Undo button in AQ


Today i was in need of the new implemented “Undo” button. Due to connectivity issues my game froze and when it got ok i took an explored path, not my path, by mistake and now i can’t use the button even if it’s just after a jonction point. It’a a bug or what?

Nickname in game: Scrubnabster

Thank you.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    Was the node you are standing on one that had a fight there ? Or is that an empty node position and you happened to run out of energy as to why you are not even 1 node further on (because you still have 1 energy avail) ?

    Guessing you fought a node there.

    You would have had to NOT fight, and then the UNDO would have been available.
  • ScrubnabsterScrubnabster Member Posts: 13
    @SummonerNR my teammate removed that node and i couldn’t go further because at that time i had no energy, and only moved one position where he finished the fight already. So i didn’t killed the champ there, just moved in that position and tried to undo when i got one energy.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★
    Yeah it happened in my BG as well. One person took the wrong lane which was completed and he couldn't undo to go back.
    @Kabam Miike any issues with undo button? Or something we should know about while using it? Otherwise it's a waste if it doesn't work for cases like these.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    (sorry, got the 2 of your icons mixed up, thought you were the further one)

    So he had already been 1 node into that path (and already beat the node there), when you came afterwards (at 0 energy) and moved to same node (1 node into path) that he was already on ? And then later he got 1 more energy so moved 1 step beyond you ? And once you got 1 energy you tried to do your UNDO ??

    If so, not sure why you couldn’t Undo, but really you should have Undone yourself BEFORE waiting around for extra energy or moves by others.
    (yes, you would have been at 0 energy, so really couldn’t have moved any actual steps onto your corrected path, but you would have at least been back at the Branch node)
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★

    (sorry, got the 2 of your icons mixed up, thought you were the further one)

    So he had already been 1 node into that path (and already beat the node there), when you came afterwards (at 0 energy) and moved to same node (1 node into path) that he was already on ? And then later he got 1 more energy so moved 1 step beyond you ? And once you got 1 energy you tried to do your UNDO ??

    If so, not sure why you couldn’t Undo, but really you should have Undone yourself BEFORE waiting around for extra energy or moves by others.
    (yes, you would have been at 0 energy, so really couldn’t have moved any actual steps onto your corrected path, but you would have at least been back at the Branch node)

    I think you're mistaken. His teammate finished the fight, and then he moved onto that path. Since he had only one energy, he moved one step beyond his teammate. And then couldn't UNDO. That's what I understood atleast
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian

    I think you're mistaken. His teammate finished the fight, and then he moved onto that path. Since he had only one energy, he moved one step beyond his teammate. And then couldn't UNDO. That's what I understood atleast

    Nope, he (Scrub, Stealthy) is the one that is behind his teammate (Eman, Doom). The green-dot for next node tells which is him.

    One way for sure that wouldn’t work (although doesn’t sound like it is the case) is if he moved to that node first (but didn’t fight), then teammate came and fought/beat the node, then he went and joined teammate on the beaten node (and then later teammate moved up one more node afterwards). That would have been 2 separate moves by him. But again, sounds like that is not the case.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★

    I think you're mistaken. His teammate finished the fight, and then he moved onto that path. Since he had only one energy, he moved one step beyond his teammate. And then couldn't UNDO. That's what I understood atleast

    Nope, he (Scrub, Stealthy) is the one that is behind his teammate (Eman, Doom). The green-dot for next node tells which is him.

    My bad then. But tbh even if he has the energy, if he didn't fight, he should be able to UNDO
  • KaZichaoKaZichao Member Posts: 65
    I had same..
    Game glitched while i moved the map
    And instead of moving to top left path, took me bottom
    And i couldnt move back..

    Kabam, we either have use of undo button or not
    Dont recall there was ever mention of limited use..
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    *ANOTHER QUIRK (or really, implementation BUGS) with UNDO and POKE ... @Kabam Miike

    When you are the ONLY icon on a spot, you can click on yourself and get the 2-icon pop-up above you.
    And in looking at someone else, you can also do that SO LONG AS they are in the “condensed” mode (ie, stopped without fighting, or still fighting), BUT NOT (*BUG #1) if they are by themselves in full icon mode. (As far as being able to get the pop-up to be able to Poke them either).

    BUT ALSO (*BUG #2), NOT if you are with someone else at the same node (in full icon mode). See below...

    In pics below, I went to where someone else is also already at, and could NOT get the pop-up (neither ON our icon or ABOVE our icon) showing the Undo button (or the Poke for the other person either).

    But I did discover a *workaround* for that one. Apparently your previous location gets highlighted as YELLOW (similar to Green for showing where you can move to).
    So I clicked on the Yellow Spot, and got the Message Box letting me proceed with the Undo.

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