focus on 6* or still rank 5*'s?

i've recently experienced an excellent windfall of good 6* champs but i also have some really good 5*'s ready for r5.
so who should i rank? should i start focusing on 6*'s now?
*background - cavalier, not currently running suicides, only maxed champs right now are CG, OR, DR.D, Warlock.
oh, and i have ghost in a 6* and 5* duped, but i'm still not very good at her style.
so who should i rank? should i start focusing on 6*'s now?
*background - cavalier, not currently running suicides, only maxed champs right now are CG, OR, DR.D, Warlock.
oh, and i have ghost in a 6* and 5* duped, but i'm still not very good at her style.
focus on 6* or still rank 5*'s? 41 votes
i usually only rank up when the champ gets duped unless the dont need it or i just really like them. i try to rank for fun but recently i've been more careful because i want to start clearing more content and resources are scarce. all the ones in the poll are great champs, fun to play, and the ones that need to be duped, are. its a good problem to have but i almost missed the days when you had only one good champ so you knew everything went into that champ.
Ghost is great too, but its a big ambiguous with the way you wrote with she's duped or not as a 6*. I really dislike playing unduped ghost.