Glory Help

I'm close (10k to 2k shards) to getting 3 t4cc from 3 classes, but I only have 4 basic catalysts now.The only source of t4cc shards for me are 1 map 5 crystal and 4 map 4 crystals each aq week, as well as the shard crystals from monthly event quest.

I get basic cats from the event quest, 13k shards each week from aq and from the calendar. But I don't do the catalyst arena cause I don't have the time these days. I really want to rank my champs asap to help with act 5 and rttl.

What would be the best use of my glory, buying basic catalysts or buying the glory crystals for t4cc shards? I get 1030 glory aproximately by the end of each aq week.


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,344 ★★★★★
    Every second purchase of the same item within a week (?) has increased cost until the timer resets.

    I suppose it would be a consideration to get one of each at the lowest cost.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,119 ★★★★★
    I base it on what I need at the time. If I need Alphas, I buy them. Not that often, but they're there. Usually I spend it on T4Bs. My suggestion is to base it on what you need at the time. It's a flowing Resource if you're in an active Ally, so you will make more.
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