How good is Guillotine 2099? Convince me.

So like the title suggests, how good is she? Where does she shine the most? What are her strengths and weaknesses? Does she need to be duped? How do I use her to her max potential? But most importantly, is she viable to get Cav and/or do a completion run in the Labyrinth with her?
Just about the only thing I know about her is that you have to end every fight with a sp3. That and she has bleed and poison immunity.
Just about the only thing I know about her is that you have to end every fight with a sp3. That and she has bleed and poison immunity.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I'll be back with a long essay by tomorrow (today basically)! 😃
She doesn’t need to be awakened. It only gives a chance for a combo shield when you’re struck, and also combo shield cap 10% of her max health (not sp3 though) so it can be a life saver. However, most of the time, your heavy attack combo shields do fine. You get 2 of them at your base and then an additional 2 for each digi-soul. So you can get upto 6 in a fight if you don’t use her pre fight abilities.
Her pre fight abilities are really cool. There’s a crit one, life steal one and power drain one. The crit one makes her crit every 20 hits, but if it’s a special attack that crits, all the following hits of the special are also critical. This is really good since the sp2 has a lot of hits. You can use the sp2 on the 20th hit and then the entire special will be critical, so you’re getting some good damage. Also, she can’t crit naturally, which is a counter to things like spiked armour. However instead of crits, she places degen which is awesome.
The life steal one is really good. Once you’re above 100 hits on the combo, your medium attacks steal 5% of the damage dealt. This means the more damage you deal on your hits, the more health you gain. This means any attack bonuses she gains will increase her regen. Also, the crit pre fight also increases the regen you gain from this ability too.
The power drain one is my personal favourite. Above 100 hits, it drains 5% of the opponents current power on medium hits. This means she can counter all or nothing nodes, as well as any other power gain nodes you may run into. If you do a medium hit to end your combo, and they’re at 3 bars of power, they will never get to an sp3 in something like an all or nothing scenario. This also just generally useful if you accidentally push your opponent to 3 bars of power.
From 0-99 hits, her attack increases for each combo hit. However above 100, she stops increasing her attack and starts dealing extra direct energy damage on her hits, which is where her huge damage comes from.
Her sp1 power drains for each digi soul, 20% for 1 and 40% for 2. Remember you use your digi souls on your pre fight so this is part of the trade off for the prefight, along with the extra combo shield and her regen when below 15% health.
Her sp2 inflicts spectre, which reversed healing (120% reduction) so that’s awesome utility.
Additionally when struck, she has a chance to activate her cloak. This causes all incoming attacks to miss. This can be a life saver.
You’re probably thinking, ‘how is she practical if I have to get to 100 hits every single fight?’ Well whether you actually thought that or not, you don’t necessarily need to.
If your opponent is at 5% or below, the sp3 knocks them out (it can be prevented and reduced, for example cheat death mechanics or big bosses)
When your sp3 knocks the opponent out, you start the next fight with 100 hits on your combo. So, you bypass the first 100 hits buildup of increasing your attack and you go straight to the energy damage increase. Big red numbers.
So, what does all this mean practically? Lots of fun. Lots of damage. Lots of uses.
Since she has power drain, heal reversal, ability to not crit, huge damage and also some decent regen, it makes her excellent for so many scenarios. She’s great for questing in act 6 too.
Your first fight will no doubt be a long one. You need to kill them without the huge energy damage bonus for a good portion of the fight. Just remember to finish each fight with an sp3 and every following fight will go so much faster. In matchups where you already have the 100 hits from the previous fight, I usually don’t throw any specials because by the time I get to my sp3, they’re either almost dead, or if I was to throw a special, or would die before I reached my sp3.
Oh one more thing - she’s a robot so that means immunity to bleed and poison - biohazard etc.
Hope this helps!
She's insane, I've used her for the hardest fights in the game
Her design is so badazz too
probably put cause of spideyfunko
I got her and almost immediately rank 5'ed her. Definitely a great champion (one of the best options for purely based on her abilities and not the fact that at the power level 6* R3 most decent champs would do well), immunities are super useful, pre-fight abilities are nice to have and definitely add some utility, does not crit, has access to great armor, crazy useful regen, and her damage IS LITERALLY INSANE (once you get past 100 hits is great, but if you start on 100 hit combo and then to 50-60 hits then big opponents will just melt away to nothing in no time)