Need a gifting partner!

Hey everyone,
So I made this post to reach out to people who want to trade gifts but dont know if the other person is safe enough to trade with. I came up with a minor solution which is, post a screenshot of your profile/units to make sure you have enough to gift the other person back. I realize that this still hinges on the trust that both people can still trade gifts but atleast you are able to confirm that the other person has enough units to gift you. That being said, I am looking for someone to trade Greater Gifting Crystals with (GGCs). Post a screenshot of the amount of units you have and add me
So I made this post to reach out to people who want to trade gifts but dont know if the other person is safe enough to trade with. I came up with a minor solution which is, post a screenshot of your profile/units to make sure you have enough to gift the other person back. I realize that this still hinges on the trust that both people can still trade gifts but atleast you are able to confirm that the other person has enough units to gift you. That being said, I am looking for someone to trade Greater Gifting Crystals with (GGCs). Post a screenshot of the amount of units you have and add me
Username is CosmicGoose btw