Apocalypse AQ Boss : Can we take a second to see how restrictive this new AQ boss is.



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  • PirateJonPirateJon Member Posts: 82
    Agree remove persistent charges and regen.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Lol, thread got moved.
  • TwNc19TwNc19 Member Posts: 9

    People had same thoughts when doom came out
    doom had unblockable specials too and even block penetration

    now same story they repeat for apocalypse
    start learning how to dex instead of making excuses like it will miss and fight will end then get better at dexing and practice more obviously instead of making excuses about dying

    day1 map5 one of my ally mates soloed apoc
    on day2 map6 me and him took him out with g2099 yet again

    its not even stubborn like in war just go intercepting with other champs if needed and dex the specials ffs

    "frame drop" and all is your fault not kabam's. I myself have a very old phone which crashes the game every 30mins. I know thats my device I don't come running screaming at kabam to fix my device

    This isn’t true at all. I have a brand new iPhone 12 max pro and the game crashes for me every 20 minutes. I also has frame drops just about every fight. Don’t say it’s our fault when you don’t even have a new phone to make an educated comment.
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  • Realm_Of_RahRealm_Of_Rah Member Posts: 430 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    I really think all they need to do is remove Vigor, his sp1 is horrible to evade granted but the sp2 isn't too difficult - has the same timing as VTD sp2 and IMIW's sp1 just an extra dex. Also as someone mentioned Apoc's specials eat up so much time for the Vigor node its just silly.
  • Realm_Of_RahRealm_Of_Rah Member Posts: 430 ★★★
    Also people are saying Guilly2099 and Ghost, I'd imagine Doc Ock with his high block proficiency build up and constant heal block on block and Tigra with despair + miss specials entirely would be good counters as well.
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  • TwNc19TwNc19 Member Posts: 9

    TwNc19 said:

    People had same thoughts when doom came out
    doom had unblockable specials too and even block penetration

    now same story they repeat for apocalypse
    start learning how to dex instead of making excuses like it will miss and fight will end then get better at dexing and practice more obviously instead of making excuses about dying

    day1 map5 one of my ally mates soloed apoc
    on day2 map6 me and him took him out with g2099 yet again

    its not even stubborn like in war just go intercepting with other champs if needed and dex the specials ffs

    "frame drop" and all is your fault not kabam's. I myself have a very old phone which crashes the game every 30mins. I know thats my device I don't come running screaming at kabam to fix my device

    This isn’t true at all. I have a brand new iPhone 12 max pro and the game crashes for me every 20 minutes. I also has frame drops just about every fight. Don’t say it’s our fault when you don’t even have a new phone to make an educated comment.
    game crash on new phones and all is a separate issue, apocalypse being the AQ boss isn't doing that at all now is it?
    would hawkeye being the AQ boss suddenly solve your new iphone issue? smh
    go rant about frame drop in a new device in another thread not somewhere we are discussing the strength of an AQ boss
    everyone across the game can have that issue, you on your own cant start making up excuses like that to justify your complaint about apocalypse being the boss
    Didn’t say anything about the apocalypse boss in my response did I. I just commented on the part you brought up about the crashing and lag issue being our fault. It is not our fault like you say it is. I have had to take down apocalypse every day in AQ so far. I know it is a separate issue, I am just commenting on you comment saying the crash and lag issues are our fault and not kabams
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  • Warlord5386Warlord5386 Member Posts: 245 ★★
    What about guardian? Is he good?
  • Darth_StewieDarth_Stewie Member Posts: 390 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    I completely agree with everyone on this thread btw...this boss shouldn't be this difficult, generally speaking.

    I just wanted to put in my 2 cents
  • SHUGENJASHUGENJA Member Posts: 37
    It isn't just the Boss that makes the new changes suck. The Ultron Drones are tougher fights. They dont respond to damage the same. Kabam reduced the healing effectiveness of the science doombots (now Ultron drones) so players can't really heal up their champions. My alliance is almost dead before even making it to the boss. Unless you have a Corvus, many people are going to have to spend units for healings and revives. If you do have a corvus, you were probably taking it to AW due to the stupid nodes at War so...I agree with everyone that these changes are jsut another unit grab that makes the game less fun to play.

    I already only play war becasuse I like the guys in my alliance and about half of them still want to do AW. AQ was really all that was lef that was fun except for the occasional monthly quest like we had a few months ago. I think my time in the game is coming to an end.
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    How about make a node that can apply heal block if you perform an action?
    Have actions like
    Light ending combo
    Three Dexes
    4 parries
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  • OneMast3rOneMast3r Member Posts: 331 ★★

    @OneMast3r people like you should be **** in this game

    That makes no sense? People like me? That sounds racist.

    I have the same good max ranked champs as everyone else and none of my crew is having any issues with the new bosses or mini bosses.

    Kabam made a change. All those alliances that run with 8 to 9 bad players to clear paths and 1 or 2 decent players for the bosses and minis bosses are now going to fail.

    This also means alliances are now changing who they use as attackers and defenders and in aw to do better in aq. I bet a lot of alliances are dropping wars like crazy now too.

    This is great news for me. Since we do both aw and aw just fine it will give me more rewards and recruiting options when I have to replace an inactive account.

    So by "people like me" you must mean people who are succeeding and getting better rewards because they don't rely on one person per bg to get a top team reward.

    I hope they make it more challenging to be honest.
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  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    Edeuink said:

    How about make a node that can apply heal block if you perform an action?
    Have actions like
    Light ending combo
    Three Dexes
    4 parries

    As if he wasnt hard enough already
    Sorry, I should have explained that the node would apply heal block to apoc as a way to counter the vigor. That way, you could focus on brining an apoc counter and the would give you a way to counter vigor.
  • njandynjandy Member Posts: 238
    so far this week my recourse usage in aq quest has cost me 1080 glory worth of potions and revives just to help my team clear the map. normally i don’t have to spend a cent of my glory on anything other than rank up recourses. i stopped playing war because of this. if i’m going to be spending a 1/4 of my glory on potions for aq from now on i’m just done with the game. i don’t have one of the 4 counters available for the fight so i’m stuck. went from easily putting up 6mill points to struggling to put up 3mill. this isn’t how aq should be
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  • njandynjandy Member Posts: 238

    njandy said:

    so far this week my recourse usage in aq quest has cost me 1080 glory worth of potions and revives just to help my team clear the map. normally i don’t have to spend a cent of my glory on anything other than rank up recourses. i stopped playing war because of this. if i’m going to be spending a 1/4 of my glory on potions for aq from now on i’m just done with the game. i don’t have one of the 4 counters available for the fight so i’m stuck. went from easily putting up 6mill points to struggling to put up 3mill. this isn’t how aq should be

    1080 on potions a week isnt that bad idk why that's such a huge issue to you. If you don't wanna do aq then don't do it, I get that some people don't like the boss but I have 0 clue why people map 5 and below are complaining, once people get used to the boss it will be fine, and I almost guarantee that at least 3 people in ur bg will have some counter to the boss.
    1080 units annoys be me because i rarely ever need to buy potions. people in map 5 are complaining because we’re progressing players trying to grow accounts. i don’t have a counter to the fight at all but there are two members in my bg that have counters but they aren’t top tier players. if they make a mistake others need to take shots. the new aq boss requires too specific of a counter and too high of a skill level of most map 5 players.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,667 ★★★★
    Apocalypse’s sp1 isn’t that bad to dexterity. Need muscle memory to back away in time. Just now I was able to fully dexterity the first beam by doing duel target Apocalypse and I think it’s a good start for everyone to learn the timing before trying a solo on AQ.
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