Updated my tier list, communities opinion?

So recently I found my Xcel document with my old tier list. Took a while to update some things but I think I’ve done a pretty good job. For those who like tier lists/want to give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism how do you feel about this. There will be some mistakes that I haven’t seen and I’m just trying to get the most well rounded list.

Any advice about changes I should make (negative or positive) I have played most of the champions on this list but I’m not a pro at all of them.
Finally if you are someone who doesn’t like/use/care about tier lists then 1. Why click on this post? Tier list is in the title, 2. Please don’t just spam the comments with “OMG tier lists are so useless” or “I personally don’t like them this was a waste of time for everyone”. Just because you don’t use them doesn’t mean there’s no demand.

Any advice about changes I should make (negative or positive) I have played most of the champions on this list but I’m not a pro at all of them.
Finally if you are someone who doesn’t like/use/care about tier lists then 1. Why click on this post? Tier list is in the title, 2. Please don’t just spam the comments with “OMG tier lists are so useless” or “I personally don’t like them this was a waste of time for everyone”. Just because you don’t use them doesn’t mean there’s no demand.
and sunspot in beyond god tier... no
plus it’s spelt Colossus not Collosus
Also Drax is just there bc he got dragged along with Magneto and Xcel started playing up and I cba to spend 5 minutes moving it.
Void, Red guardian and Sorcerer should be a tier up.
Apocalypse and Sunspot are too highly rated
Vision aarkus should be demigod tier minimum
Red Hulk is in the same tier as Og Cap
CAIW and Hyperion aren’t in beyond god tier
Longshot is too high
Your list is not full of holes... But it is hole itself..
Cap IW needs 200 sigs to be beyond god and in the current 6* focused meta that’s still pretty far off. Also as a long time Cap and Hype user I just think Cap isn’t on that same insane level.
Haven’t played any Red Guardian but I’ll probably move him up.
Sorcerer should be up a tier but idk about other peoples opinions on that. I love her and think she’s 2nd best in mystic but I’m unsure how well that will go down
Void I might move up. Was unsure as to where to put him as I’ve literally never used him.
Sunspot I’ll move down fine
Apocalypse stays there. He has the potential to completely change so many champions and himself is a banger.
Vision Aarkus I cen see moving up Idk bout that. I’ve used him a lot and without suicides full boosts he can be underwhelming in a lot of longer content. Also in places like 6.3 and onwards he is much harder to use. Still great but not that good.
Seeing CAIW below Sunspot and Thing told me you haven’t played with more than a 4* unduped CAIW
@Kill_Grey That beyond god tier is meant to be reserved for those champs that if rerun in Cav crystals would see people buying them in the masses. Tbh anything from the high god tier I would R3 as a 6* immidiately.
that is the worst argument I’ve ever heard. At least Nick is also great
Ghost needs Hood (and Wasp, but not as much) to reach her true potential
Corvus in Beyond God. Damage through the roof, indestructible is crazy, a LOT of reach as an r3 6-Star
Sparkles in Beyond God. Same as Corvus, but still has great reach even as 5/65.
Torch in Beyond God. Just my personal opinion though, not too bad in high god. Heal block is insane (can reduce regen rate by 60% 3 hits into a fight). Mystic annihilator. His pre-fight ability is stupidly insane and with it, he has soooo much burst damage for a lot of stuff. Thrives when there are energy attacks (becoming more popular) and some immunities and miss countering to top it off. Not to mention incinerates for diss track.
Hype in beyond god. Damage is insane, bonus points if you can heavy counter. Great for both buffed up and diss track. Poison immune, so can be used for poison nodes and caustic temper. Regen for decent Sustainability. Armor break and incinerates coupled with power gain. High energy Resistance allows him to be viable option for incinerate nodes, shock nodes and other energy damage nodes (bonus points if you run WP).
Void AND Cap IW in Beyond God. Lumped them together bc they do alot of the same things. Firstly, heal block. With FOTV or 2 Petrifies, void can heal block amazingly. Any additionaly debuffs (found all over his kit) reverses it greatly. Cap can heal reverse in a 3 parries with max despair. 1% regen, aggression regen, buffet, maso, and many other things get countered so hard by both of these 2.
Power control. Pretty much the same thing. I ise void a LOT for hype, Kt, and all types of other stuff. Cap IW can do the same thing in once again, a matter of parries.
Let's seperate them now. Void is like the king of diss track once you get going, which also synergizes well with despair. I see a lot of complaints about his damage, but you'll want that sig 200 for that full potential (got mine at sig 160 and his damage is great). When you get 2 FOTVs active, you reduce regen rate by 200% and power gain rate by the same. Not saying that's easily accessible, but it can be done and it's insane when done. You can also technically super slow play void by cornering yourself and spamming parry. Incin immunity and low base damage for nodes like backblast and rage.
Cap IW. 2nd best science 100%. Coming from the owner of an r2 Torch also. I've gone over part of his kit already, but there is more to cover. Firstly, Sustainability. Through the ROOF. Perfect block and glancing for days. Simple but efficient playstyle of parry and heavy. You technically don't even need to stun the opponent either. If they are stun immune, spam parry and build to sp3. Bleeds for diss track. Not to mention purify, unstoppable countering and great synergies. Also, he's technically not synergy reliant either, you just need a solid champ of a certain class for his sig ability.
Ronan in good. Self explanatory.
Rhulk in god easily. If it were me, he qould be high god. Hazard shift for starters, not to mention incin and poison nodes. Stustainable as hell with the big damage to match. Simple but efficient champ that has found his way back into the meta.
Sentinel and Emma in God.
Tigra in High God. High skill cap.
Abom in good. Solid with RG.
Aarkus in God.
Shulk in High God easy. Mate. Slow. Unstoppable and evade. Just off a heavy. Petrify and exhaustion for diss track. Champion counter. One of the highest damage potentials in game. Can bypass LOL Enrage AND Abyss hit cap. Poison immunity and solid shrug off.
Nebula is very good. Robot shut off on par with dusa and mags witb proxima synergy. Would be god if her Sustainability wasn't so bad.
Sorcerer and RG High god.
Also, I want to take a moment to appreciate you not putting thing in beyond god.
Dragon Man and Dusa high god.
Magik High God.
Stark in god or high god.
Doc Oc god.
Gwenpool demi god or god.
Incin Immunity
Power gain