Duping a 4 star champion has better value than duping 6 star champion

in fact duping a 4 or 5 star champion has better value than duping a 6 star champion.
Duping a 4 star champion, you get 24 5k ISO, and 5 star shards
Duping a 5 star champion, you get 24k 5k ISO (why the same as above?) and 6 shards.
Duping a 6 star champion, you get 24 5k ISO (why the value as duping a 4 star?) and nothing else.
Something is wrong the game economy. Could you fix this please??
Duping a 4 star champion, you get 24 5k ISO, and 5 star shards
Duping a 5 star champion, you get 24k 5k ISO (why the same as above?) and 6 shards.
Duping a 6 star champion, you get 24 5k ISO (why the value as duping a 4 star?) and nothing else.
Something is wrong the game economy. Could you fix this please??
Alpha catalysts limited supply, RNG on t4cc and iso have made ranking just annoying.
of course plus shards