Finally got AEgon

After years of saving sig stones and having to waste more than a few in blade for no real purpose
Finally i got him

Now for AOL easy path completion
Do I need torch awakened or not?
I know he needs it for mephisto but then after that?
Finally i got him

Now for AOL easy path completion
Do I need torch awakened or not?
I know he needs it for mephisto but then after that?
1.) dont get hit
2.) dont get hit
3.) dont get hit
Dash back, hold block, wait for the opponent to dash in and release heavy to get comboed into it. You have safeguard during that, so you won’t lose more than 5% health. The more hits you receive during your heavy the more furies you will build, up to a maximum of six of course.
Then you have about two full combos, till these furies expire, to hit like a truck.
To have an idea, a 5/65 Aegon hits for ~100k per combo during these furies 😱
I took him to sig200 at R1