Is there enough ISO-8 in the game? F2P

WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73
Hold on, this isn't your regular old post complaining about the lack of ISO-8 in the game, but I would certainly like to understand where I might be going wrong as far as progression goes. At this point in my account, I'm on act 6.2 and finally getting around to developing a strong enough roster to complete and explore variants, which are providing me with such an influx of rank-up materials, which are simply sitting in my inventory. For example, I have expiring T4CC of classes which I don't even have a champion to rank up, so I feel forced into ranking up someone that I don't like or that might not help my progression later on just to make sure I don't waste materials. As a result, I have to fuel ISO into those champs, and then it almost becomes a repeating cycle. I feel like the consistency with which we get ISO-8 has to improve. Since a lot of ISO is associated with duping champions, that mostly comes from monthly content, which lots of summoners, including myself, finish in the initial weeks of the month. This limits my rank-ups all throughout the course of month, and my inventory stacks up later on within the month. This compromises the rank-ups I want to make, if you understand. All I can think of particularly is maybe offer more opportunities to get 4-stars or spread them out throughout the month, so I always look forward to trying out someone new and there's something enjoyable to look forward, as far as new champs go. If there's anything I said that you all have a different point of view on, please let me know, so I can shift my perspective as well because I think there's enough ISO-8, but maybe it's distributed unevenly. That's my take, let me know. I'm F2P by the way, and yes that matters, so take that into account.


  • WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73
    Ok thanks, yeah I've never really dabbled in arena, but I'm actually trying it out this month to the best of my ability and will let you know if that closes the gap for me.
  • Destroyer123Destroyer123 Member Posts: 368 ★★
    It’s a weird balance building a roster nah you will run out sometimes but I have 4500 is on in stash and 21m gold but can’t rank anyone due to other things mostly t1a at the moment
  • edited January 2021
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  • WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73
    Thanks for both of your posts, I think they touched on the same topic relatively, which is self-control, and yes I must agree to a certain extent. I actually, similar to you, have hundreds of T4CC fragment crystals, as well as lots of T4CC, but I do agree with your point that maybe saving up 4 stars or maybe not rushing level-ups on champs might help better my account for the future. What I mean by that is once I get a new champ, I usually burn through resources just to level that champ up, which I definitely need to stop. Potentially, I could set myself a threshold on ISO-8, so I always have some level of ISO-8 or even rank-up materials for future rank-ups. Thank you both for your opinions, it was very insightful to hear.
  • WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73

    As a ftp who has fully explored act 7 I think that there should be more 4* shards in monthly content. Preferably UC, since some people dont have time to do Cav, UC, and master, and also grind arena. Im mostly at a pace where I get around 1-2 r3-r5 a month which is pretty annoying when you have 9 t5b in the overflow.

    Yeah, I definitely agree with this though. While something's obviously can be controlled from my side, I feel like maybe a bit more access to 4 star shards would help the player base.
  • Dragfire1760Dragfire1760 Member Posts: 152 ★★
    I am an F2P too, and I'm stuck on 6.2 right now. I'd say I have more a catalyst problem than ISO honestly. Although that is because I make horrible decisions (I only buy 4* crystals from incursions store), I will agree I wouldn't mind them making ISO a little more available.
    I'd also say this brings up the problem that duping 5* and 6* still gives 24 tier-5 ISO, and that should be buffed
    I also never use my ISO unless I want to rank up someone, and never open T4, T3, even YT CC crystals or fragment crystals.
    Pretty much the game has come to a point where if you're stuck at a point you can get more ISO, but once you start speed-progressing everything gets depleted
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  • ClynevaClyneva Member Posts: 78 ★★
    edited January 2021
    It sounds like something you might want to be more mindful of is better timings for opening your crystals and treating un-opened crystals as another resource. It is often not optimal to open your crystals as soon as you get them.

    A big sign of this is you mentioning that you have T4cc in overflow and being forced to constantly use them to rank up champions you don't want to. This should actually rarely happen, because the main sources of T4CC is through crystals, which you have full control of for when to open. The only time T4CC should go into overflow is if you're hard targeting a specific class you're missing for a champion you really want to rank up. At that point you're making a cost/benefit analysis (E.g. is ranking up this awesome champion worth potentially wasting T4CC in other classes).

    Likewise, now that we can target 4* dual classes, it is really beneficial to save up 4* shards and start thinking of them as reserve sources of class iso that don't expire. Personally I always keep 15-25k 4* crystals in reserve that I don't open unless I have a 5*/6* I absolutely need to level right now and I am entirely out of class ISO of that class. This allows you to always get the 1.5x iso bonus for matching classes, which both stretches out your iso reserve, and save you quite a bit of gold.
  • WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73
    Clyneva said:

    It sounds like something you might want to be more mindful of is better timings for opening your crystals and treating un-opened crystals as another resource. It is often not optimal to open your crystals as soon as you get them.

    A big sign of this is you mentioning that you have T4cc in overflow and being forced to constantly use them to rank up champions you don't want to. This should actually rarely happen, because the main sources of T4CC is through crystals, which you have full control of for when to open. The only time T4CC should go into overflow is if you're hard targeting a specific class you're missing for a champion you really want to rank up. At that point you're making a cost/benefit analysis (E.g. is ranking up this awesome champion worth potentially wasting T4CC in other classes).

    Likewise, now that we can target 4* dual classes, it is really beneficial to save up 4* shards and start thinking of them as reserve sources of class iso that don't expire. Personally I always keep 15-25k 4* crystals in reserve that I don't open unless I have a 5*/6* I absolutely need to level right now and I am entirely out of class ISO of that class. This allows you to always get the 1.5x iso bonus for matching classes, which both stretches out your iso reserve, and save you quite a bit of gold.

    Thank you for this comment. I completely understand what you're saying and I'm going to be more cautious moving forward of only ranking up champs when a necessity arises and also keeping those 4 stars shards in check, so I never go depleted at any point in time. Thank you!
  • TrashPanda12TrashPanda12 Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    For me its t4cc and iso. I seem to have all the t2a and t5b I need, but lacking the stuff that should be easier to get
  • Blizzard28Blizzard28 Member Posts: 90
    I hoard on to 3-4* crystals until i need iso to rank someone up.. Then open the 4* dual crystals of required class... This ensures that iso does not expire
  • FineDogFineDog Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    Just to add on to what everyone else is saying, you also don't *have* to spend resources just because they're expiring. I'll usually try and find a reason to use T4CC and T4B that are expiring, but if I've got to level up and rank, like, Iron Fist or something, it's just as much of a waste as if I just sold the catalysts instead. At least when you sell them, you get gold and some miniscule amount of higher catalyst fragments. The same is true of ISO. I only level up champs if I can remotely see myself ever using them, so I usually have an obscene amount of Cosmic and Science ISO expiring because I have no good champs from those classes. As much as it feels bad to sell large chunks of ISO, it can be a great source of gold if you don't have any good champs from that class.
  • gammapoollgammapooll Member Posts: 26
    @Kabam Miike Miike could you guys please take a look into this, as the only way free to play players are able to gain iso are from premium hero crystals in arena near endgame. The amount of iOS given is absurd from 4*s, and 6*s and 5* dupes giving the same amount. If not a new area to gather iso, then this should really be updated. @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    I stopped opening 4s and phc long back due to expiring iso. It is better to provide more 4s shards in uc and cav eq rather than increasing the amount of iso provided for duping 5 or 6 stars. I don't find the scarcity too worrying myself. But I am a fairly hard arena grinder from the start.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    The only times I’ve ever had serious iso droughts are when I have busy months and actively cut down how much content I do.
    I haven’t really touched arena since about October, and while I do have no iso in some classes, that’s mainly because it’s taken many months of spamming the mutant/skill 5* crystals looking for Aegon.
    I do make an active effort to do things like UC-EQ completion runs to get the 4* shards available there, as well as trying to collect them from the side quests when possible.
    Personally I find T1a, T2a and T4b are far more limiting factors when it comes to rank ups.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Personally I never have had any problems with ISO-8 and gold after I became uncollected. A huge part is also Arena. I used to do 4* basic arena with some 4* featured on the side. Right now I get all milestones on both and do some 5* arena aswell.
    A lot of the problems from your post could be solved by itself. You decide to do all content in the first week(s) and are not forced to. Another difference between your situation and that of a lot of others is the completion of variants as you have mentioned. For other people those pieces of content came out one at a time, and thus they did not get all the rank up items all at ones. So it was spread out more evenly.

    The biggest thing is still arena. You do not have to do every single arena for all milestones. You could also start by choosing 1 arena. Make that choice based on your roster. If you have a lot of ranked up 4* champs, but not a lot of 5* champs I would opt for the 4* basic. Which is also the easiest to complete all milestones on. If you can do this, and you still have time. You could always do the 4* featered up to 2m points. Which will give you 900 4* shards and 400 5* shards per round and a bunch of PHC.

    There always will be a resource that is most needed for players. But ISO-8 only has to become a problem if you do not play all modes in the game (arena in this case) or if you level up a lot of 6* champs. They cost a ton of Iso.

    Story mode: Title progression and a mix of other rewards
    Montly mode: Mix of all resources
    Arena: Gold, units and ISO
    AQ: Upgrade materials.

    Incursions and War are totally optional and do not provide a resource not gotten from the other modes.

    Good luck!
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    paragraphs please
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    There is a shortage is ISO, but that's mainly at the UC sort of level when players aren't getting many 4* dupes and pretty much no 5* dupes. The other pinch point is around the point at which the player has moved beyond - or pretty much beyond - 5* champions. It sounds like you're struggling a little bit with resource management more than anything, or that you've rushed content so your overall roster isn't that wide yet - evidently you've got a bit of stopping power, but it's more of a rapier than a mace, so you've got a lot of unranked champions.

    One of the biggest issues at the moment is that so many of the side quests don't allow you to do more than one difficulty level which severely impacts the amount of 4* accessibility. With 4* having been phased out of high level content there's a real shortage of ISO. This is compounded by the sheer amount of ISO required to level up 6* and the increased access to high tier rank up materials like T5B and T2A - you'll find that most Thronebreakers have more T5B than they can actually use.
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