T4cc crystal opening, RNG cooked!?

Having had an overflow of science in my stash, and a high amount of skill and mystic T4cc I decided to trade 10 my science and 4 of skill and mystic each. I opened 30 T4cc crystals in hopes of obviously getting other varieties. This is what I got. I personally believe the odds of receiving this many science and skill T4cc's is very low, and it beggars the obvious question of whether the RNG is cooked to work against us, depleting our resources. The other bizarre thing is I opened 30 crystals and show a sum total of 41 T4cc's. Look at the number of science and skill crystals I received!

This is a Visual Display bug, present when opening bunches of several different types of crystals. You didn’t actually get 41 Cats from opening only 30x T4CC crystals.
The counts showing what you got are sometimes much higher that the actual # of crystals you opened. Also with Sig Stone crystals, and ones that give Heals/Energy/etc.
I'll so always wonder when people will post equally when they get what they wanted and when they don't. If you got 10 mutant and 10 tech, would RNG be "cooked"? Of course not.
Next thing you'll tell me is the game knows how many champs I have.
Again, thanks for sharing your opinion...