5* Featured crystal error

So I saved up my shards for a featured 5* crystal recently and tried for Medusa.
You all know how you hope for your preferred champion but there is always a chance, some would say a guarantee, that you will get a less desirable champion. It comes with the territory.
Fortunately our friends at Kabam made a change recently to the featured crystal so that there are two pools of champs. Those in the basic and those in the featured. Lots of great champs in the featured all of them would be welcome on my roster. So why did my crystal stop on Spider Gwen. She isn't in the featured crystal.
It's hard not to feel like I got cheated out of 5k shards.
You all know how you hope for your preferred champion but there is always a chance, some would say a guarantee, that you will get a less desirable champion. It comes with the territory.
Fortunately our friends at Kabam made a change recently to the featured crystal so that there are two pools of champs. Those in the basic and those in the featured. Lots of great champs in the featured all of them would be welcome on my roster. So why did my crystal stop on Spider Gwen. She isn't in the featured crystal.
It's hard not to feel like I got cheated out of 5k shards.
Your understanding is in error. The featured crystal has three pools of champions not two. The first pool contains just the featured champion itself, and there's (based on player observations) about a one in five chance of getting that pool, and the featured champion of course (being the only thing in that pool). The second pool, referred to as the subfeatured pool, contains all of the previous featured champions that are not yet available in the basic 5* crystal. No one knows exactly what the odds of drawing this pool are, but my own estimate is about one in twenty.
That's four chances out of twenty to pull the featured about about one in twenty to pull one of the subfeatured. That leaves about fifteen out of twenty chances to pull a basic champ - about 75%.
When people shoot for featured they often save up for it so that when a featured they want comes along they have multiple shots at it. Multiple shots increase the odds of getting the featured at least once. I pulled three times for Iceman and got him on the last pull. Assuming my odds estimates are correct, I had a 58% chance of pulling Iceman at least once, and a 42% chance of never pulling him. A little better than 50/50 with three pulls.
What happened to you was actually the most likely thing to occur. You had a three in four chance of drawing a basic champion, which you did. Beyond that, of all the champions currently in the 5* basic the ones I keep hearing are the biggest duds are Ant-Man, Iron Patriot, Colossus, Hulkbuster, Venompool, Gambit, Loki, Spider-Gwen, Luke Cage, Groot, and Kamala Khan. That's eleven out of the fifty four total champs. All total, you had about a one in six chance of pulling one of these champs from the featured crystal. In other words, the odds are almost equal that you will pull the featured or you will pull a bottom feeder. Everything else is somewhere in the middle.