So, we’re through 2020. Let’s review the champs.
Six months ago, I made a post like this with the first half of champs in 2020. Now I’ve got the full roster, and I’m here to see how the opinions have changed. Is Terrax still the worst? Will Red Guardian be dethroned?
Please give your reasoning in the comments below so more people can see it and I can get a sense of the bigger picture.
Six months ago, I made a post like this with the first half of champs in 2020. Now I’ve got the full roster, and I’m here to see how the opinions have changed. Is Terrax still the worst? Will Red Guardian be dethroned?
Please give your reasoning in the comments below so more people can see it and I can get a sense of the bigger picture.
I voted CGR as the best champ of the year. Quite frankly ridiculous damage with some useful utility whilst also being great with suicides. Top notch champ.
Pretty sure Terrax is gonna win worst champ again lol.
Voted Poco for best. I feel like he's had the most impact on the game and he has some very unique abilities that will come in real handy. Not to mention the synergies. I feel like he's completely changed not just the Mutant class, but the whole game with his presence. Plus he's just freakin awesome. If we're just talking about the champion itself, I'd have to go with CGR even though he doesn't have quite as much utility. But I think Poco is the best contribution to the game/biggest game changer we've had this year.
I also voted Apocalypse for best champ. I’m still not totally convinced by CGR, he’s a wee bit light on utility. Apoc is a utility machine, has good damage, but has also buffed up the entire class, so his impact on the game has been incredibly large. Couple that with very high defensive value and he takes the cake
I don’t have Apoc at any rarity, so I did not vote for him. Even if I did, I’m just not sure he is more useful than Guardian. Guardian just flat out destroys nearly any matchup. He has power drain, perfect block, blocks unblockable specials, deals insane damage (even without the crazy ramp up) and his block synergy is so good! I voted Guardian!
As for best, I'd say red mags technically as he is pretty much a completely new champion now, but I went for Sorcerer just because she is the best of the champions I know well.
I reckon tigra, apoc and maybe CGR would all go above her though.
Terrax is still winning worst champ of the year with a 14 vote lead over second place Air Walker. Nova and Mole Man trail behind in third with 4 votes each, and Immortal Hulk sits in fifth with 3 votes.
Apocalypse holds a narrow 3 vote lead over Cosmic Ghost Rider for best champion of 2020, while Sorcerer Supreme needs a slew of votes to catch up with her 4 vote third place position.
Champions that have yet to be mentioned on the poll in any fashion:
Weapon X
Storm (Pyramid X)
Red Goblin
Immortal Abomination
Terrax you know
Terrax for worst because well he's Terrax.
I picked Air Walker as worst. At least Terrax is getting buff.
For me it was a tossup between Apocalypse and CGR, but ultimately I chose CGR.