App Restarting on iOS 11

So I have an iPhone 7 and just updated to the new iOS 11. Ever since I have done so, whenever I am in the game, then swap to my browser, camera, iMessage, pretty much any other app, then I swap back, the game takes me back to the start up screen and reboots itself basically. I am assuming this is an issue with the iOS since it wasn’t doing it before but....

1. Does anybody know of a way (or a setting in the phone) to prevent this from happening?

2. Kabam, is there something you are able to do in the coding interface of the game to prevent this from happening with the new iOS update?



  • DonybDonyb Member Posts: 125
    This is also happening to me
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Thats why you don't update before Kabam does. Happened before. I'm waiting for the next patch or the maintenance to update to Ios 11. Hope it fixes your problems.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I am not sure it is just this game. My other apps restart more often too. I think that each new iOS version gets more and more bloated. Apps can stay loaded like they used to. I think the only thing you can do is try to shut down as much as possible, like background updating and unnecessary features.
  • SafiulSafiul Member Posts: 17
    Happening to me & my alliance members too. So frustrating.
  • gatra_hpgatra_hp Member Posts: 98
    yes it is happening to me also.
    never had this issue before updating to iOS11
  • RentonXDRentonXD Member Posts: 132
    Here too...
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Oddly, it did the same for me the day I installed iOS 11.
    After a day or so, somehow it stopped doing that and now it's acting like before.
    And no, I did not do anything that might have triggered, just regular use of phone and iPads..
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Happens to me. It's definitely a new function of iOS11. I just can't figure out how to stop it from happening.
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  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    yerp, happens to me as well. it's annoying.
  • themikithemiki Member Posts: 60
    iOS 11 stores memory in a different way to improve performance. Although it does this, it’s actually speeding the loading time by not having to remember all the apps running in the background.
  • themikithemiki Member Posts: 60
    iOS 11 stores memory in a different way to improve performance. Although it does this, it’s actually speeding the loading time by not having to remember all the apps running in the background.
  • RentonXDRentonXD Member Posts: 132
    Very great performance improval.. <.<

    But somehow other apps seem to handle this new memory management. They do not keep restarting or even go back to a starting page. Most apps remember there stats.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    It’s not like it’s an actual problem with the game. Yes it’s annoying but nothing to ask a fix for when there are other bugs that affect game play
  • RentonXDRentonXD Member Posts: 132
    Why we shouldn't ask for a fix just because there are other problems? Do you mean we should report only like one problem per week so the devs are not to stressed or something? O.o

    It’s a problem that’s more than just annoying.
  • ZantosZantos Member Posts: 3
    Have the new iPhone 8+ game reloads. Now no update.
  • GodMan114GodMan114 Member Posts: 45
    I've been plagued by this issue as well since iOS 11, and it's been way too long for this issue to keep going on. It's driving me nuts!
    I uninstalled/reinstalled and that didn't help =/
  • HuluhulaHuluhula Member Posts: 263
    This is happening to me as well but with multiple apps not just the game I took my phone into my local Apple store and they told me that it’s a common issue occurring with iOS 11
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  • 313rd313rd Member Posts: 160
    Mine too. iPhone 7+
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    Mine too. iPhone 7+
  • Captain_KandiceCaptain_Kandice Member Posts: 222 ★★
    Same. There is a lot of new weirdness with iOS 11. Not really a fan.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Heh, my MCoC restarts much more often than it used to, as does Line, but I am on 10.3.2 with an iPhone 5C. Started happening a couple patches ago in timeframe.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited October 2017
    Having the same issue with my brand new iPhone 8...

    I think, it’s more of a “crash” than a “restart due to the lack of memory”... Because: Even if no other app is open and I start MCOC and then just lock my screen whith the sleep-wake button... When I unlock the phone, I find the App crashed and closed... MOST of the times!

    When the same thing happened on my iPhone 6, I thought it was a RAM issue... But with the iPhone 8 having twice the RAM, and with the circumstances described above, I think the App just has a problem with “not being on screen”... be it when starting another app, or when locking the screen...
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  • KUROKURO Member Posts: 104
    Just recently the iOS users have received a notification from iOS developer to update the new software. 11.0.3 so the problems might be solved.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    KURO wrote: »
    Just recently the iOS users have received a notification from iOS developer to update the new software. 11.0.3 so the problems might be solved.

    I am running 11.0.3... No, issue ist not resolved.
  • CallmelaFleurCallmelaFleur Member Posts: 235 ★★
    Playing fine all morning and just started happening on my Note 8. Not sure what candy we are on OS wise.
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    Yes it’s really annoying. And they actually appreciate when we give them feedback on issues like this cause it helps them in the long run and even bring up the issue with apple. Even if you leave for a second it restarts! Then you have to go through the process of getting back into arena/quest/war whatever. And when you’re in a country with slow internet speeds it’s a huge drag.
  • gilberto3001gilberto3001 Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2017
    Just adding another 'voice' to this issue. I am 99.9% sure it is iOS 11 (all versions) related, but could in part be due to back-end coding for MCoC as well. I also play InJustice2 Mobile and that also restarts on switching apps, but only if I go back to it from another app. If it's from the home screen or notifications back to IJ2, it's fine (switching from another app most of the time it restarts) whereas MCoC does it no matter what I am coming from (home screen, notification, any other app). I have been searching to see if there is anything that can be done on the user end of things, but the best solution I have come across is this one; I found the solution to my issue, so I figured I would document in case someone runs into it as well. I was still using the Xcode 7.3.1 sdks, so iOS 9, and I switched to using Xcode 8 and that solved my issues completely.

    So it could be a two fold issue, basic memory/app management in iOS11.x as well as old app coding still in MCoC.

    Either way, it's frustrating as all hell when you switch back to the game from Line and have to watch those damned loading screens every. single. time!
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