R5 5* domino vs R2 6* nick both awakened

So i got extremely hooked up yesterday and also screwed now
I have 3 t5 cats
I was going to rank 2 my awakened nick fury
(Dont have a a 5* deadpool)
Now i got hooked with a 5* domino awakaned.
(Have 5* masacre and 6*redhulk)
Who will benefit me most?
My act 5 is 100%
Priorities are variant and act 6
I have 3 t5 cats
I was going to rank 2 my awakened nick fury
(Dont have a a 5* deadpool)
Now i got hooked with a 5* domino awakaned.
(Have 5* masacre and 6*redhulk)
Who will benefit me most?
My act 5 is 100%
Priorities are variant and act 6
R5 5* domino vs R2 6* nick both awakened 33 votes
Domino is better in variants overall.
It’s not that clean cut.
Nick with suicides and 5/5 DW is a monster, but requires a lot of pots and revives