Immortal Hulk seriously can't be THIS bad can he??

I've tried everything, I've watched everyone's video, why is he this bad?? Is there some secret way to play him? I want to like him, he's fun and looks so cool but so far hes really not good at all and has no useless that ive been able to find outside of 1 path in variant 1 and variant 4.
Can we get tips from the developer of immortal hulk? everyone whos tested and played him can't all be wrong. I truly hope we are though! but we seem to have a trend of 2 absolutely useless champs each year for the last couple of years -
2018 - Red Skull & Sentry
2019 - Diablo & Maw
2020 - Terrax & Air Walker but possibly air walker seems to be more useful than immortal hulk so please tell me im wrong lol
Side note, I am no noobie. I've completed all content in game 100% beside abyss (3 paths left) so it's not like I'm clueless with immortal hulk
Please help @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
Can we get tips from the developer of immortal hulk? everyone whos tested and played him can't all be wrong. I truly hope we are though! but we seem to have a trend of 2 absolutely useless champs each year for the last couple of years -
2018 - Red Skull & Sentry
2019 - Diablo & Maw
2020 - Terrax & Air Walker but possibly air walker seems to be more useful than immortal hulk so please tell me im wrong lol
Side note, I am no noobie. I've completed all content in game 100% beside abyss (3 paths left) so it's not like I'm clueless with immortal hulk
Please help @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
The problem is his mechanics simply don't work well together, some do when they game goes PERFECT! However other mechanics I question why they are even there.
- 25 percent petrify on sp3? triple it.
- Added damage on second hit of heavy that doesn't fit into rotation and does mediocre damage because no crits? Guarantee the crit or pause the rage stacks.
- Puts himself on deaths door just to be killed by almost any DOT in the game, blocked hits, parries, nodes, or thorns? HELP HERE.
- Kill myself, regen to 100 percent and kill myself again just to get the attack bonus that by the way doesn't carry from fight to fight meaning in some fights you need to regen TWICE? Double the attack increase.
- Ending a combo with a light attack that does nothing, which by the way if the situation isn't perfect will probably be the majority of your gameplay.
- Die with anything at all if your ability accuracy is lowered, heal block, or geez I really hope you don't have less than 15 radiation at the end of a quest, cause if any of those are happening, guess what!? KO.
- Not to mention he has so much potential but at the same time he has so many things holding him back! This guy could've been a game changer, instead he will be the champ someone plays in a daily quest because he's fun. So, unless some tweaks are made, unless someone finds some hidden game mechanic he has, you can forget about AQ, AW, Act 6, Cavalier, unless of course you have tons of units/ revives.
I could go on, but this guy has been torn apart by so many people that at this point if you don't see how he couldn't be fixed then idk what to say.
His petrify is fine. The one that you get from stacking gamma radiation is 70% and his debuffs amplify it.
Has way more utility than people give him credit for.
No more Quake. No more Ghost. These champs will never be made again. Learning to play the champs from the viewpoint of their mechanics would probably make the game more fun and have more options instead of dismissing champs because they're not "smashy" right from the get go.
There is also skill involved when playing him, which is an entire other conversation than his game mechanics.
I'll also say most people who want iHulk to be OP aren't really avid users of Ghost or Quake, since they also require some skill. Corvus is a smash away champ from the beginning. his dupe ability isn't as important. Fury is also one of those champs. To a degree, managing Torch's temperature, but he causes good damage right away.
You have to manage this champion differently, which is misunderstood, IMO.
When Tigra came out people didn't warm up to her. "There's something missing, there's something missing."
The skill of using her was missing. Her popularity is growing, and she's being used more and more.
Same thing will eventually happen here, maybe not to that extent. Saying things like "increase damage" or "more this or more that" won't get it done. Playing with numbers will help him, and eventually Kabam has to make the final call a-la Gambit.
I see where you are going but please do not even compare Tigra to IHulk lol not remotely the same, champs like ghost, quake, tigra, etc require high skill to play at the top level.
IHulk doesn't need more damage and I don't want him to be OP. OP champs break the game and need to be balanced imo. IHulk on the other hand, I see where the developers were going, they wanted a champ like fury where he can have a second life but still cause huge damage when played right. unfortunately for IHulk, his mechanics seem to be way to RNG reliant on the defender playing into you well and even when you play perfectly like ghost, quake or tigra, you are not rewarded in the same way because he simply causes too much damage to himself combined with a 50 second cool down! not to mention if the A.I goes passive for even 2 seoncds, you loose all your huge damage lol
If hulk had even a 20 second or no cooldown, I think most people wouldn't have an issue with him at all, you would be rewarded for playing perfectly but thats not the case. perhaps maybe a synergy for the cool down would avoid all this hate on him?
Medium Light Medium
Step 1.) Get your opponent to a bar and a half of power and make sure you have about two and a half bars of power.
Step 2.) As soon as they fire off their SP1 go in right away and medium light medium SP2, this should give you a stun and allow you to suppress the opponent power by 70%,
Step3.) You can actually play around his immortality like Phoenix, once you have him down at a decent health switch to MLLLL so you don’t kill your self. You enter the next fight full Health
My rank 1 Took off 25% off winter soilder and about 50 hits. Suicides on. Also, because you doing medium light medium your stacks of gamma radiation build up so you heal a lot more.
Sorry if I’m not that great at explaining
From what I've seen of the big youtubers most aren't trying to piece him together rationally, and to be fair I can understand that, if they see no merit in him or reason to be so invested in him to begin with. I don't know if this is how he should be played and I know this isn't how you get the most damage out of him, but its looks like a good example of how his kit can flow together when you try to make the most of it.
His unblockable lets you keep up his rage no problem, he can also tank certain special 3s if his suppression debuffs aren't enough during his immortality and healing, and finally at the end of the rotation he ends up with 100 gamma stacks. His strength in my opinion lies in being a nuclear bomb, vaporizing his opponents with some potentially insane burst damage. I imagine as a 5 or 6* he should nuke pretty much any fight, finishing it before his cooldown becomes a real headache.
I'm hoping he's still slightly being tweaked because why not? I don't know if the reason his deep dive isn't out yet is because they're still reworking him or if its just because it's taking them really long to remake, but I can't wait either way.