I’m curious about something.

Hello Kabam,
This is just out of curiosity, how is it that your algorithm works? I don’t mean to sound offensive but how is it possible to pull the same champions more than once, and have them being the absolute worst pulls ever? Sorry but that purchase really hurt and things like this make me question if it’s truly bad luck or it’s meant to be this way to promote more spending. Atleast have a higher drop rate of newer champions or something. I’m skeptical.
This is just out of curiosity, how is it that your algorithm works? I don’t mean to sound offensive but how is it possible to pull the same champions more than once, and have them being the absolute worst pulls ever? Sorry but that purchase really hurt and things like this make me question if it’s truly bad luck or it’s meant to be this way to promote more spending. Atleast have a higher drop rate of newer champions or something. I’m skeptical.
Mostly, it is because most people think eight or nine champs are great and all the rest are the worst pulls ever, so the probability of getting two worst pulls ever in a row is over 80%.
I'm sure Kabam have their own champ tier list and the drop rate of more powerful champs are lower.
I literally just saw a post from them saying it is the same. But I don’t see how thats possible. I have pulled luke cage and spider Gwen and she hulk and white mags many many times (cage 7 times, the other 3 6x). Yet, I have never pulled a gr, a Thor, a hyperion, gwenpool, voodoo, and numerous other “good champs” (which I had to get in arena).
I created a thread about this very topic, and literally within minutes it was responded to and closed by kabam miike. It wasn't deleted though, it's on page 2.
There is also something called Mathematical Proof. I would be interested if you could provide statistical proof of the randomness for 4* basic hero champs in a 4* shard Crystal and a 4* crystal.
What is Kabams RNG?
This might help your kabam formula... With champs you get a 10% chance to trigger a 50% ability, and a 30% chance with to trigger a 70% sig ability on Monday and Wednesday.
is there no math behind the algorithm at all? Is it perfect randomness?
It seems to me that there is a greatly increased chance of duping a champ I JUST opened or opened recently. Like if I open 5 PHCs it's pretty likely that 2 of them will be duplicates. I understand statistics and the tendency to see patterns where there are none and to remember outliers etc etc. Maybe I'm seeing a pattern that's not there but it definitely seems like a pattern.
My friend when we were still in Intermediate bracket had like 5 or 6 four star champions.. and he duped EVERY ONE before he got his 7th. Really weird. I kept trying to tell him it was a good thing.. that duped champs are much better than unduped plus you get all the gold and ISO and signature levels. I told him.. maybe Kabam realizes this and they're trying to do you a favor? But he just complained because he wanted new champs.
I've also noticed it seems more likely I will open a champion who was just recently added to the crystals. Like this month if I open a 5* crystal, even though theoretically the odds should be just as likely for me to get a Colossus or Star-Lord... I'd almost expect to open a Dr. VooDoo or Karnak because they were just added. Actually I've noticed this with PHCs not 5* crystals... but maybe it carries over. Or maybe I'm imagining things.
Has Kabam Miike commented on this specifically? I'm not saying that drop rates for crappy champs are higher or that they intentionally make good champs harder to obtain. This is quite a bit different. Actually I was really happy when I got two 4* Iceman in a row recently... so it worked in my favor that time.
Damn this sounds like Veil of Fortune LOL
Me personally? I could i suppose but it would take an insane amount of work to get sufficient data which i would have no interest in doing.
When you open almost 0 crystals, which is the case with each individual player, you're going to get very random results. I have never gotten a 4 star spider gwen for example, but i have also never pulled thor or scarlet witch. I don't have regular iron fist, but i have immortal iron fist. My only duped 5 stars are SL and iceman while the other 14 are unduped. Yet i have pulled 4 star groot at least 8 times.
There’s also something called rigging and lieing but I’m sure a decent company like kabam with their flawless product wouldn’t do anything shady lol
Like how I pulled a 5* CM 4 times in a row... The odds of that are astronomical.