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we are disscussing act 6 is biggest fail by kabam... there are seperat paragraphs on 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
first 6.1 honest opinion the global are not bad any quest. now bosses discusssion.
6.1.1 sabertoth ok boss
6.1.2 ultron not ok boss void doom medusa ghost corvus .solo is only possible by medusa and void if ai cooperative. with doom ,ghost and corvus revives. ther characters lot of revives.
6.1.3 and 6.1.4 easy boss any high hitting champ.v
6.1.5 crossbones only counters hyperion warlock mysterio and iceman. warlock if ai is cooperative sometimes ai goes to sp 2. mysterio lit bit skilled and cooperative ai. hyperion need to be very very very skilled . icemanrank 5 fully boosted.
6.1.6 sentinel boss not bad any high hitting cosimic champ or any high hitting other class champ.
now 6.2
6.2.1 6.2.3 6.2.4 global are good are nodes are good and the bosses are easy to medium difficulty .
6.2.2 mr sinister counters warlock medusa hyperion and hulk any poison immune with heindall synergy .a restrictive boss who needs a proper counter have non cooperative ai . if you use heindall synergy two slots are filled so only three slots are available
for top champs. due to boss not cooperative ai you to have to spend units .
6.2.5 global not even to desreve to exist in game the global node is pure money on gated paths ghost option dont exist.defenders other nodes are also very very badly designed. pure very highly money making quest.
6.2.6 champion boss countrers doom symbiote supreeme socrrer supreme stealth spidey and she hulk. i know many players have 1million rating weem e. dont have these counter champs . she hulk very difficult to play. the gated system very massive problem.the linked nodes on champion take down very very big problem. the other additional node set up on defenders.
over gated system very massive fail.d 6.4
in 6.1 and 6.2 10 paths in each quest that is toatally madness.
now 6.3 and 6.4
less paths but node combination on large no. of paths are nightmarous . many nodes on many paths are not desreved to exist in this game without helping nodes.totally money making.
6.3 bosses havok and nick fury are good .
iron man iw if you have proper cunters ok ok to easy.
cap iw boss if you don t have proper counters almost impossible.
counters stark spidey ghost full synergy team corvus and aegon.
medusa boss spend money on despair mastery. then you have few counters killmonger domino symbiote supreme nick unawakened gweenpool archangel warlock. any few mentioned them you need to be very skilled. if you dont have money then only option gweenpool dextrify mastery remove.
now mysterio one of the worst boss of game counters stealth spidey nick magneto corvus and human torch . in case of human torch need to very skilled. magneto very skilled than ok ok boss if not also possible than you need lot of units . spidey and nick skills cooperative ai also luck.
adaptoid iceman thor captain marvel darkhawk boss easy if you have counters . about grandmaster in later discussion.....
first 6.1 honest opinion the global are not bad any quest. now bosses discusssion.
6.1.1 sabertoth ok boss
6.1.2 ultron not ok boss void doom medusa ghost corvus .solo is only possible by medusa and void if ai cooperative. with doom ,ghost and corvus revives. ther characters lot of revives.
6.1.3 and 6.1.4 easy boss any high hitting champ.v
6.1.5 crossbones only counters hyperion warlock mysterio and iceman. warlock if ai is cooperative sometimes ai goes to sp 2. mysterio lit bit skilled and cooperative ai. hyperion need to be very very very skilled . icemanrank 5 fully boosted.
6.1.6 sentinel boss not bad any high hitting cosimic champ or any high hitting other class champ.
now 6.2
6.2.1 6.2.3 6.2.4 global are good are nodes are good and the bosses are easy to medium difficulty .
6.2.2 mr sinister counters warlock medusa hyperion and hulk any poison immune with heindall synergy .a restrictive boss who needs a proper counter have non cooperative ai . if you use heindall synergy two slots are filled so only three slots are available
for top champs. due to boss not cooperative ai you to have to spend units .
6.2.5 global not even to desreve to exist in game the global node is pure money on gated paths ghost option dont exist.defenders other nodes are also very very badly designed. pure very highly money making quest.
6.2.6 champion boss countrers doom symbiote supreeme socrrer supreme stealth spidey and she hulk. i know many players have 1million rating weem e. dont have these counter champs . she hulk very difficult to play. the gated system very massive problem.the linked nodes on champion take down very very big problem. the other additional node set up on defenders.
over gated system very massive fail.d 6.4
in 6.1 and 6.2 10 paths in each quest that is toatally madness.
now 6.3 and 6.4
less paths but node combination on large no. of paths are nightmarous . many nodes on many paths are not desreved to exist in this game without helping nodes.totally money making.
6.3 bosses havok and nick fury are good .
iron man iw if you have proper cunters ok ok to easy.
cap iw boss if you don t have proper counters almost impossible.
counters stark spidey ghost full synergy team corvus and aegon.
medusa boss spend money on despair mastery. then you have few counters killmonger domino symbiote supreme nick unawakened gweenpool archangel warlock. any few mentioned them you need to be very skilled. if you dont have money then only option gweenpool dextrify mastery remove.
now mysterio one of the worst boss of game counters stealth spidey nick magneto corvus and human torch . in case of human torch need to very skilled. magneto very skilled than ok ok boss if not also possible than you need lot of units . spidey and nick skills cooperative ai also luck.
adaptoid iceman thor captain marvel darkhawk boss easy if you have counters . about grandmaster in later discussion.....
Also there are more counters to 6.1.6 crossbones.
This goes back to my point of you exaggerating this
then how did I use mine?
Act 6 isn't designed to be done without revives. Mostly it can be done using couple ones, but never too many.
Secondly, the global nodes are matter of playstyles. I personally hate Icarus more than anything, but love Do Not Go Gentle. It depends on your playstyle and preferrence
About some bosses, I feel like you haven't seen them nerfed. Champion is now fun and great challenge, Crossbones has now only poison I believe, which has a lot more counters, and Mysterio is now much more okay and much more "user friendly".
6.1.5 Crossbones I downed with Sentinel and CMM, I didn't have any of the champs the OP mentions when I beat him three months ago. A duped, ramped up to over 150+ combo Aegon can work too as he will shrug of the poison and outdamage the vigor. A duped NF can also take a lot of chunk of its health, if not one shot him if played skillfully after the LMD is gone and the poison is gone. Moreover, if you bring NF with a Deadpool synergy, the synergy will remove the poison for everyone in the team, opening up the fight to many more heal block/reversal high damage dealers such as Human Torch or a 5 soul ramped up Morningstar . Medusa, at R5 or 6* R2, awakened, with suicide masteries on and with Black Bolt synergy can outdamage Crossbones' vigor heal and down him too.
My point is that yes, Act 6 is indeed difficult but there are many more counters than the ones the OP mentions, so there's more than a handful of ways to beat it.
And again, deadpool x-force with Nick Fury is just one of the options to use. There are many other options too.