Can You Log In to Your Account if it is already logged in?

HI, everyone! Cosmicray 13 here and recently My tablet broke and In the game, I was Logged into my account. so I was wondering when I get a new tablet will it tell me that I can't log into my account because it's already logged into another device? My screen cracked really bad so I can't log out and I'm guessing when I take it back to the store it will be wiped but I don't know for sure. Just wondering. Thanks!
~cosmicray 13
~cosmicray 13
Second step, log in
Third step, keep us posted.
If you're logged into one device and than log into another it just logs you out of the previous one
For example, i play on 2 devices, if im logged into my acct on my ipad and then open up the game on my phone it will kick me out on the ipad saying "you have been logged into this acct on another device"
Thank you two! good to know