Honest review: Underrated or Overrated: GUILLOTINE 2099!!!!!

Guillotine 2099 is has recently been called impractical and overrated. Today we are going the analyse this champion to see if she deserves her place as top 3 tech. She has one of the highest damage output in the entire game with good sustainability and unique utility.
Her most unique ability is that she does not have the ability to naturally crit unless you have a specific function active. While this may seem like a downside, the damage is compensated by equal degeneration damage, which is a rare DOT with specific immunity countering it. This may seem unnessesary, but this actually allows Guillotine 2099 to bypass nodes and fight Mr. Sinister and Scarlet witch and other champs that punish crits. This ability is niche but very valuable, with only Guardian having the same ability. Most of her abilities come from Digi-Souls. You start with two Digi-Souls and you gain them back every fight. You can consume them to activiate functions.
Huntress Function: 20th attack on the Combo meter is a critical hit. Tip: Using a special on the 20th hit makes the whole special crit. This is extra damage, but I don’t recommend it because the other functions provide more utility. BUT you should use this in the first fight as
the other functions require 100 hits to activate.
Stability Function: Above 100 hits, which means you need to have thrown a sp3 in the last fight, you can life steal 5% of damage dealt on a medium attack. This isn’t much, but combined with the Armor and Self Repair, the sustainability is solid.
Assault Function: This also triggers over 100 hits, and power drains 5% if the opponents max power, combined with her sp1, this makes her a great power controller.
I would NOT recommend you to use both your Digi-Soul unless its for a specific fight. Having at least one Digi-Soul increases her max combo Shield, the duration of her Digi Cloak, as well as the strength of her regeneration. Having at least 1 Soul gives you an armor buff as well, which makes her tankier and makes her a Havok counter.
Her main damage comes from her combo meter. Its actually not impractical at all to reach 100 hits. You just need to get to a sp3 and it’s a guaranteed kill at 5% hp. The only situation you can’t get to a sp3 is if you need to spam sp1 or there’s a node. Or… you kill them too fast. Its actually not that punishing to get hit to your combo meter. If you have at least 1 Digi-Soul, you have 4 combo shields to rely on, as well as the Digi Cloak, which gives you a chance to miss. Not to mention if you’re awakened, you get a automatic combo shield.
Her damage over 400 hits is UNPRECENDENTED. Because of the guaranteed energy damage, she has basically the damage if the Thing with 6 passive furies but every hit crits. That’s the damage we’re talking about. At 100 hits, it’s a modest 3x her base damage, which is already consistent other top tier champs.
Her utility makes her a sustainable power controller with unprecedented damage and a Havok counter, a Mr. Sinister counter and a counter to other nodes. Oh wait… not to mention her heal reversal and her double immunity. So… if anything Guillotine 2099 is a UNDERRATED champion.
Her most unique ability is that she does not have the ability to naturally crit unless you have a specific function active. While this may seem like a downside, the damage is compensated by equal degeneration damage, which is a rare DOT with specific immunity countering it. This may seem unnessesary, but this actually allows Guillotine 2099 to bypass nodes and fight Mr. Sinister and Scarlet witch and other champs that punish crits. This ability is niche but very valuable, with only Guardian having the same ability. Most of her abilities come from Digi-Souls. You start with two Digi-Souls and you gain them back every fight. You can consume them to activiate functions.
Huntress Function: 20th attack on the Combo meter is a critical hit. Tip: Using a special on the 20th hit makes the whole special crit. This is extra damage, but I don’t recommend it because the other functions provide more utility. BUT you should use this in the first fight as
the other functions require 100 hits to activate.
Stability Function: Above 100 hits, which means you need to have thrown a sp3 in the last fight, you can life steal 5% of damage dealt on a medium attack. This isn’t much, but combined with the Armor and Self Repair, the sustainability is solid.
Assault Function: This also triggers over 100 hits, and power drains 5% if the opponents max power, combined with her sp1, this makes her a great power controller.
I would NOT recommend you to use both your Digi-Soul unless its for a specific fight. Having at least one Digi-Soul increases her max combo Shield, the duration of her Digi Cloak, as well as the strength of her regeneration. Having at least 1 Soul gives you an armor buff as well, which makes her tankier and makes her a Havok counter.
Her main damage comes from her combo meter. Its actually not impractical at all to reach 100 hits. You just need to get to a sp3 and it’s a guaranteed kill at 5% hp. The only situation you can’t get to a sp3 is if you need to spam sp1 or there’s a node. Or… you kill them too fast. Its actually not that punishing to get hit to your combo meter. If you have at least 1 Digi-Soul, you have 4 combo shields to rely on, as well as the Digi Cloak, which gives you a chance to miss. Not to mention if you’re awakened, you get a automatic combo shield.
Her damage over 400 hits is UNPRECENDENTED. Because of the guaranteed energy damage, she has basically the damage if the Thing with 6 passive furies but every hit crits. That’s the damage we’re talking about. At 100 hits, it’s a modest 3x her base damage, which is already consistent other top tier champs.
Her utility makes her a sustainable power controller with unprecedented damage and a Havok counter, a Mr. Sinister counter and a counter to other nodes. Oh wait… not to mention her heal reversal and her double immunity. So… if anything Guillotine 2099 is a UNDERRATED champion.
*Cries externally*
- the prerelease package
- cavalier crystals
- 5 star featured with doom
- (Missed the 6 star featured, not gud enough)
- The Incursion crystals when he existed
- Every dual class crystal (except that 1 month when I went for mutants) since its release
No doom! Money spent. Time spent. All my shards spent. But I like Doom too much to quit.
Damage, what we talking at r5, 20-30k crit range?
I usually concentrating too much on them missing to really notice the numbers.
If so warlock, Hyperion, night thrasher, she hulk, domino all hit in that range and above from my r5s. Maybe aegon, and g99 ramped enough. Cull has got to be up there but I don’t use him.
Agent must summon his inner Drax.
Non-critting: spiked armor, terminal velocity, rage, etc
Assault function: energise, all or nothing, vivified, etc. I've taken out a Hyperion boss in sector 8 of Incursions who had both aspect of evolution and rage with this prefight alone, and still ended with SP 3 without worry.
Digicloak: encroaching stun (if you get stunned from the node, you can just sit there and get hit in some scenarios. Her big armor rating is doubled, and she can activate her digicloak in the middle of getting hit which she uses to phase all the damage. Although, I wouldn't recommend this, lol), etc
Auxiliary energy damage above 100 hits: physical resistance nodes, heavy armor nodes, flux dispersal, power shield, etc. In general, any node that prevents your actual hits from doing any damage, the energy damage is separate and therefore still does damage. For the fact it's tied to base attack scaling only, she counters every node that reduces her attack like the ones in act 5.3.
Also, the energy damage goes so high as to overpower nodes like caustic temper, thunderstruck, etc.
Combo meter abilities/combo shield: immediately disables nodes like prove yourself or Lazarus. With her combo shield, you can ignore the damage from combo party, etc
Degen debuff: polkadot power, diss track (to an extent), etc
The stability function and self repair are more for sustainability, and the huntress function I don't really use much.
There's a lot more nodes she can directly counter that I might be forgetting.