Cyber Weekend T5cc Selector Concern

With the increased frequency of T5cc selector deals like today, I am all but certain that next week's deals will also be selectors. My concern is that we still have not gotten word when we’ll be able to open those selectors at our discretion as opposed to being forced to open them right away. In all likelihood people who’ve been looking forward to, or saving for next week will be forced to select their class before getting to open most of their 6* and then be sorely disappointed when not a single champ matches the class that they’d selected similar to the frustration many abyss explorers have felt. Just wanted to see if anyone was having similar concerns or if we could get some clarity on this.
More likely, if they ever decide to change how selectors work, they would (if they aren't completely crazy) test the new mechanics on something less important first. Like maybe the low tier catalyst selectors in the Black ISO store, where if something goes awry people won't flip out over it.
The selector crystals should go into inventory.
Just a thought.
Or for the lazy people, take a screenshot.
And want instant rewards without trying
Then get mad because I didn’t get what I want.
Oh wait, that’s a cry baby. My bad
If you’re trying to wait on choosing till after you open 6* crystals then buy the smaller deals and open as many 6*s as possible before you buy the deals with selectors.
I understand that that is how it is and that it’s unlikely to change. It’s just a little bit confusing and frustrating that there seems to be solutions to every problem that hurts Kabam but when it’s player friendly all of a sudden the technology doesn’t exist even though we’ve seen selectors come in through mail or abyss nexus crystals which give options of 10 very complex champs as opposed to 6 simple classes. But I’m to believe these ingenious designers and engineers can’t come up with some way to make this happen? Ok.
Does it change with you pulling champion X or Y? To an extent possibly, but at the moment I think that forming the catalyst in the first place is the key, after all as wonderful as it is for me to have my awakened 6* Ghost, I
still don’t really use her because the max sig 5* is better. The ability to make that power shift is the key, we can get a chance to be lucky with a god tier 3 times a month at least.