Why is the ISO-9 problem so rampant?

Okay I know I may or may have not have had some dumb requests previously but I think this one is better than the other ones... can you make Iso easier to get? I know a lot of people have this problem, and I have a feeling it is much bigger than the gold problem. So why is ISO so difficult to get? Or is almost everybody getting a large influx
of good champions nowadays that there is resource famine?
of good champions nowadays that there is resource famine?
even typing that lowers ones iq by at least 50 points
with your
T1a I can’t spend catalysts and iso fast enough it seems
ISO-8 however, I can get pretty easily without spending real money.
You either play the game or you pay the game. ISO is a very easy to acquire resource. If you don't want to put in the effort, then don't expect to rank up and level champions as often as you'd want.
6* Especially require between 5-9 4* dupes depending on what rank you’re taking them to. If you’re using correct class only ISO that’s ~36 4* dupes to acquire enough ‘correct’ ISO which is a couple of months of hard grinding.
In the past few months we’ve had A7.1, V6, big Dec rewards. So for now, as we spend these rewards, the above mentioned will usually go into shortfall and we will replenish them over time.
Second. Yes.
Third it's about maximising and optimising.
Don't like that you have to do extra things in game? Go play an AFK game.
Alongside arena - I get a lot of my iso from 4* shards collected from the monthly SQ. Events like this month are always an iso struggle, as there aren’t any 4* shards for me to get from the SQ (unless I forgo the top rewards, which I won’t be doing). I prefer SQ’s that let you run every difficulty without a reward penalty.
I just say do 1 hr of arena in the morning and evening on weekends, and only 1hr in the evening on weekdays. Whatever I hit, I stop and don't touch them. Depending on your roster, you can increase or decrease the time.
Try to autoplay the lower difficulties when you can, for the 4 star shards mainly. space your level ups apart so that you don't run out of ISO quickly. Sell your low level iso and keep your high level ones, they may cost more gold, but the cost can be compensated by the gold from selling low level iso.