Need help with my main roster please

BlackTerar0BlackTerar0 Member Posts: 16
Currently I'm uncollected on act 5.3.4 and I have completed rol as well. I have attached all my champions and I need help to choose my main roster. Currently I use bwcv, starky, human torch, hype and blade. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    Max ranking that BWCV could take you far.
    Her utility and toolkit is something that can be used anywhere
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
    I suggest ranking up and learning hype and CMM. You could also rank up hulkbuster and cull obsidian, those two depend on if you like their play style after watching some videos on them. Those champions and ranking up bwcv are all good investments for future content.
  • BlackTerar0BlackTerar0 Member Posts: 16
    Should I forget about my starky for hulkbuster? Or warlock? Can you please tell me who are the best ones I should focus on no matter what their rating is?
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Should I forget about my starky for hulkbuster? Or warlock? Can you please tell me who are the best ones I should focus on no matter what their rating is?

    Focus on Hype.
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