War Ratings

Can anyone tell me, aside from winning and losing wars (and thus the war rating score shown for each war), what can change your war rating?
So for example, I know that when we won a war we got +84. When we lost a war, we got -65. Those directly affect our overall war rating. I know that those values (+84, -65) are drawn from a number of factors. But ASIDE FROM winning and losing, what else can make your war rating go up or down?
So for example, I know that when we won a war we got +84. When we lost a war, we got -65. Those directly affect our overall war rating. I know that those values (+84, -65) are drawn from a number of factors. But ASIDE FROM winning and losing, what else can make your war rating go up or down?
(**only potential is if your Alliance cheats, although think they only dock War Season points now, instead of also War Rating docking)
And the +/- WR change for each war is not fixed, it depends on what your Ally strength is compared to who you’re matched up against (and # of groups played in war also I believe).
That's what I thought. But I had to ask, because I was reviewing our last wars and the rating (I was examining scores and tiers, and happened to add in ratings to my spreadsheet too).
If you look at war history each war shows you how much the war rating changed after you won/lost, then it shows you the current war rating (which is the war rating AFTER the change - you can check that).
Below is a table of that, with a third column, the score BEFORE the change. In each case the third column (score before change) should match the second column of the war before. In two cases it does not - it is different by 9
War rating change, war rating shown, calculated score before change
65 1362 1297
58 1420 1362
-50 1361 1411 ***
50 1411 1361
58 1469 1411
60 1520 1460 ***
84 1604 1520
So twice our current (resulting) war rating was 9 points lower than it should have been. And we did not receive any notification of any cheating or anything like that, that might have affected it.
I can provide screen shots/video to substantiate.
@Kabam Miike any thoughts?
All I know is that they said our rating should go up by X and instead it went up by X-9 sometimes (twice that I could see)
War 1: Rating: 1362. Loss: -65
War 2: Rating: 1420. Win: 58 (correct: 1362+58 = 1420)
War 3: Rating: 1361. Loss: -50 (INCORRECT: 1420-50 = 1370)
War 4: Rating: 1411. Win: 50 (correct: 1361+50 = 1411)
War 5: Rating: 1469. Win: 58 (correct: 1411+58 = 1469)
War 6: Rating: 1520. Win: 60 (INCORRECT: 1469+60 = 1529)
War 7: Rating: 1604. Win: 84 (Correct: 1520+84 = 1604)
Note 1: 'Correct' above means correct based on previous number. Of course, if the previous number was wrong...
Note 2: I seem to have cut the - off on the very first rating change in my second post above, it should have been -65, but it doesn't affect anything
If there is something else added or subtracted separate from the amount shown at the end of each war, fair enough, hence my original question. But it's strange that it only happens in 2 of 9 wars I could get records for. And it didn't seem consistent, sometimes on wins, sometimes on losses, and with no consistent relationship to enemy rating or our rating.
Pretty sure it also reflects difference in Prestige (or some such) as well, as one can see from an evenly WR match but between vastly different strength teams (ie, strong/casual or strong/new against a lesser strength team that is actually trying) Stronger (prestige) team will gain less than what the lesser one could gain (even if exact same WR).
So maybe (not sure this is why) a change in membership or other prestige (either your team, or opponent) during Defense placement might (??) be affecting your actual awarded WR change from that war as being different from what was initially specified. (just theorizing).
(but, yes, some other ppl have mentioned occasional differences between awarded WR +/- and what was initially stated.
Or could be a post-war correction in cases of cross-tier wars that maybe calculated WR +/- initially wrong ?
- Change in membership? Good point - I'll look at that now.... nope, no correlation that I could see.
- Post-war correction in case of mistaken calculations? I guess, it's certainly not impossible, but should not really happen (I mean, take a database, throw some code at it, out comes the results... I don't know where a mistake comes into that!)
1) Look at your historical wars.
2) Look at the details of a war ('View Details'), then look under your team name at the top left; take the green number (win/lose reward) from the white number (new rating), to get 'current rating'
3) Now go to the war before, and compare the current rating you got with the new rating in that war. They should be the same. Then calculate the current rating for this war, and look at the war before that, and so on.