Add a limit for team ratingd difference in incursions

Primis00Primis00 Member Posts: 274 ★★★
edited January 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
Im so tired of using my full team of 6* r2 or 5* r5 only to be matched with someone who's got 15k less rating then my team and has full team of r4s... In Sector 8. There needs to a be a minimum for how much difference there is between the rating. I should get matched with someone with a similar rating and not such a huge difference. It makes me just want to quit straight away since i know they wont be able to push like i want to.


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  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★

    Just dont play with a random

    This. It's always best to either do this or play with trusted Ally members.
    The random system by it's very name is unreliable.
  • Primis00Primis00 Member Posts: 274 ★★★

    Just dont play with a random

    I wish i could. However i dont have any friends who play and none of my alliance mate really like incursions.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    Primis00 said:

    Just dont play with a random

    I wish i could. However i dont have any friends who play and none of my alliance mate really like incursions.
    Then it's a rough apple to bite I'm afraid. Those are the only solutions available. Unless you somehow have alt account and device which you can do a incursion with yourself.
  • Primis00Primis00 Member Posts: 274 ★★★
    Terra said:

    Primis00 said:

    Just dont play with a random

    I wish i could. However i dont have any friends who play and none of my alliance mate really like incursions.
    Then it's a rough apple to bite I'm afraid. Those are the only solutions available. Unless you somehow have alt account and device which you can do a incursion with yourself.
    Well thats why i added the suggestion of having a limit to how big the difference can be. For example. My team rating is 45k, Then i can only get matched with people that have 3k less or 3k more. So the difference isnt as big. If that was the case i wouldnt be able to get someone who goes into sector 8 with a team that is half of mine. They could also make it so an incursions match doesnt start right away as soon as you find a partner but you both get a chance to review the others team before the whole thing starts. The biggest problem is the cooldown of champions in incursions. This wouldnt be a big deal if it wasnt for the fact that i have to wait days before i can use those champions in incursions again. So i feel like i just wasted champions because someone else picked a **** team.
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