Suggestions for the December Event

With December rolling around the corner, most people think, including me that, that the gifting event is not returing. Of course there are some hopeful souls. Anyways, I have some suggestions for people including Kabam to look at. Just some side events to give rewards and make life a little easier. So, in the past Kabam has done a heals and revives event and in the christmas spirit I hope they do that again as well as an iso side quest and gold quest sort on like a rotating schedule. I'm pretty sure they have done something like this recently. I would also suggest a christmas calender that gives everyone some free greater gifting crystals and some regular ones should the gifting event not return. Add some shards and catalysts based on progression and I dont know, toss in some boosts and maybe a free Spider-Ham or the new Scarlet Witch. This would just allow some people to get access to gitfing crystals that got most of em last year from the gifting event and some extra gifts for the holidays.
Does anyone think this would be a good idea or are you a hopeful soul or do just disagree and have some other suggestions?
Does anyone think this would be a good idea or are you a hopeful soul or do just disagree and have some other suggestions?
Suggestions for the December Event 23 votes