Can You Bring Trade Option for Throne Breaker

Hi guys i assume that most of u completed contents that u can complete and yet couldnt get t5 class catalyst shards enough. In my situation my t5cc shards have been nearly distributed equally. The most t5cc shards i have is mutant t5cc. Even though i need %30 shards to get t5 mutant class catalyst. I suggest that there should be a trade market that we can trade our aq map5 map6 crystals with %10 t5cc selector.( 100 map5 crystals for 1 %10 t5cc or 50 map6 crystals for 1%10 t5cc)
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
If you don’t...there’s a reason you’re not Thronebreaker. It’s like the trying to be Uncollected before finishing 5.2 - the masochism line was a bit hard so just be a doll and give me the title at 5.2.4, there’s a good chap.
Finally pulled Aegon though so I can work towards An abyss Run now Rather than the slow torture of exploring the rest of act 6. Can’t wait to not get science, skill, mutant or cosmic.