John Mulaney Challenge: Most ideal roster?



  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    Lmao said:

    What's a good mysterio counter?

    Red Magneto, believe it or not.
    Almost got a 1 shot on each fight vs him ... (and I don't consider myself that good .. :P )

    Yes I know he's not poison immune.
    No, I never got hit with poison ...

    4 hit combo into him until he gets to sp2 .. bait sp2, punish him with full combo after sp2 (miss fails vs Magneto :P )

    The downsides to the fight:
    - you don't have any power ... Mysterio's sp2 constantly drains you ..
    - no real opportunity to parry/heavy . .but if you can weave it in, knock yourself out.
    - bait sp2 .. or die. if he throws a sp1, you'll usually die pretty soon afterwards.
    - "sometimes" the ai decides to go completely passive, and turtles up in the corner. If this happens, you'll die due to poison.

    but that's about it ... mostly I found it really easy fight once I got into the rythym with him :)
  • xandersrevengexandersrevenge Member Posts: 267
    Just so everyone knows. Longshot if you have him is the mvp and then fury for spider ham. I almost lost hope because my rank 5 medusa kept dying and I kept reviving fighting mysterio, but longshot suprisingly saved my butt against of all people, mysterio. Good luck
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★
    edited December 2020

    Just so everyone knows. Longshot if you have him is the mvp and then fury for spider ham. I almost lost hope because my rank 5 medusa kept dying and I kept reviving fighting mysterio, but longshot suprisingly saved my butt against of all people, mysterio. Good luck

    I used AA for HTD & GP. Aegon for the rest and used the first GP fight to ramp him up to 999.

    Spider-Ham fight was over in around 20secs and all the other fights with Aegon was pretty similar.
  • xandersrevengexandersrevenge Member Posts: 267

    Just so everyone knows. Longshot if you have him is the mvp and then fury for spider ham. I almost lost hope because my rank 5 medusa kept dying and I kept reviving fighting mysterio, but longshot suprisingly saved my butt against of all people, mysterio. Good luck

    I used AA for HTD & GP. Aegon for the rest and used the first GP fight to ramp him up to 999.

    Spider-Ham fight was over in around 20secs and all the other fights with Aegon was pretty similar.
    Congrats, but I only have a 4 star aegon. Us non aegoners need alternatives.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Just so everyone knows. Longshot if you have him is the mvp and then fury for spider ham. I almost lost hope because my rank 5 medusa kept dying and I kept reviving fighting mysterio, but longshot suprisingly saved my butt against of all people, mysterio. Good luck

    I used AA for HTD & GP. Aegon for the rest and used the first GP fight to ramp him up to 999.

    Spider-Ham fight was over in around 20secs and all the other fights with Aegon was pretty similar.
    Congrats, but I only have a 4 star aegon. Us non aegoners need alternatives.
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  • xandersrevengexandersrevenge Member Posts: 267
    Egor_135 said:

    Guys please suggest me a team which will require minimum item use.

    Try the first line without using any revives. From what I see put in fury, aegon, cap mm, Claire voyant, and corvus or switch corvus out for magneto. If your good with aegon without the combo protection synergy with starlord, keep aegon in and do the quit technique that people do before you die, and revive back for the next match to continue your streak of combos to 999. Ifffff not, then try out claire voyant or magik for howard the duck. Gwenpool, you have to keep a streak of debuffs ex bleed on the opponent. So clairvoyant, fury, or even black widow (shock ability one), but remember that there's also a bane node. Next one is warlock. If you have willpower, warlock will degen you slowly, so quick killers like corvus, cap mm or stark Spidey will work. You can also try magneto (who I used) but it's a process. Next up is deadpool, use any degen champs that will slow down his regen. I used warlock, but try out magik with her nullify or Claire voyant, and lastly the mf'er that made me use so much revives was mysterio. He regens and has poison so I would try cap mm for him or clair voyant. It's looki g like claire voyant might be your mvp. And final boss would be aegon or fury. Fury is easy cheese. You party then heavy till he dies. Don't activate any specials until you have a line past your other line because of the languor node. But with his second life, fury killed spider pig fast. Hope this helps.
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  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,630 ★★★★
    Average player here. Did Ch2 with G2099 R2, BWCV R5, CAPIW R5, Quake R5, and NF R5.
    Seems others on this thread had same/similar roster and used much less items. I typically don't intercept, so someone who is proficient with intercepting can probably half the item usage, and someone who is masterful in intercepting can probably do it itemless.

    MVP: G2099 - Used to one-shot HTD, Deadpool. Didn't use DigiSouls, as the regen at 15% kept me topped off ~40% the entire quest. I wasted some banked 100 combo on Mysterio, who was annoying to fight. But building the combo back up on HTD was no problem. She also easily finished off the remaining 50% health on the Boss Spider-Ham with just simple Parry-Heavy or Parry-Medium. Although she would have worked for the Gwenpool fight, I didn't want to risk her 100 hit combo on Bane node.

    Quake - Designated Warlock matchup. Able to one-shot on majority of the lanes. A bonus is that if Crumbling Armor processes and applies Armor break, you can heal up from Willpower. I also used her against Spider-Ham boss, and was able to take off 30-40% health. Parry-heavy a couple of times to get your power level to at least 50% of SP1. Then you can quake and bake (so that you gain power from getting hit into your block). I managed to bait SP1 and get off a few quake cycles before getting KO'd.

    BWCV - Designated GP matchup. With Lvl 1 revive (20% health), you can heal all the way back up to 100% over the course of the fight. It is very touch and go in the beginning, as you'll only invariably have your SP2 heal going when you're in single digit health. One-shot a few times, but other times wasn't able to time Bane all too well. Tried to use her against Mysterio, but found it difficult to fight him, so decided to just use her against GP.

    CAPIW: Used him in early lanes for Deadpool - mostly just parry to keep petrify up and let the regen erase the health pool. Otherwise, tried used him against Mysterio. Parry heavy to trigger masochism, parry heavy, parry a few times more so petrify is up when Masochism triggers again. Since CapIW was placing a bunch of debuffs on him, the unblockable SP1 kept on getting me unprepared. Still not a really perfect matchup, so definitely wasted a bunch of items.

    NF: Useful against the first GP, but got KO'd on the second GP. I decided to leave him that way for the 20% boost, and planned to revive him for boss if needed. Otherwise, his evade synergy with Quake definitely helped me out a lot throughout the quest.

    22 Lvl 1 Revives, 6 Lvl 2 revives, plus smattering of health potions. These were all saved items and overflow items, so luckily I am still well stocked with revives. Lanes 1-3 itemless, then progressively started using more with most on Lane 6. I'd say 75% of my items use was on Mysterio. His AI was annoying - throwing unprompted heavies at random times, which is hard to avoid since its so quick.

    If I practiced against Mysterio a few more times, definitely could have decreased item usage. Or potentially, replace CapIW with another option specifically to counter Mysterio.
  • K1aymationK1aymation Member Posts: 12
    What's a good alternative champ against warlock? I cant quake n bake or use quake great at all.
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