Has the game gotten too easy?



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content
    238....pretty clear.
  • Trek26Trek26 Member Posts: 268 ★★★

    Why do people have to be so damn selfish sometimes? I know what it feels like to be at the end of a game and be waiting for SOMETHING, anything to challenge you. It's boring. Very. Do people not understand what an endgame roster looks like or something? Bc using V6 and 7.1 as examples of challenging content or making the asinine excuse of "Use lower rank champs then" is just so ignorant and stupid ( @Ethereality )

    Lol!! The guy is asking Kabam to make the game cater only just to HIM and a small percentage of players that have the money/time/luck for having a perfectly stacked endgame worthy roster ( and the resources to rank them) and he's calling ME selfish?

    Lol!! you should go check the dictionary for the definition of the word selfish.

    Btw you should re-read my post. I never said to use lower rank champs. What I said was to take a break from the game and come back whenever your current stacked roster (that makes everything so easy for you NOW) becomes outdated and no longer endgame worthy. Then, you'll get that "challenge" that you crave so much.
    Are you ok? Mate. How many darn times have I stated that I'm MIDGAME. Middle. Of the game. MIDDLE. Not END. I'm not asking for content for me. I'm asking for content for the ones who need and want it. And that's considered "Selfish". What exactly do you have against endgamers? They've progressed further than you and I. Get the hell over it and look past your own needs.
    Tbh, I wouldn't call someone who managed to explore 7.1 within a week and complete variant 6 at launch a midgame player.
    A midgame player with pretty good skills can definitely clear that content, most expensive thing would be energy refills
    I think a Midgame player isn't someone who would grind those content at launch and they would most definitely be players that play to enjoy the game and not be punished for wanting to progress through the story mode. If end game players want a challenge they can go and try doing abyss itemless than complain about story mode being too easy for them or at least do it with R3 5* so it can be challenging.
  • AGYAATAGYAAT Member Posts: 210
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content
    So what you're saying is its the players job to make content difficult
    That's funny, really? Tell us something about your "true end game content" where you had found yourself in trouble (if you ever had and why?) and how you managed to clear that specific content/fight

    You all are desiring for something that you don't understand 😅

  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content

    Why do people have to be so damn selfish sometimes? I know what it feels like to be at the end of a game and be waiting for SOMETHING, anything to challenge you. It's boring. Very. Do people not understand what an endgame roster looks like or something? Bc using V6 and 7.1 as examples of challenging content or making the asinine excuse of "Use lower rank champs then" is just so ignorant and stupid ( @Ethereality )

    Lol!! The guy is asking Kabam to make the game cater only just to HIM and a small percentage of players that have the money/time/luck for having a perfectly stacked endgame worthy roster ( and the resources to rank them) and he's calling ME selfish?

    Lol!! you should go check the dictionary for the definition of the word selfish.

    Btw you should re-read my post. I never said to use lower rank champs. What I said was to take a break from the game and come back whenever your current stacked roster (that makes everything so easy for you NOW) becomes outdated and no longer endgame worthy. Then, you'll get that "challenge" that you crave so much.
    Are you ok? Mate. How many darn times have I stated that I'm MIDGAME. Middle. Of the game. MIDDLE. Not END. I'm not asking for content for me. I'm asking for content for the ones who need and want it. And that's considered "Selfish". What exactly do you have against endgamers? They've progressed further than you and I. Get the hell over it and look past your own needs.
    Tbh, I wouldn't call someone who managed to explore 7.1 within a week and complete variant 6 at launch a midgame player.

    Here is my roster. I would say I'm pretty mid-game.
    Lol. The guy has a 5* R5 Quake and then he wonders why the game is so "easy" for him.

    Dude, that Quake alone, even in a team of 4 other chumps, can clear like 85% of the entire game's content.

    Let me spell it out Again for you:

    - Not everyone has the LUCK to pull a 5* Quake or 5* 6* Ghost

    - Not everyone has the spare time/patience to learn how to use Quake or Ghost. Example: I had the luck of pulling Quake last July... after playing this game for 6 years. R4'ed her and since then, every single time I have tried to learn to quake'n shake/bake I realized I was NOT having FUN. I am a family man, with a job and a life and I play this game for FUN and to blow off steam/stress from life. I decided to invest my time in game having FUN so as of now, December 2020, I have stoped using Quake altogether.

    - Even if you had the LUCK to pull Quake and/or Ghost and have the time and patience to learn them, you might not have the time/resources/money to rank them up. For example , Since June this year I have been on a streak of getting quite a lot of God Tier/Beyond God tier champs (more o. That later) partly because i decided to shell out for the July 4th deals and the cyber deals, my problem now? I dont have the time nor the money ( already spent on the above mentioned deals and cannot afford more) to acquire the resources to rank up /sig up all of them. I will get there but its gonna take me a while. Bottlenecks on T1a, T2a, gold, iso, T4b and T5b are preventing me to even r4 most of the great champs i have been getting in the last 6-7 months. I am doing all the free to play content/methods that gives these resources at the pace that I humanly can (given my life/family/job responsibilities) and I calculate its gonna be perhaps 4 months AT LEAST that I can most r4-r5 them. It will be then, with a roster of about 6 R5 and 2 R3 that I will probably continue on completing /exploring Act 6 and onwards, try Abyss for the first time, etc.

    The above was only to put into perspective how incredibly PRIVILEGED you are to both have Quake and have had the time to learn to play her and have had the resources to rank her.

    For the rest of the 15-20% of the content that Quake can't clear for you, well you have 10 other R5, all of them God or Beyond God tier, and a Beyond God 6* R2.

    Guess what? That right there is the very definition of a STACKED ROSTER.

    I have been playing this game for 6 years, before July 2020 I had the most dreaded possible rng luck in the thee world. Until l then my only R4 were duped SL, Vodoo, Hawkeye and Magik. The rest was an army of several double and tripled duped memes ( have Iron patriot duped 4 times, Juggs ,Khmala , Venompool and other duped 2-3 times, Magneto and DD HK pre buff 3 times too). All possible memes you can think of? I jad them and duped at least once, some even twice. You get the idea. With my 4 somewhat OK R4s I struggled through Act 5. Then July 2020 cane and it all suddenly , changed as I got I got HT, Quake, and AA.. August gave me Domino, AA (duped him too) Sentinel, Medusa, OR and 6* CMM... plis the Magneto Buff. Finally had the champs to complete Act 5 and get Cav. Cyber deals/ epoch shards event came and I got now 5* Doom, CAIW, Aegon, NF, Guardian, duped Venom, BWCV and 6* Warlock. NOW, after 6 years I FINALLY have the roster to tackle most stuff in the game. But because this streak of luck got me 7 gods/beyond gods in the space of JUST two months I do not have the resources to rank them. Its gonna take 3-4 months to be able to R4-R3 them.

    What is my point?

    It's simple. Should I have not had the luck I had in the last 6 months , I who have been playing the game for 6 years, would probably still be uncollected, struggling with completing Act 5 even.

    So, it's simple. YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH AN EDGAME WORTHY ROSTER. OTHERS HAVENT. I sure didn't for 5 years of the most dreadful RNG luck you can imagine. Didn't even have an endgame roster 3-4 years ago when 4* where everyone's bread and butter.

    Now I have had FINALLY the luck to , after 6 years, say that I too have a STACKED ROSTER. But I need the time to grind resources to rank them up (I cannot afford spending more money in the game) and then do challenging content such as Abyss. Probably in 10 months I will be where YOU are right now. BUT in 10 months MAYBE there will be new endgame content that MAYBE I CANNOT TACKLE WITH MY ROSTER THEN. Rinse and repeat.

    So, stop whining. Be thankful that you have had the luck to get the roster you have, and if you have not spent a dime in the game then it means you have had TIME to grind the game for resources to rank up/dupe your STACKED roster. Good for YOU. I am happy for you. Now, let US, lesser beings that are JUST NOW struggling with concerns you struggled with just a year a ago, go on with our lives because it is only NOW that we can tackle stuff that you were able to do 10 months or a year ago.
    How do you even play for that long and just wind up with some R4s? I legitimately don't even see how that's possible unless you just log in and fiddle around occasionally
    Theirs a guy in my ally thats been playing for 4 or so years and his profile still has 5 50s in it. I honestly think he just logs on plays some aq then logs off.
  • AGYAATAGYAAT Member Posts: 210
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content
    AGYAAT said:

    There nothing like end game content if you have enough skills & appropriate counter for something maybe it will cost you some items (like AOL fight were you can't one shot on most fights even with perfect counters & skills because of large health pool)
    But if you don't use (or don't have) perfect counters or play very carelessly then most fights will be your "end game content", ex. Don't use appropriate counters (Hyperion, namor, Domino,Omega...) against v4 & lol Electro then this fight will be your end game content
    If you are disagree then let me know about the right definition of your 'end game content'
    If you are agree they understand one thing There is only 2 ways to full fill your desire of challenging content
    1) Nerf all beyondgod tire champs (quake, ghost, doom, corvous..)
    2) Make some nodes combinations or new champs that have no a perfect counters

    There are some **** here who always spam disagree but never tells you why😡
  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content

    Why do people have to be so damn selfish sometimes? I know what it feels like to be at the end of a game and be waiting for SOMETHING, anything to challenge you. It's boring. Very. Do people not understand what an endgame roster looks like or something? Bc using V6 and 7.1 as examples of challenging content or making the asinine excuse of "Use lower rank champs then" is just so ignorant and stupid ( @Ethereality )

    Lol!! The guy is asking Kabam to make the game cater only just to HIM and a small percentage of players that have the money/time/luck for having a perfectly stacked endgame worthy roster ( and the resources to rank them) and he's calling ME selfish?

    Lol!! you should go check the dictionary for the definition of the word selfish.

    Btw you should re-read my post. I never said to use lower rank champs. What I said was to take a break from the game and come back whenever your current stacked roster (that makes everything so easy for you NOW) becomes outdated and no longer endgame worthy. Then, you'll get that "challenge" that you crave so much.
    Are you ok? Mate. How many darn times have I stated that I'm MIDGAME. Middle. Of the game. MIDDLE. Not END. I'm not asking for content for me. I'm asking for content for the ones who need and want it. And that's considered "Selfish". What exactly do you have against endgamers? They've progressed further than you and I. Get the hell over it and look past your own needs.
    Tbh, I wouldn't call someone who managed to explore 7.1 within a week and complete variant 6 at launch a midgame player.

    Here is my roster. I would say I'm pretty mid-game.
    Lol. The guy has a 5* R5 Quake and then he wonders why the game is so "easy" for him.

    Dude, that Quake alone, even in a team of 4 other chumps, can clear like 85% of the entire game's content.

    Let me spell it out Again for you:

    - Not everyone has the LUCK to pull a 5* Quake or 5* 6* Ghost

    - Not everyone has the spare time/patience to learn how to use Quake or Ghost. Example: I had the luck of pulling Quake last July... after playing this game for 6 years. R4'ed her and since then, every single time I have tried to learn to quake'n shake/bake I realized I was NOT having FUN. I am a family man, with a job and a life and I play this game for FUN and to blow off steam/stress from life. I decided to invest my time in game having FUN so as of now, December 2020, I have stoped using Quake altogether.

    - Even if you had the LUCK to pull Quake and/or Ghost and have the time and patience to learn them, you might not have the time/resources/money to rank them up. For example , Since June this year I have been on a streak of getting quite a lot of God Tier/Beyond God tier champs (more o. That later) partly because i decided to shell out for the July 4th deals and the cyber deals, my problem now? I dont have the time nor the money ( already spent on the above mentioned deals and cannot afford more) to acquire the resources to rank up /sig up all of them. I will get there but its gonna take me a while. Bottlenecks on T1a, T2a, gold, iso, T4b and T5b are preventing me to even r4 most of the great champs i have been getting in the last 6-7 months. I am doing all the free to play content/methods that gives these resources at the pace that I humanly can (given my life/family/job responsibilities) and I calculate its gonna be perhaps 4 months AT LEAST that I can most r4-r5 them. It will be then, with a roster of about 6 R5 and 2 R3 that I will probably continue on completing /exploring Act 6 and onwards, try Abyss for the first time, etc.

    The above was only to put into perspective how incredibly PRIVILEGED you are to both have Quake and have had the time to learn to play her and have had the resources to rank her.

    For the rest of the 15-20% of the content that Quake can't clear for you, well you have 10 other R5, all of them God or Beyond God tier, and a Beyond God 6* R2.

    Guess what? That right there is the very definition of a STACKED ROSTER.

    I have been playing this game for 6 years, before July 2020 I had the most dreaded possible rng luck in the thee world. Until l then my only R4 were duped SL, Vodoo, Hawkeye and Magik. The rest was an army of several double and tripled duped memes ( have Iron patriot duped 4 times, Juggs ,Khmala , Venompool and other duped 2-3 times, Magneto and DD HK pre buff 3 times too). All possible memes you can think of? I jad them and duped at least once, some even twice. You get the idea. With my 4 somewhat OK R4s I struggled through Act 5. Then July 2020 cane and it all suddenly , changed as I got I got HT, Quake, and AA.. August gave me Domino, AA (duped him too) Sentinel, Medusa, OR and 6* CMM... plis the Magneto Buff. Finally had the champs to complete Act 5 and get Cav. Cyber deals/ epoch shards event came and I got now 5* Doom, CAIW, Aegon, NF, Guardian, duped Venom, BWCV and 6* Warlock. NOW, after 6 years I FINALLY have the roster to tackle most stuff in the game. But because this streak of luck got me 7 gods/beyond gods in the space of JUST two months I do not have the resources to rank them. Its gonna take 3-4 months to be able to R4-R3 them.

    What is my point?

    It's simple. Should I have not had the luck I had in the last 6 months , I who have been playing the game for 6 years, would probably still be uncollected, struggling with completing Act 5 even.

    So, it's simple. YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH AN EDGAME WORTHY ROSTER. OTHERS HAVENT. I sure didn't for 5 years of the most dreadful RNG luck you can imagine. Didn't even have an endgame roster 3-4 years ago when 4* where everyone's bread and butter.

    Now I have had FINALLY the luck to , after 6 years, say that I too have a STACKED ROSTER. But I need the time to grind resources to rank them up (I cannot afford spending more money in the game) and then do challenging content such as Abyss. Probably in 10 months I will be where YOU are right now. BUT in 10 months MAYBE there will be new endgame content that MAYBE I CANNOT TACKLE WITH MY ROSTER THEN. Rinse and repeat.

    So, stop whining. Be thankful that you have had the luck to get the roster you have, and if you have not spent a dime in the game then it means you have had TIME to grind the game for resources to rank up/dupe your STACKED roster. Good for YOU. I am happy for you. Now, let US, lesser beings that are JUST NOW struggling with concerns you struggled with just a year a ago, go on with our lives because it is only NOW that we can tackle stuff that you were able to do 10 months or a year ago.
    How do you even play for that long and just wind up with some R4s? I legitimately don't even see how that's possible unless you just log in and fiddle around occasionally
    The answer is simple. Before June 2020 or so my only R4 worthy 5* were Duped SL Voodoo, Magik and Hawkeye. I even had to do Hawkeye because I had cats expiring on stash and he was the best choice for r4 from my long list of memes. In June 2020 I was sitting on 5 t5b and about 10 t2a, just because I literally had no one to use them on, I really wish I would have a screenshot of my roster then for you to have an idea of how. much bad luck i have had at that point. Many times mulled on to R5 that SL, Magik or Vodoo but I am happy I didn't, because when my luck changed i had almost all resources nedeed to r5 my Torch and r2 my 6* CMM, so it paid to hold on to them.

    Even when I got AA in july, my bad luck was so bad that at that point I didn't have enough mutant t4c to take him to R4 right away... while i was overflowing with about to expire skill cats, and no one to use them on. Even had to try my luck on exchanging 3 skill cats to see if i would get a mutant one... and yep you guessed, didnt get the mutant cats . Blew off six skill cats that way. That is how bad i was hurting for cats and how deserted my skill roster was.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Why do people have to be so damn selfish sometimes? I know what it feels like to be at the end of a game and be waiting for SOMETHING, anything to challenge you. It's boring. Very. Do people not understand what an endgame roster looks like or something? Bc using V6 and 7.1 as examples of challenging content or making the asinine excuse of "Use lower rank champs then" is just so ignorant and stupid ( @Ethereality )

    Lol!! The guy is asking Kabam to make the game cater only just to HIM and a small percentage of players that have the money/time/luck for having a perfectly stacked endgame worthy roster ( and the resources to rank them) and he's calling ME selfish?

    Lol!! you should go check the dictionary for the definition of the word selfish.

    Btw you should re-read my post. I never said to use lower rank champs. What I said was to take a break from the game and come back whenever your current stacked roster (that makes everything so easy for you NOW) becomes outdated and no longer endgame worthy. Then, you'll get that "challenge" that you crave so much.
    Are you ok? Mate. How many darn times have I stated that I'm MIDGAME. Middle. Of the game. MIDDLE. Not END. I'm not asking for content for me. I'm asking for content for the ones who need and want it. And that's considered "Selfish". What exactly do you have against endgamers? They've progressed further than you and I. Get the hell over it and look past your own needs.
    Tbh, I wouldn't call someone who managed to explore 7.1 within a week and complete variant 6 at launch a midgame player.

    Here is my roster. I would say I'm pretty mid-game.
    Lol. The guy has a 5* R5 Quake and then he wonders why the game is so "easy" for him.

    Dude, that Quake alone, even in a team of 4 other chumps, can clear like 85% of the entire game's content.

    Let me spell it out Again for you:

    - Not everyone has the LUCK to pull a 5* Quake or 5* 6* Ghost

    - Not everyone has the spare time/patience to learn how to use Quake or Ghost. Example: I had the luck of pulling Quake last July... after playing this game for 6 years. R4'ed her and since then, every single time I have tried to learn to quake'n shake/bake I realized I was NOT having FUN. I am a family man, with a job and a life and I play this game for FUN and to blow off steam/stress from life. I decided to invest my time in game having FUN so as of now, December 2020, I have stoped using Quake altogether.

    - Even if you had the LUCK to pull Quake and/or Ghost and have the time and patience to learn them, you might not have the time/resources/money to rank them up. For example , Since June this year I have been on a streak of getting quite a lot of God Tier/Beyond God tier champs (more o. That later) partly because i decided to shell out for the July 4th deals and the cyber deals, my problem now? I dont have the time nor the money ( already spent on the above mentioned deals and cannot afford more) to acquire the resources to rank up /sig up all of them. I will get there but its gonna take me a while. Bottlenecks on T1a, T2a, gold, iso, T4b and T5b are preventing me to even r4 most of the great champs i have been getting in the last 6-7 months. I am doing all the free to play content/methods that gives these resources at the pace that I humanly can (given my life/family/job responsibilities) and I calculate its gonna be perhaps 4 months AT LEAST that I can most r4-r5 them. It will be then, with a roster of about 6 R5 and 2 R3 that I will probably continue on completing /exploring Act 6 and onwards, try Abyss for the first time, etc.

    The above was only to put into perspective how incredibly PRIVILEGED you are to both have Quake and have had the time to learn to play her and have had the resources to rank her.

    For the rest of the 15-20% of the content that Quake can't clear for you, well you have 10 other R5, all of them God or Beyond God tier, and a Beyond God 6* R2.

    Guess what? That right there is the very definition of a STACKED ROSTER.

    I have been playing this game for 6 years, before July 2020 I had the most dreaded possible rng luck in the thee world. Until l then my only R4 were duped SL, Vodoo, Hawkeye and Magik. The rest was an army of several double and tripled duped memes ( have Iron patriot duped 4 times, Juggs ,Khmala , Venompool and other duped 2-3 times, Magneto and DD HK pre buff 3 times too). All possible memes you can think of? I jad them and duped at least once, some even twice. You get the idea. With my 4 somewhat OK R4s I struggled through Act 5. Then July 2020 cane and it all suddenly , changed as I got I got HT, Quake, and AA.. August gave me Domino, AA (duped him too) Sentinel, Medusa, OR and 6* CMM... plis the Magneto Buff. Finally had the champs to complete Act 5 and get Cav. Cyber deals/ epoch shards event came and I got now 5* Doom, CAIW, Aegon, NF, Guardian, duped Venom, BWCV and 6* Warlock. NOW, after 6 years I FINALLY have the roster to tackle most stuff in the game. But because this streak of luck got me 7 gods/beyond gods in the space of JUST two months I do not have the resources to rank them. Its gonna take 3-4 months to be able to R4-R3 them.

    What is my point?

    It's simple. Should I have not had the luck I had in the last 6 months , I who have been playing the game for 6 years, would probably still be uncollected, struggling with completing Act 5 even.

    So, it's simple. YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH AN EDGAME WORTHY ROSTER. OTHERS HAVENT. I sure didn't for 5 years of the most dreadful RNG luck you can imagine. Didn't even have an endgame roster 3-4 years ago when 4* where everyone's bread and butter.

    Now I have had FINALLY the luck to , after 6 years, say that I too have a STACKED ROSTER. But I need the time to grind resources to rank them up (I cannot afford spending more money in the game) and then do challenging content such as Abyss. Probably in 10 months I will be where YOU are right now. BUT in 10 months MAYBE there will be new endgame content that MAYBE I CANNOT TACKLE WITH MY ROSTER THEN. Rinse and repeat.

    So, stop whining. Be thankful that you have had the luck to get the roster you have, and if you have not spent a dime in the game then it means you have had TIME to grind the game for resources to rank up/dupe your STACKED roster. Good for YOU. I am happy for you. Now, let US, lesser beings that are JUST NOW struggling with concerns you struggled with just a year a ago, go on with our lives because it is only NOW that we can tackle stuff that you were able to do 10 months or a year ago.
    How do you even play for that long and just wind up with some R4s? I legitimately don't even see how that's possible unless you just log in and fiddle around occasionally
    The answer is simple. Before June 2020 or so my only R4 worthy 5* were Duped SL Voodoo, Magik and Hawkeye. I even had to do Hawkeye because I had cats expiring on stash and he was the best choice for r4 from my long list of memes. In June 2020 I was sitting on 5 t5b and about 10 t2a, just because I literally had no one to use them on, I really wish I would have a screenshot of my roster then for you to have an idea of how. much bad luck i have had at that point. Many times mulled on to R5 that SL, Magik or Vodoo but I am happy I didn't, because when my luck changed i had almost all resources nedeed to r5 my Torch and r2 my 6* CMM, so it paid to hold on to them.

    Even when I got AA in july, my bad luck was so bad that at that point I didn't have enough mutant t4c to take him to R4 right away... while i was overflowing with about to expire skill cats, and no one to use them on. Even had to try my luck on exchanging 3 skill cats to see if i would get a mutant one... and yep you guessed, didnt get the mutant cats . Blew off six skill cats that way. That is how bad i was hurting for cats and how deserted my skill roster was.
    Right, what I'm saying though is that I don't even see how that's possible. What do you do as far as alliance involvement? Just the amount of crystals you'd be able to open just doing EQ exploration every month makes that incredibly unlikely if you're even mildly active.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content
    H3t3r said:

    Why do people have to be so damn selfish sometimes? I know what it feels like to be at the end of a game and be waiting for SOMETHING, anything to challenge you. It's boring. Very. Do people not understand what an endgame roster looks like or something? Bc using V6 and 7.1 as examples of challenging content or making the asinine excuse of "Use lower rank champs then" is just so ignorant and stupid ( @Ethereality )

    Lol!! The guy is asking Kabam to make the game cater only just to HIM and a small percentage of players that have the money/time/luck for having a perfectly stacked endgame worthy roster ( and the resources to rank them) and he's calling ME selfish?

    Lol!! you should go check the dictionary for the definition of the word selfish.

    Btw you should re-read my post. I never said to use lower rank champs. What I said was to take a break from the game and come back whenever your current stacked roster (that makes everything so easy for you NOW) becomes outdated and no longer endgame worthy. Then, you'll get that "challenge" that you crave so much.
    Are you ok? Mate. How many darn times have I stated that I'm MIDGAME. Middle. Of the game. MIDDLE. Not END. I'm not asking for content for me. I'm asking for content for the ones who need and want it. And that's considered "Selfish". What exactly do you have against endgamers? They've progressed further than you and I. Get the hell over it and look past your own needs.
    Tbh, I wouldn't call someone who managed to explore 7.1 within a week and complete variant 6 at launch a midgame player.

    Here is my roster. I would say I'm pretty mid-game.
    Lol. The guy has a 5* R5 Quake and then he wonders why the game is so "easy" for him.

    Dude, that Quake alone, even in a team of 4 other chumps, can clear like 85% of the entire game's content.

    Let me spell it out Again for you:

    - Not everyone has the LUCK to pull a 5* Quake or 5* 6* Ghost

    - Not everyone has the spare time/patience to learn how to use Quake or Ghost. Example: I had the luck of pulling Quake last July... after playing this game for 6 years. R4'ed her and since then, every single time I have tried to learn to quake'n shake/bake I realized I was NOT having FUN. I am a family man, with a job and a life and I play this game for FUN and to blow off steam/stress from life. I decided to invest my time in game having FUN so as of now, December 2020, I have stoped using Quake altogether.

    - Even if you had the LUCK to pull Quake and/or Ghost and have the time and patience to learn them, you might not have the time/resources/money to rank them up. For example , Since June this year I have been on a streak of getting quite a lot of God Tier/Beyond God tier champs (more o. That later) partly because i decided to shell out for the July 4th deals and the cyber deals, my problem now? I dont have the time nor the money ( already spent on the above mentioned deals and cannot afford more) to acquire the resources to rank up /sig up all of them. I will get there but its gonna take me a while. Bottlenecks on T1a, T2a, gold, iso, T4b and T5b are preventing me to even r4 most of the great champs i have been getting in the last 6-7 months. I am doing all the free to play content/methods that gives these resources at the pace that I humanly can (given my life/family/job responsibilities) and I calculate its gonna be perhaps 4 months AT LEAST that I can most r4-r5 them. It will be then, with a roster of about 6 R5 and 2 R3 that I will probably continue on completing /exploring Act 6 and onwards, try Abyss for the first time, etc.

    The above was only to put into perspective how incredibly PRIVILEGED you are to both have Quake and have had the time to learn to play her and have had the resources to rank her.

    For the rest of the 15-20% of the content that Quake can't clear for you, well you have 10 other R5, all of them God or Beyond God tier, and a Beyond God 6* R2.

    Guess what? That right there is the very definition of a STACKED ROSTER.

    I have been playing this game for 6 years, before July 2020 I had the most dreaded possible rng luck in the thee world. Until l then my only R4 were duped SL, Vodoo, Hawkeye and Magik. The rest was an army of several double and tripled duped memes ( have Iron patriot duped 4 times, Juggs ,Khmala , Venompool and other duped 2-3 times, Magneto and DD HK pre buff 3 times too). All possible memes you can think of? I jad them and duped at least once, some even twice. You get the idea. With my 4 somewhat OK R4s I struggled through Act 5. Then July 2020 cane and it all suddenly , changed as I got I got HT, Quake, and AA.. August gave me Domino, AA (duped him too) Sentinel, Medusa, OR and 6* CMM... plis the Magneto Buff. Finally had the champs to complete Act 5 and get Cav. Cyber deals/ epoch shards event came and I got now 5* Doom, CAIW, Aegon, NF, Guardian, duped Venom, BWCV and 6* Warlock. NOW, after 6 years I FINALLY have the roster to tackle most stuff in the game. But because this streak of luck got me 7 gods/beyond gods in the space of JUST two months I do not have the resources to rank them. Its gonna take 3-4 months to be able to R4-R3 them.

    What is my point?

    It's simple. Should I have not had the luck I had in the last 6 months , I who have been playing the game for 6 years, would probably still be uncollected, struggling with completing Act 5 even.

    So, it's simple. YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH AN EDGAME WORTHY ROSTER. OTHERS HAVENT. I sure didn't for 5 years of the most dreadful RNG luck you can imagine. Didn't even have an endgame roster 3-4 years ago when 4* where everyone's bread and butter.

    Now I have had FINALLY the luck to , after 6 years, say that I too have a STACKED ROSTER. But I need the time to grind resources to rank them up (I cannot afford spending more money in the game) and then do challenging content such as Abyss. Probably in 10 months I will be where YOU are right now. BUT in 10 months MAYBE there will be new endgame content that MAYBE I CANNOT TACKLE WITH MY ROSTER THEN. Rinse and repeat.

    So, stop whining. Be thankful that you have had the luck to get the roster you have, and if you have not spent a dime in the game then it means you have had TIME to grind the game for resources to rank up/dupe your STACKED roster. Good for YOU. I am happy for you. Now, let US, lesser beings that are JUST NOW struggling with concerns you struggled with just a year a ago, go on with our lives because it is only NOW that we can tackle stuff that you were able to do 10 months or a year ago.
    How do you even play for that long and just wind up with some R4s? I legitimately don't even see how that's possible unless you just log in and fiddle around occasionally
    Theirs a guy in my ally thats been playing for 4 or so years and his profile still has 5 50s in it. I honestly think he just logs on plays some aq then logs off.
    I’ve been here for 6 years with 2 r5s. I took some huge breaks. It isn’t really that implausible.
  • This content has been removed.
  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
    edited December 2020
    Yes, new content lacks challenge, and I want more challenging content in the future
    Andrario said:

    For a while it seems like the game has been losing a lot of the challenge, and personally I’ve been quite disappointed with the lack of challenge in the content that has been released recently.

    Cavalier EQ is basically a copy paste every month and this month was even missing the 10% T5CC objective, which was the only thing keeping it interesting.

    The hardest part of variants 5 & 6 was coughing up units for energy refills to get through it quickly. Bring the right team, and both can be done with minimal item usage and effort.

    Don’t even get me started on the act 6 nerf, particularly the champion. I’ll be here ranting for hours.

    Book 2 I will give kabam credit for. It’s fresh, and makes summoners think much more about who to bring for each path. But, the difficulty really isn’t there.

    It seems recently that there has just been a lack of true challenging endgame content.

    Am I the only one that feels this way?

    How do you feel about how the content has scaled over time.

    P.S. Sorry for any terrible typing or grammar, I’m very sleep deprived rn lol

    Can you ss your roster sir ?
    Are you truly endgame player with deep roster or just bluffing looking for attention
    Here’s what I feel like showing. Corvus and OR are both from within the last month and sinister and havok were my only r2s before act 6 100% so don’t hit me with the “yOU uSEd a sTaCkEd roster for act 6”

    Edit: I did r2 doc oc after 100%ing 6.3 and used him a bit in 6.4, my bad
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Yes, new content lacks challenge, and I want more challenging content in the future
    Some kind of 6.2 is an urgent need. Enough with gift from Santa Clause we need real challenge and hard contents.

    If 7.2 is as easy as 7.1 I will laugh so hard.
  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
    Yes, new content lacks challenge, and I want more challenging content in the future
    But showing my roster is going to validate all the people saying “tHiS iS jUSt a fLeXPost”. It’s not. I legitimately just want more content to do 🤷‍♂️
  • Annihilator13_Annihilator13_ Member Posts: 366 ★★
    Hmmmm...if the content is difficult you'll say it is hard how can we beat this..
    If its easy you'll say its easy I need more tough...

    Come on! What's your problem....if it easy enjoy it..and wait for good and tougher chapters
    Dont complain for everything
  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    I feel appropriately challenged by the games new content

    Why do people have to be so damn selfish sometimes? I know what it feels like to be at the end of a game and be waiting for SOMETHING, anything to challenge you. It's boring. Very. Do people not understand what an endgame roster looks like or something? Bc using V6 and 7.1 as examples of challenging content or making the asinine excuse of "Use lower rank champs then" is just so ignorant and stupid ( @Ethereality )

    Lol!! The guy is asking Kabam to make the game cater only just to HIM and a small percentage of players that have the money/time/luck for having a perfectly stacked endgame worthy roster ( and the resources to rank them) and he's calling ME selfish?

    Lol!! you should go check the dictionary for the definition of the word selfish.

    Btw you should re-read my post. I never said to use lower rank champs. What I said was to take a break from the game and come back whenever your current stacked roster (that makes everything so easy for you NOW) becomes outdated and no longer endgame worthy. Then, you'll get that "challenge" that you crave so much.
    Are you ok? Mate. How many darn times have I stated that I'm MIDGAME. Middle. Of the game. MIDDLE. Not END. I'm not asking for content for me. I'm asking for content for the ones who need and want it. And that's considered "Selfish". What exactly do you have against endgamers? They've progressed further than you and I. Get the hell over it and look past your own needs.
    Tbh, I wouldn't call someone who managed to explore 7.1 within a week and complete variant 6 at launch a midgame player.

    Here is my roster. I would say I'm pretty mid-game.
    Lol. The guy has a 5* R5 Quake and then he wonders why the game is so "easy" for him.

    Dude, that Quake alone, even in a team of 4 other chumps, can clear like 85% of the entire game's content.

    Let me spell it out Again for you:

    - Not everyone has the LUCK to pull a 5* Quake or 5* 6* Ghost

    - Not everyone has the spare time/patience to learn how to use Quake or Ghost. Example: I had the luck of pulling Quake last July... after playing this game for 6 years. R4'ed her and since then, every single time I have tried to learn to quake'n shake/bake I realized I was NOT having FUN. I am a family man, with a job and a life and I play this game for FUN and to blow off steam/stress from life. I decided to invest my time in game having FUN so as of now, December 2020, I have stoped using Quake altogether.

    - Even if you had the LUCK to pull Quake and/or Ghost and have the time and patience to learn them, you might not have the time/resources/money to rank them up. For example , Since June this year I have been on a streak of getting quite a lot of God Tier/Beyond God tier champs (more o. That later) partly because i decided to shell out for the July 4th deals and the cyber deals, my problem now? I dont have the time nor the money ( already spent on the above mentioned deals and cannot afford more) to acquire the resources to rank up /sig up all of them. I will get there but its gonna take me a while. Bottlenecks on T1a, T2a, gold, iso, T4b and T5b are preventing me to even r4 most of the great champs i have been getting in the last 6-7 months. I am doing all the free to play content/methods that gives these resources at the pace that I humanly can (given my life/family/job responsibilities) and I calculate its gonna be perhaps 4 months AT LEAST that I can most r4-r5 them. It will be then, with a roster of about 6 R5 and 2 R3 that I will probably continue on completing /exploring Act 6 and onwards, try Abyss for the first time, etc.

    The above was only to put into perspective how incredibly PRIVILEGED you are to both have Quake and have had the time to learn to play her and have had the resources to rank her.

    For the rest of the 15-20% of the content that Quake can't clear for you, well you have 10 other R5, all of them God or Beyond God tier, and a Beyond God 6* R2.

    Guess what? That right there is the very definition of a STACKED ROSTER.

    I have been playing this game for 6 years, before July 2020 I had the most dreaded possible rng luck in the thee world. Until l then my only R4 were duped SL, Vodoo, Hawkeye and Magik. The rest was an army of several double and tripled duped memes ( have Iron patriot duped 4 times, Juggs ,Khmala , Venompool and other duped 2-3 times, Magneto and DD HK pre buff 3 times too). All possible memes you can think of? I jad them and duped at least once, some even twice. You get the idea. With my 4 somewhat OK R4s I struggled through Act 5. Then July 2020 cane and it all suddenly , changed as I got I got HT, Quake, and AA.. August gave me Domino, AA (duped him too) Sentinel, Medusa, OR and 6* CMM... plis the Magneto Buff. Finally had the champs to complete Act 5 and get Cav. Cyber deals/ epoch shards event came and I got now 5* Doom, CAIW, Aegon, NF, Guardian, duped Venom, BWCV and 6* Warlock. NOW, after 6 years I FINALLY have the roster to tackle most stuff in the game. But because this streak of luck got me 7 gods/beyond gods in the space of JUST two months I do not have the resources to rank them. Its gonna take 3-4 months to be able to R4-R3 them.

    What is my point?

    It's simple. Should I have not had the luck I had in the last 6 months , I who have been playing the game for 6 years, would probably still be uncollected, struggling with completing Act 5 even.

    So, it's simple. YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH AN EDGAME WORTHY ROSTER. OTHERS HAVENT. I sure didn't for 5 years of the most dreadful RNG luck you can imagine. Didn't even have an endgame roster 3-4 years ago when 4* where everyone's bread and butter.

    Now I have had FINALLY the luck to , after 6 years, say that I too have a STACKED ROSTER. But I need the time to grind resources to rank them up (I cannot afford spending more money in the game) and then do challenging content such as Abyss. Probably in 10 months I will be where YOU are right now. BUT in 10 months MAYBE there will be new endgame content that MAYBE I CANNOT TACKLE WITH MY ROSTER THEN. Rinse and repeat.

    So, stop whining. Be thankful that you have had the luck to get the roster you have, and if you have not spent a dime in the game then it means you have had TIME to grind the game for resources to rank up/dupe your STACKED roster. Good for YOU. I am happy for you. Now, let US, lesser beings that are JUST NOW struggling with concerns you struggled with just a year a ago, go on with our lives because it is only NOW that we can tackle stuff that you were able to do 10 months or a year ago.
    How do you even play for that long and just wind up with some R4s? I legitimately don't even see how that's possible unless you just log in and fiddle around occasionally
    The answer is simple. Before June 2020 or so my only R4 worthy 5* were Duped SL Voodoo, Magik and Hawkeye. I even had to do Hawkeye because I had cats expiring on stash and he was the best choice for r4 from my long list of memes. In June 2020 I was sitting on 5 t5b and about 10 t2a, just because I literally had no one to use them on, I really wish I would have a screenshot of my roster then for you to have an idea of how. much bad luck i have had at that point. Many times mulled on to R5 that SL, Magik or Vodoo but I am happy I didn't, because when my luck changed i had almost all resources nedeed to r5 my Torch and r2 my 6* CMM, so it paid to hold on to them.

    Even when I got AA in july, my bad luck was so bad that at that point I didn't have enough mutant t4c to take him to R4 right away... while i was overflowing with about to expire skill cats, and no one to use them on. Even had to try my luck on exchanging 3 skill cats to see if i would get a mutant one... and yep you guessed, didnt get the mutant cats . Blew off six skill cats that way. That is how bad i was hurting for cats and how deserted my skill roster was.
    Right, what I'm saying though is that I don't even see how that's possible. What do you do as far as alliance involvement? Just the amount of crystals you'd be able to open just doing EQ exploration every month makes that incredibly unlikely if you're even mildly active.
    For the first 3-4 years i played pretty regularly, in allies that did AW/ AQ, then for the first half of 2019 Life became complicated so I went to am ally of retired players , we all played regularly just no AW or AQ.

    On August 2019 I raged quit the game outta frustration, my 4 R4s couldnt counter many Act 5 stuff, and my luck was bad as usual. ( in case u were wondering, my duped r5 4* were wolvie, x23, caww2, dorm, ultron, modok, original BW and unduped Hyperion an I couldn't complete Act5 with them either). I remember clearly that waht triggered the quit was that around then I got my first two 6*. I was Iron Patriot and King Groot. Decided I had enough of it then.

    Fast forward to February 2020 and the pandemic came. Working from home made me return to the game. Since then I have been on an ally that does only AQ every now and then for glory acquisition. AW rarely.

    My stream of bad lick continued as usual... I think I got Domino in April , which I R4'ed right away now I remember, but quickly realized that although pretty good, wouldn't counter lotsa of Act 5 stuff I was struggling with. My 3rd 6* was Angela which was meh.

    Then June/July was a turning point. Up until then I had NEVER had such good luck . In those two months I got 6* CMM, HT, AA, Sentinel, Medusa, and the Magneto ( which i had already duped x3 times) buff just was the icing on top. I did spend money on the 4th of july sale and that helped on both getting these champs and being able to rank them.

    That alone helped complete and explore Act 5, and become cav, before having these I just couldn't.

    Then the summer appreciation rewards that ran all summer gave me the resources to rank up/dupe sig up the streak of high rollers I got on the cyber deals : OR, Aegon, Doom. And then the epoch shards and regular 5* shards gave me in december CAIW, BWCV, Guardian, NF and 6* Warlock.

    Come think of it since July I dont think i have had many bad pulls .I think the worst ones were duping my Hawkeye two more times and Venompool and Kamala duping them one more time each. The rest have all been God/Beyond God tier champs, some of them even got them twice (such as OR, Venom, HT) and a few not gods but pretty good champs such as SymSupreme , VTD and Mr Fantastic. It's funny that pre July 2020 I didn't even have the roster to complete Lol. 3 months later I not only had the roster for it, but I now have the roster to even complete Abyss too.

    Again, my point with writing all this is the following:

    HAVING SUCH BAD LUCK/LACK OF MONEY/ LACK OF TIME FOR GETTING AND RANKING ENDGAME WORTHY CHAMPS IS A REAL THING. I would know as I suffered it for the better part of 4-5 years, and it actually did prevent me from enjoying and clearing lots of content from the game.

    So again: You might call me selfish for not having had experienced yet what the OP is experiencing ( which is having such a stacked fully ranked/maxxed roster that nothing is challenging anymore) but I am willing to bet that the OP and all the other winers in this thread might have never experienced the other end of the spectrum... which is to have such bad luck/lack of money/time to play to the point that you are effectively locked out from most content of the game.

    Should they add a Thronebreaker difficulty to EQ? Sure why not. Should they bring back Summer of Pain and do more Mulaney style challenges and the like? Sure, why not. Even add one more level of difficulty to the latter? (For example, a chapter 3 of Mulaney's Challenge). Sure, why not. As long as all of this is optional content, sure, why not.

    However, should they go back to the punishing design philosophy of the original Act 6... on content that is KEY for player progression such as the Story quests???? NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Asking for that is just being selfish.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Yes, new content lacks challenge, and I want more challenging content in the future
    If I were to say it is not hard I'd be a liar, 7.1 was a joke I did it itemless without spending a minute researching any paths.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Why do people have to be so damn selfish sometimes? I know what it feels like to be at the end of a game and be waiting for SOMETHING, anything to challenge you. It's boring. Very. Do people not understand what an endgame roster looks like or something? Bc using V6 and 7.1 as examples of challenging content or making the asinine excuse of "Use lower rank champs then" is just so ignorant and stupid ( @Ethereality )

    Lol!! The guy is asking Kabam to make the game cater only just to HIM and a small percentage of players that have the money/time/luck for having a perfectly stacked endgame worthy roster ( and the resources to rank them) and he's calling ME selfish?

    Lol!! you should go check the dictionary for the definition of the word selfish.

    Btw you should re-read my post. I never said to use lower rank champs. What I said was to take a break from the game and come back whenever your current stacked roster (that makes everything so easy for you NOW) becomes outdated and no longer endgame worthy. Then, you'll get that "challenge" that you crave so much.
    Are you ok? Mate. How many darn times have I stated that I'm MIDGAME. Middle. Of the game. MIDDLE. Not END. I'm not asking for content for me. I'm asking for content for the ones who need and want it. And that's considered "Selfish". What exactly do you have against endgamers? They've progressed further than you and I. Get the hell over it and look past your own needs.
    Tbh, I wouldn't call someone who managed to explore 7.1 within a week and complete variant 6 at launch a midgame player.

    Here is my roster. I would say I'm pretty mid-game.
    Lol. The guy has a 5* R5 Quake and then he wonders why the game is so "easy" for him.

    Dude, that Quake alone, even in a team of 4 other chumps, can clear like 85% of the entire game's content.

    Let me spell it out Again for you:

    - Not everyone has the LUCK to pull a 5* Quake or 5* 6* Ghost

    - Not everyone has the spare time/patience to learn how to use Quake or Ghost. Example: I had the luck of pulling Quake last July... after playing this game for 6 years. R4'ed her and since then, every single time I have tried to learn to quake'n shake/bake I realized I was NOT having FUN. I am a family man, with a job and a life and I play this game for FUN and to blow off steam/stress from life. I decided to invest my time in game having FUN so as of now, December 2020, I have stoped using Quake altogether.

    - Even if you had the LUCK to pull Quake and/or Ghost and have the time and patience to learn them, you might not have the time/resources/money to rank them up. For example , Since June this year I have been on a streak of getting quite a lot of God Tier/Beyond God tier champs (more o. That later) partly because i decided to shell out for the July 4th deals and the cyber deals, my problem now? I dont have the time nor the money ( already spent on the above mentioned deals and cannot afford more) to acquire the resources to rank up /sig up all of them. I will get there but its gonna take me a while. Bottlenecks on T1a, T2a, gold, iso, T4b and T5b are preventing me to even r4 most of the great champs i have been getting in the last 6-7 months. I am doing all the free to play content/methods that gives these resources at the pace that I humanly can (given my life/family/job responsibilities) and I calculate its gonna be perhaps 4 months AT LEAST that I can most r4-r5 them. It will be then, with a roster of about 6 R5 and 2 R3 that I will probably continue on completing /exploring Act 6 and onwards, try Abyss for the first time, etc.

    The above was only to put into perspective how incredibly PRIVILEGED you are to both have Quake and have had the time to learn to play her and have had the resources to rank her.

    For the rest of the 15-20% of the content that Quake can't clear for you, well you have 10 other R5, all of them God or Beyond God tier, and a Beyond God 6* R2.

    Guess what? That right there is the very definition of a STACKED ROSTER.

    I have been playing this game for 6 years, before July 2020 I had the most dreaded possible rng luck in the thee world. Until l then my only R4 were duped SL, Vodoo, Hawkeye and Magik. The rest was an army of several double and tripled duped memes ( have Iron patriot duped 4 times, Juggs ,Khmala , Venompool and other duped 2-3 times, Magneto and DD HK pre buff 3 times too). All possible memes you can think of? I jad them and duped at least once, some even twice. You get the idea. With my 4 somewhat OK R4s I struggled through Act 5. Then July 2020 cane and it all suddenly , changed as I got I got HT, Quake, and AA.. August gave me Domino, AA (duped him too) Sentinel, Medusa, OR and 6* CMM... plis the Magneto Buff. Finally had the champs to complete Act 5 and get Cav. Cyber deals/ epoch shards event came and I got now 5* Doom, CAIW, Aegon, NF, Guardian, duped Venom, BWCV and 6* Warlock. NOW, after 6 years I FINALLY have the roster to tackle most stuff in the game. But because this streak of luck got me 7 gods/beyond gods in the space of JUST two months I do not have the resources to rank them. Its gonna take 3-4 months to be able to R4-R3 them.

    What is my point?

    It's simple. Should I have not had the luck I had in the last 6 months , I who have been playing the game for 6 years, would probably still be uncollected, struggling with completing Act 5 even.

    So, it's simple. YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH AN EDGAME WORTHY ROSTER. OTHERS HAVENT. I sure didn't for 5 years of the most dreadful RNG luck you can imagine. Didn't even have an endgame roster 3-4 years ago when 4* where everyone's bread and butter.

    Now I have had FINALLY the luck to , after 6 years, say that I too have a STACKED ROSTER. But I need the time to grind resources to rank them up (I cannot afford spending more money in the game) and then do challenging content such as Abyss. Probably in 10 months I will be where YOU are right now. BUT in 10 months MAYBE there will be new endgame content that MAYBE I CANNOT TACKLE WITH MY ROSTER THEN. Rinse and repeat.

    So, stop whining. Be thankful that you have had the luck to get the roster you have, and if you have not spent a dime in the game then it means you have had TIME to grind the game for resources to rank up/dupe your STACKED roster. Good for YOU. I am happy for you. Now, let US, lesser beings that are JUST NOW struggling with concerns you struggled with just a year a ago, go on with our lives because it is only NOW that we can tackle stuff that you were able to do 10 months or a year ago.
    How do you even play for that long and just wind up with some R4s? I legitimately don't even see how that's possible unless you just log in and fiddle around occasionally
    The answer is simple. Before June 2020 or so my only R4 worthy 5* were Duped SL Voodoo, Magik and Hawkeye. I even had to do Hawkeye because I had cats expiring on stash and he was the best choice for r4 from my long list of memes. In June 2020 I was sitting on 5 t5b and about 10 t2a, just because I literally had no one to use them on, I really wish I would have a screenshot of my roster then for you to have an idea of how. much bad luck i have had at that point. Many times mulled on to R5 that SL, Magik or Vodoo but I am happy I didn't, because when my luck changed i had almost all resources nedeed to r5 my Torch and r2 my 6* CMM, so it paid to hold on to them.

    Even when I got AA in july, my bad luck was so bad that at that point I didn't have enough mutant t4c to take him to R4 right away... while i was overflowing with about to expire skill cats, and no one to use them on. Even had to try my luck on exchanging 3 skill cats to see if i would get a mutant one... and yep you guessed, didnt get the mutant cats . Blew off six skill cats that way. That is how bad i was hurting for cats and how deserted my skill roster was.
    Right, what I'm saying though is that I don't even see how that's possible. What do you do as far as alliance involvement? Just the amount of crystals you'd be able to open just doing EQ exploration every month makes that incredibly unlikely if you're even mildly active.
    For the first 3-4 years i played pretty regularly, in allies that did AW/ AQ, then for the first half of 2019 Life became complicated so I went to am ally of retired players , we all played regularly just no AW or AQ.

    On August 2019 I raged quit the game outta frustration, my 4 R4s couldnt counter many Act 5 stuff, and my luck was bad as usual. ( in case u were wondering, my duped r5 4* were wolvie, x23, caww2, dorm, ultron, modok, original BW and unduped Hyperion an I couldn't complete Act5 with them either). I remember clearly that waht triggered the quit was that around then I got my first two 6*. I was Iron Patriot and King Groot. Decided I had enough of it then.

    Fast forward to February 2020 and the pandemic came. Working from home made me return to the game. Since then I have been on an ally that does only AQ every now and then for glory acquisition. AW rarely.

    My stream of bad lick continued as usual... I think I got Domino in April , which I R4'ed right away now I remember, but quickly realized that although pretty good, wouldn't counter lotsa of Act 5 stuff I was struggling with. My 3rd 6* was Angela which was meh.

    Then June/July was a turning point. Up until then I had NEVER had such good luck . In those two months I got 6* CMM, HT, AA, Sentinel, Medusa, and the Magneto ( which i had already duped x3 times) buff just was the icing on top. I did spend money on the 4th of july sale and that helped on both getting these champs and being able to rank them.

    That alone helped complete and explore Act 5, and become cav, before having these I just couldn't.

    Then the summer appreciation rewards that ran all summer gave me the resources to rank up/dupe sig up the streak of high rollers I got on the cyber deals : OR, Aegon, Doom. And then the epoch shards and regular 5* shards gave me in december CAIW, BWCV, Guardian, NF and 6* Warlock.

    Come think of it since July I dont think i have had many bad pulls .I think the worst ones were duping my Hawkeye two more times and Venompool and Kamala duping them one more time each. The rest have all been God/Beyond God tier champs, some of them even got them twice (such as OR, Venom, HT) and a few not gods but pretty good champs such as SymSupreme , VTD and Mr Fantastic. It's funny that pre July 2020 I didn't even have the roster to complete Lol. 3 months later I not only had the roster for it, but I now have the roster to even complete Abyss too.

    Again, my point with writing all this is the following:

    HAVING SUCH BAD LUCK/LACK OF MONEY/ LACK OF TIME FOR GETTING AND RANKING ENDGAME WORTHY CHAMPS IS A REAL THING. I would know as I suffered it for the better part of 4-5 years, and it actually did prevent me from enjoying and clearing lots of content from the game.

    So again: You might call me selfish for not having had experienced yet what the OP is experiencing ( which is having such a stacked fully ranked/maxxed roster that nothing is challenging anymore) but I am willing to bet that the OP and all the other winers in this thread might have never experienced the other end of the spectrum... which is to have such bad luck/lack of money/time to play to the point that you are effectively locked out from most content of the game.

    Should they add a Thronebreaker difficulty to EQ? Sure why not. Should they bring back Summer of Pain and do more Mulaney style challenges and the like? Sure, why not. Even add one more level of difficulty to the latter? (For example, a chapter 3 of Mulaney's Challenge). Sure, why not. As long as all of this is optional content, sure, why not.

    However, should they go back to the punishing design philosophy of the original Act 6... on content that is KEY for player progression such as the Story quests???? NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Asking for that is just being selfish.
    I don't think many people at all are asking for story content to go back to what it was. I think people are just asking for something somewhere. If story and variants are going to be at this level, fine. More people will be able to get through it faster. There still needs to be something for the people who don't mind the legitimately hard stuff.

    I enjoy AW and have spent time pushing at the top of that but it's still stressful and you don't get to choose when you feel like taking the game seriously it's on a schedule. Not only that but what you do there also affects other people which isn't something everyone, even those that enjoy the competition, want to do at all times. I'd rather still have something solo that's challenging that I can do at the time of my choosing at least a few times a year.
  • edited December 2020
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