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New Christmas Calender! [Merged]



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    DjinDjin Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★

    Most of America is in early morning like 5 or 6am

    Give em chance

    @Apocalypse189 THE CALENDAR HAS BEEN OUT FOR OVER !% HOURS! They should have responded last night!!!
    The Calendar went live on Sunday.
    You go to Office/College/School on Sunday?
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    Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Posts: 1,128 ★★★
    To the phantom disagreer, please stop
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    TornadomanTornadoman Posts: 3
    They keep censoring my speech, jus like big tech. This is wrong. I will never again spend another dollar on this game or kabam.
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    Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Posts: 1,128 ★★★
    Please, let's all calm down before this thread gets deleted and no response is known
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    ScreaminghawkScreaminghawk Posts: 63
    edited December 2020

    Djin said:

    Most of America is in early morning like 5 or 6am

    Give em chance

    @Apocalypse189 THE CALENDAR HAS BEEN OUT FOR OVER !% HOURS! They should have responded last night!!!
    The Calendar went live on Sunday.
    You go to Office/College/School on Sunday?
    @Djin I do indeed!
    WOW! No weekly offs?
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    Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Posts: 1,128 ★★★
    CGR2020 said:

    Ok I can see someone obliterating that dislike button onto this thread...Mojo is that you?

    Probably GroundedWisdom in his wisdom downvoting posts for a laugh

    Oops, I poked the beast lol
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    If they replace all the daily shards with the Enoch shards and sums up to atleast 20 to 40 k for cav players I would be happy. The drop rates are really good on them. And throw In a t2 Alpha or 2
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    Apoorva5Apoorva5 Posts: 2
    Kabam what is this?? Solo crystal shard, Gold crystal, health potion on a holiday calendar. I joined this year only but I know that the last calendar was much better. This is not good Kabam.
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    Terror_TomTerror_Tom Posts: 153
    So to me it seems like kabam just doesnt care anymore, After a really disappointing sell out Weekend in November and a feature with the piggy Bank this month, now they are giving us this calendar.

    For the disappointing weekend there was a huge thread, which was basically ignored and closed After the dust had gone.

    The piggy Bank was disabled minutes After ist came out and Never was Seen again.

    And now this calendar, where already a huge thread is going on but there is no reaction to it.

    So the question is, do they still care or not?
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    Stagedear85Stagedear85 Posts: 774 ★★★
    honestly all they're going to say is "we will send this to the team" which is like saying nothing I'm shock this got by anyone over and Kabam and they looked at it and said oh man they're going to love this, like how tone deaf, if we do a poll right now with everyone that play mcoc for the past 3 years 99.8 % would say this is hot garbage Grounded Wisdom and may be a few will say eh its ok
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    BiggusOmegaBiggusOmega Posts: 43
    The civil war between Cav and TB players has just become players vs Kabam 😂
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    Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Posts: 1,128 ★★★

    The civil war between Cav and TB players has just become players vs Kabam 😂

    More like valid posters vs disagreers
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    EMKAY75EMKAY75 Posts: 12
    YES, the calender is underwhelming and YES they’ve done it better over the last 3 years, BUT it’s free stuff, crappy, but free stuff. Maybe the Christmas gift turns out as great, who knows?
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    Apoorva5Apoorva5 Posts: 2
    Kabam what is this?? Solo crystal shard, gold crystal, health potion for a holiday calendar. I joined this year only but I know that last year calendar was much better. Kabam not great.
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