When did they reduce units in event quests?

KillakerryKillakerry Member Posts: 15
Just did first path in guest 1.1 on master mode and no units. Did 1.2 and got 10 units. We use to get units in each section for completion.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,669 Guardian
    NORMAL and HEROIC the Units are in the individual Quests.

    But in MASTER and UC they are in the Chapters as a whole. So you did Master quests 1 and 2 of Chapter 1 before getting 10 Units for completion of Chapter itself (instead of quest 1 for 5 and then quest 2 for 5 as lower difficulties are).

    Not quite sure why the difference between difficulties, but Units seem to come out the same.
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