Character changes (minor)

Awhole back mentioned that venom should be evade rpoff against spideys. And you giys adressed it and it was awesome of you. But i couldnt help notice many champs in this game should be evade proof from spideys you ignored. Agent venom venom the duck symbiote supreme superior iron man( technically superior iron man should be resistant to most elements such as lightening ect. btw thats actually comic lore too) are all symbiotes and symbiote based champs on this game. Spider sense does NOT work against symbiotes. It literally spiderman comic lore. Im just adressing it because i think it should be changed accordingly. It would correct the comic lore and also improve many champs by not doing much to them. Sorry its just the comic nerd in me and i gotta call it out. Also why do none of the visions phase??? Many champs do on this game. Why not vision? Slide back and hold for a sec to phase an alloted time or something. I mean come on man. Its vision. Its what he does. Also i find it weird yall have dormamou and mephisto both not at least fire resistant. We are talkin about a devil amd a demon yall. Lol. And last but not least. Even though i dont even have him. Unstoppable colossus is one of the most powerful characters ever made in the comics. And hes a total chump in this game. Dude gathers so much foward momentum he rips holes through space time guys. Hes a freakin beast in the comics and yall made him bottom of the barrel. I feel that should be adressed too. IjS dudes. IjS