Act 4 is Harder than Act 5 (Change My Mind)

Act 4 is agonizingly slow to fully explore. Even with the reduced energy costs, the paths in Act 4 are so long.
I had more fun fully exploring Act 5 than I am fully exploring Act 4.
In hindsight I should’ve just gotten it out of the way a long time ago but man am I regretting not doing it long ago.
Only reason I’m doing it is for the T2 Alpha
I had more fun fully exploring Act 5 than I am fully exploring Act 4.
In hindsight I should’ve just gotten it out of the way a long time ago but man am I regretting not doing it long ago.
Only reason I’m doing it is for the T2 Alpha
except for 5.3. That was just a slog
Im still on 4.3.5 damn
It's not hard
Act 5 is fun and interesting