Duping a 4 star champion has better value than duping 6 star champion

Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★★
in fact duping a 4 or 5 star champion has better value than duping a 6 star champion.

Duping a 4 star champion, you get 24 5k ISO, and 5 star shards
Duping a 5 star champion, you get 24k 5k ISO (why the same as above?) and 6 shards.
Duping a 6 star champion, you get 24 5k ISO (why the value as duping a 4 star?) and nothing else.


Something is wrong the game economy. Could you fix this please??


  • Alfa_PigeonAlfa_Pigeon Member Posts: 273 ★★

    4 stars > 6 stars, duh

    Its true, especially when there aren't 6* counterparts of them! For example, 4* Hype can out damage 6* Groot, 4* Quake is way better than 6* Cap WW2!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Those lower Rarities give Shards for the next one up. There are no 7*s.
  • Destroy4589Destroy4589 Member Posts: 261 ★★★
    Lol its sad that I look forward to opening 4* crystals just because I need ISO. 6* needs a ridiculous amount and the game doesn't provide enough
  • Katzastrophe_Od1nKatzastrophe_Od1n Member Posts: 223 ★★
    cant disagree here, the 5 and 6* dupes should give 24x Tier 6 ISO or at least the 6*s and the 5*s 48x Tier 5 ISO
    of course plus shards
  • AouxWouxAouxWoux Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    bruh its basic logic 4 stars> 6 stars. take those 4 stars with you onto act 6 exploration and you will not be disappointed. :blush:/s
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    6 star dupes for the time being should give a bare minimum of 275 6 star shards and more iso, for me the biggest problem with rank ups is iso and this would be a good time to up the iso from 5* and 6* dupes
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★★
    i feel like this conversation is going nowhere. something so simple to do and would make alot of their customer base extremely happy but nothing changes LOL
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