Plasma charges are the things that Havok places on himself. Plasma Build Ups are the things that Havok places on the target. Plasma charges are passives. Plasma Build Ups are debuffs.
Thanks for clarifying. So they should be able to shrug off, right? It would depend on his combo meter and RNG for tenacity tho. I've had bleeds from suicides stick a round a few more hits than I'd normally expect when the combo meter is lower.
That abilities still say damage will be taken tho when purified and applied as passive damage.
Plasma charges are the things that Havok places on himself. Plasma Build Ups are the things that Havok places on the target. Plasma charges are passives. Plasma Build Ups are debuffs.
Didn't understand, I need 5 more paragraphs please.
If its shrugged it does more damage
That abilities still say damage will be taken tho when purified and applied as passive damage.
Not only do his debuffs make the enemy not heal with Dispair at the end but he doesn't have damaging debuffs.
The Feedback debuff is a non damaging debuff like from Void. They are just there and do passive damage from the champions kit.