in theory OG spider man could be a mutant having undergone a genetic mutation after the famous bite and not a scientific one but we still missing a mystic one....
The Mutant class are for Xmen related characters, not anyone that's undergone a mutation. Or the entire science class would probably be in the Mutants lol.
The Mutant class are for Xmen related characters, not anyone that's undergone a mutation. Or the entire science class would probably be in the Mutants lol.
The Mutant class are for Xmen related characters, not anyone that's undergone a mutation. Or the entire science class would probably be in the Mutants lol.
in theory OG spider man could be a mutant having undergone a genetic mutation after the famous bite and not a scientific one but we still missing a mystic one....
in theory OG spider man could be a mutant having undergone a genetic mutation after the famous bite and not a scientific one but we still missing a mystic one....
in theory OG spider man could be a mutant having undergone a genetic mutation after the famous bite and not a scientific one but we still missing a mystic one....
Technically Man-Spider would count as a mutant..
I thought that was the Sider-Doppelganger? Did they give him a name in a comic I haven't read?
in theory OG spider man could be a mutant having undergone a genetic mutation after the famous bite and not a scientific one but we still missing a mystic one....
Technically Man-Spider would count as a mutant..
I thought that was the Sider-Doppelganger? Did they give him a name in a comic I haven't read?
You're thinking of the doppelganger, he's a seperate character.
in theory OG spider man could be a mutant having undergone a genetic mutation after the famous bite and not a scientific one but we still missing a mystic one....
Technically Man-Spider would count as a mutant..
I thought that was the Sider-Doppelganger? Did they give him a name in a comic I haven't read?
We don’t need more spidermen. We need some of the existing ones buffed. And even if we don’t have that I’d rather have some of the Spider-Man villains than more versions of him.
Mr Sinister is also technically not a mutant, but infact a mutate. He was born a human. Maybe it's his connection with the X-Men that landed him in the mutant class, or mutates are just considered mutants for the sake of the game.
I'm getting fed up with most people demanding another Spider-Man champ, there's hundreds if not thousands of different characters within the Marvel Universe to choose from but I suppose Spidey is all that anyone thinks of when they think Marvel
Mr Sinister is also technically not a mutant, but infact a mutate. He was born a human. Maybe it's his connection with the X-Men that landed him in the mutant class, or mutates are just considered mutants for the sake of the game.
Hard to say, it's a bit incosistent. All Deadpools are yellow but Squirrel Girl is red. Unless we're going by "all SG stats actually apply to Tippy Toe" explanation.
The Mutant class are for Xmen related characters, not anyone that's undergone a mutation. Or the entire science class would probably be in the Mutants lol.
Of course not. Mutants are those who have undergone natural genetic mutation. Not for X men
Nope its for the species Homo Superior, or the Mutants. they're a seperate species in Marvel, which the entire Mutant class is.
Then there’s spider-gwen
and spider-ham
Not a mutant
Chameleon, Sandman, Lizard, Scorpion, Shocker etc
Spider-Man India, Spider-Man Noir, Spirit Spider come to mind.
For mutant I guess we can go for Man-Spider or maybe Mayday Parker?