at best. And I can do 3 of the 7 days without using any revives or potions. It is not hard at all. Just tricky to learn the new root nodes.
    If you are refering to KT1 messing up sometimes you do realise he isn`t picking a perfect team and is mostly messing about.
    If you have rank 5 teams you should not have any trouble with this quest.

    Even uncollected players can get a huge amount of gamma, just not the last milestone. Which seems logical right? Only the highest rank represented getting the last milestone? If Thronebreaker becomes what Cavalier is now. Cavalier players will be 1 milestone lower than the highest aswell.

  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    You talk about just wanting the 400k milestone then talk about legendary difficulty...
    I’m pretty sure you do not need to run legendary, so stop trying and maybe, just maybe, assuming you stop insulting people because they’re better than you, you’ll get the coins you crave.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Mercury79 said:

    wait maybe there's a reason the coins are pretty low. maybe it's because kabam wants to limit how many rewards you can get based on progression. or maybe they don't want you to but everything in the store

    Actually I have 3 acounts one is cav one is only uncollected and one is only proven...and proven has verylow resources..which are pretty good compared to title.... uncollected has alsosome limited resources to purchase....and cav has all the resources open....
    congrats, you figured out the system
  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 813 ★★★
    I’m at 1mill spent (duped my 5* sinister with the free 5* featured :( So sad.)

    The mutant one is the one I started on, and the legendary difficulty is very easy. It’s just time consuming. Probably nice to have a few strong champs of each class to do them here and there instead of saving them for that one day. It gets super boring playing the same quest over and over.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    I’m at 1mill spent (duped my 5* sinister with the free 5* featured :( So sad.)

    The mutant one is the one I started on, and the legendary difficulty is very easy. It’s just time consuming. Probably nice to have a few strong champs of each class to do them here and there instead of saving them for that one day. It gets super boring playing the same quest over and over.

    Sinister is Better than my bpcw lol
  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 813 ★★★
    Also, don’t forget about the daily offers that will have gamma added to them.

  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    well I think I deserve it, so I should get it!

    the entitlement just oozes off
  • CrispyCrispy Member Posts: 85
    Definitely plenty of gamma to be had. At 20 days left, only half a million till the 2k six star shards. Could probably gather double that if I tryed. Plus 450k from once through cav. Eq is a huge help.
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    Need? No
    Want? Sure. Maybe.

    I’m not grinding arena so I could miss out on a couple of items in the store. But I make the decision not to grind knowing I may miss out. I don’t need more gamma but if kabam says yes, who am I to say no?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    Mercury79 said:

    as we know we can only purchase limited resources from store...then why coins are pretty low...

    1. The availability of gamma currency is not low.

    2. The store contains purchase limits because this actually helps players. If the items had to be balanced on the assumption that players could dump all of their gamma into the most valuable items they would have to set the prices very high. Instead, they can set the prices to a more moderate level knowing players with less currency can still buy them while players with more currency cannot leverage that lower price into huge quantities.

    3. The number of coins is limited to force players to make choices about what things to buy. Every player has different priorities, and no one can buy everything. Most players have to buy their highest priority items, and forgo the lower priority items. By giving players more options than they have gamma to buy, everyone is forced to choose what's most important to them. Making choices is a fundamental part of any game like this.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,473 ★★★★★
    If you aren't at point where you can get all the gamma radiation, it isn't at your level.
  • Intensity108Intensity108 Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    We get 1.9 mil gamma

    he means for lower levels..
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,191 ★★★★★
    Damn, Kabam! Just give these guys a bunch of 7* Nexus Crystals. Have pity on them!
  • CashierCashier Member Posts: 68
    Moot4Life said:

    Mercury79 said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    Mercury79 said:

    Plz have a look I can't purchase other items...I just want to reach 400k milestone...and my store resources are limited which are 402k

    So get some more gamma through hard work
    You always be a chutya...
    2. We expect all Summoners to treat each other with respect. Insults, personal attacks, harassment, inflammatory posting, or generally rude posts will not be tolerated in either the forums, or private messages. This also includes the use of inappropriate, vulgar, discriminatory or offensive language of any kind.

    After a quick google search, I expanded my vocabulary and found out what that word means. It was not very nice.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    Also, don’t forget about the daily offers that will have gamma added to them.


    OMG! You mean a business is going to try to make money? What's the world coming to?
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★
    And you have to work hard on arenas, base raids and EQ plus objectives to earn gamma and no need toabuse the ones helping u
  • BestReconBestRecon Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    Mercury79 said:

    wait maybe there's a reason the coins are pretty low. maybe it's because kabam wants to limit how many rewards you can get based on progression. or maybe they don't want you to but everything in the store

    Actually I have 3 acounts one is cav one is only uncollected and one is only proven...and proven has verylow resources..which are pretty good compared to title.... uncollected has alsosome limited resources to purchase....and cav has all the resources open....
    Now I can’t tell you what to do in the game, but I highly recommend not bothering with alts right now. Focus on your main, alts slow down your mains progression.
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  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    So no ones gonna utter those magical 2 words... oh well.. here it goes...

    Git Gud...
  • ch4rnch4rn Member Posts: 275 ★★
    Mercury79 said:

    Hey kabam and my dear friends...I wanna discuss some small issue reguarding side Quist....I know many of our friends are enjoying it but some are really facing the issues....what I face issue releted toside Quist...

    1.root it's really annoying....with lag issue it became impossible to play...

    2.perfect we know there are many kinds of we need perfect day to get that easy root...but with aq and aw running on side by side its really hard to take high rating champs on the sidequist...

    3.gamma coins are we know this month side Quist are pretty hard as usual...legendry is just on another level...seems like pro players are even facing a lot issue to clear the Quist...and when we come to a bit lower dificulty we didn't get much coins....seems really bad...😢😢

    Please kabam increase the coins in we know we can only purchase limited resources from store...then why coins are pretty low...

    Kabam... give this player a generic 6* awakening gem, along with a few 6* nexus crystals. Maybe then his self entitlement might get fulfilled.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Cavalier difficulty should award coins.
    It’s at least interesting the highest event quest difficulty doesn’t award any, while any other lower does.
    Kabam makes some really weird decisions occasionally 🤔
  • LmaoLmao Member Posts: 891 ★★★
    Greekhit said:

    Cavalier difficulty should award coins.
    It’s at least interesting the highest event quest difficulty doesn’t award any, while any other lower does.
    Kabam makes some really weird decisions occasionally 🤔

    It was a bug and one that benefitted the players. I was surprised to see Kabam not fixing it but I was pretty happy ngl
  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 966 ★★★
    Play each Quist once and find which one works best for your roster and ability. imho the Vision/Avengers/Thursday Quist is the easiest. I saved my gauntlets and cleared the Quist 6 times yesterday, no problem. If I'm pro, I should be getting paid. Myth busted. Happy Quisting.
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    edited November 2020

    Mercury79 said:

    wait maybe there's a reason the coins are pretty low. maybe it's because kabam wants to limit how many rewards you can get based on progression. or maybe they don't want you to but everything in the store

    Actually I have 3 acounts one is cav one is only uncollected and one is only proven...and proven has verylow resources..which are pretty good compared to title.... uncollected has alsosome limited resources to purchase....and cav has all the resources open....
    Now I can’t tell you what to do in the game, but I highly recommend not bothering with alts right now. Focus on your main, alts slow down your mains progression.
    I won’t speak for op but it could be more complex than that. Right now I don’t want to go above cav so I get as much fun or more trying different champs or synergies on the alt account and trying to get that one to the same level

    It’s just timing. The higher I go the more time I have to devote. I don’t have the time to devote more than I am. Main account sits as much as not. I do not have the availability to do quests or engagements that last more than 30 minutes. Sometimes a whole path can take north of that. And if you want to do mutlitple paths at cav or higher it’s usually more than an hour.

    Cav is good. If the future of making things harder and more complex essentially also makes the fights longer than I’m fine where I am
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