Long Post: Of Kabam, MCoC, MRoC and...perspective

Hi, folks! Whaaattt...two long posts in one week?!?! It's the holiday season, so I actually have a little time on my hands.
As always, when I do long posts, here's the TL:DR paragraph: While there have been times when Kabam has frustrated me, just like anyone else, a look back in time to 2014 shows that they did pivot, make changes and improvements, and deepen the MCoC experience. MRoC might not be for everyone's tastes, but if the game lasts, perspective says that Kabam will make changes to it and improve.
So...who was here in 2014 for MCoC launch?
That was an interesting time. Personally, I had never heard of Kabam and, as usual, work/family and other games/entertainment options meant that I wasn't looking for another game.
But because I play a lot of superhero-based content, MCoC ads just kept appearing in my feeds -- five on launch day in 2014 -- and eventually I was like, "OMG Who are these people? I will download this game if you stop the ads!!!!!" 😅😅
Six years later, here I am...and the truth is this: MCoC was so bare-bones at launch, I honestly didn't know what it was supposed to do.
There was Quickmatch. There was the base 13 or so characters, at 2/3 stars. Act 1 and 2, IIRC.
And that was it.
No Masteries. No Arena. No duped abilities. No Alliances. No Realm of Legends.
I mean, it was as basic as basic gets. Not being mean. Just being honest.
I say this, am writing this post, because I saw the Brit's takedown of Realm of Champions.
This isn't a criticism of him, or it. He said what he said. People can make of it what they will.
But since when people offer opinions into the world, people can respond when they disagree. And I will say this:
Whether you play Realm or not. Whether you like how Kabam does things or don't. Whether you intend to play both games, one game or quit one or the other at some point, here's the truth, based on reality and perspective:
Kabam showed that they will make changes to support and improve MCoC, even when some of those changes weren't popular. Some changes absolutely infuriated parts of the fanbase, in fact, like the Perfect Block/Willpower nerfs and 12.0.
Earlier this year, the Brit was right when he said that MCoC wasn't heading in a good direction.
Kabam took that criticism and, to me, has expended tremendous effort and made, what, the last quarter of the year one of the most inclusive and progressive periods of time in the game's history.
None of us are perfect. Not me, not Kabam, not anyone.
But I have been playing video games since there have been video games. Yes, I am that old. I have been playing video games longer than many of you have been alive, on every platform you've heard of and probably many you have not.
So if you read my posts and believe what I say, here is my opinion:
1. MRoC is so much further along at launch than MCoC was, it's not even a comparison.
2. The structure of MRoC is there for it to be a tremendous partner to MCoC.
3. MRoC is going to be a great game as soon as 12 months from now. Probably sooner, tbh.
Again: That's just my opinion. People are entitled to theirs, as well.
But I know what I see, in MRoC.
If Kabam wants that platform to be successful and a partner to MCoC -- and I believe they absolutely do -- MRoC is going to be really good, really fast, for that style of play.
My advice: Take a week off from grinding your MCoC alternate account, give MRoC your time and attention.
And have a little faith in Kabam that as they identify ways to improve, they will.
Just my opinion!
As always, when I do long posts, here's the TL:DR paragraph: While there have been times when Kabam has frustrated me, just like anyone else, a look back in time to 2014 shows that they did pivot, make changes and improvements, and deepen the MCoC experience. MRoC might not be for everyone's tastes, but if the game lasts, perspective says that Kabam will make changes to it and improve.
So...who was here in 2014 for MCoC launch?
That was an interesting time. Personally, I had never heard of Kabam and, as usual, work/family and other games/entertainment options meant that I wasn't looking for another game.
But because I play a lot of superhero-based content, MCoC ads just kept appearing in my feeds -- five on launch day in 2014 -- and eventually I was like, "OMG Who are these people? I will download this game if you stop the ads!!!!!" 😅😅
Six years later, here I am...and the truth is this: MCoC was so bare-bones at launch, I honestly didn't know what it was supposed to do.
There was Quickmatch. There was the base 13 or so characters, at 2/3 stars. Act 1 and 2, IIRC.
And that was it.
No Masteries. No Arena. No duped abilities. No Alliances. No Realm of Legends.
I mean, it was as basic as basic gets. Not being mean. Just being honest.
I say this, am writing this post, because I saw the Brit's takedown of Realm of Champions.
This isn't a criticism of him, or it. He said what he said. People can make of it what they will.
But since when people offer opinions into the world, people can respond when they disagree. And I will say this:
Whether you play Realm or not. Whether you like how Kabam does things or don't. Whether you intend to play both games, one game or quit one or the other at some point, here's the truth, based on reality and perspective:
Kabam showed that they will make changes to support and improve MCoC, even when some of those changes weren't popular. Some changes absolutely infuriated parts of the fanbase, in fact, like the Perfect Block/Willpower nerfs and 12.0.
Earlier this year, the Brit was right when he said that MCoC wasn't heading in a good direction.
Kabam took that criticism and, to me, has expended tremendous effort and made, what, the last quarter of the year one of the most inclusive and progressive periods of time in the game's history.
None of us are perfect. Not me, not Kabam, not anyone.
But I have been playing video games since there have been video games. Yes, I am that old. I have been playing video games longer than many of you have been alive, on every platform you've heard of and probably many you have not.
So if you read my posts and believe what I say, here is my opinion:
1. MRoC is so much further along at launch than MCoC was, it's not even a comparison.
2. The structure of MRoC is there for it to be a tremendous partner to MCoC.
3. MRoC is going to be a great game as soon as 12 months from now. Probably sooner, tbh.
Again: That's just my opinion. People are entitled to theirs, as well.
But I know what I see, in MRoC.
If Kabam wants that platform to be successful and a partner to MCoC -- and I believe they absolutely do -- MRoC is going to be really good, really fast, for that style of play.
My advice: Take a week off from grinding your MCoC alternate account, give MRoC your time and attention.
And have a little faith in Kabam that as they identify ways to improve, they will.
Just my opinion!
I think he was a bit early in dropping the content, but again, I am not being harsh. Just think there's more there to be said
At the same time, that doesn't mean it can't/won't be a really good game, though
Again: Kabam's a big company. If they have enough time and engagement, to me, it's more likely than not that game is gonna be really good for that style of play, what it does
I think it's early, and it's fun
We shall see, but I think it could be pretty good, pretty quick
He definitely wouldn't be playing MCoC today if he had been here at launch
Uncertain about registering for Reddit. I won’t post about MRoC here anymore, though I was honestly talking about past and present, but I know it’s best for feedback to be in one place
i only play a couple of matches but seems fun
edit: i can't put DOKTOR.OKTOPUS as my profile name, please allow me kabam