
so as we all know there are size tags in this game, here i have put 2 size: s champs and 2 size: m champs wanna take a guess as to which is which?
if you guessed electro and iron fist as size:m champs, i got bad news for you, theyre the small champs.
WHY is this the case, i can kinda understand maw being medium bc at least hes tall, but prof x has a smaller build than like 90% of the champs tagged size: s, as a matter of fact, all of the spiders and females (except she hulk and morningstar) are taggesd size s despite being the same size or bigger than prof x, why?!?!?!?
Go look at Morningstar and figure out how the heck she’s size L
So a champ is a specific size because it is.
With all the spandex going on this game, not to mention the many different types of underwear options, you really can't judge just by looks alone. We also have to determine things like material, body types (especially those stuffed into the tightest spandex known to man).
Morningstar is wearing metal chonies and they have to be large to avoid chaffing from the lack of stretchiness. Can you imagine doing a front leg kick wearing metal underwear with no give? Ouch!