First R5!!!! But who to choose??

ChimpsChimps Member Posts: 114
edited January 2021 in Strategy and Tips
So damn close to my first R5! Just 2 more T5cc! Can’t seem to decide. At the point in time where I’m trying to take on Act 6 ( endgame content for the most part ). But can’t seem to decide who to take up.

P.S., just recently pulled 5* red mags and he’s sitting at R3 rn and plan to take him up to R4 soon enough but is it worth it to wait and take him up to R5?

* A = Awakened
** UA = Unawakened
*** S = Number of Sigs ( Sig amount )

First R5!!!! But who to choose?? 23 votes

BWCV (A)(S-46)
Jank39BENJI830Mqc19WarBros23Ackbar67shadow_lurker22B_Dizzle_01Rockypantherx007md92EtjamaEnvi1Sarvanga1_Thicco_ModeBonzodavidMauledRenaxqqPrakhar_82Xguard77SaltE_Wenis69TheBair123 23 votes
Havoc (A)(S-60)


  • WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73
    BWCV (A)(S-46)
    I'm gonna be honest, it's between BWCV and G2099, just for that immunity. I know she isn't as great for short-term content, but in Act 6, I feel like she would have enough ramp-up. I wouldn't consider Havok, Archangel, or BWDO. Lots of people will recommend Medusa since she can easily get you Cavalier and help you the rest of the way as well. But personally, I feel she's a bit outdated. If you want to stick to the meta going forward, either BWCV or G2099 will help you do that, and I would recommend BWCV until you get further into Act 6.
  • Prakhar_82Prakhar_82 Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    BWCV (A)(S-46)
    Since it's your first rank 5 G2099 will put more work as rank 4 then a rank 5. BWCV is never a wrong choice.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    For me personally, it's between Guilly2099 or Medusa.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    BWCV (A)(S-46)
    Wow thats going to take a LONG time for 2 t5cc
  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 438 ★★
    BWCV (A)(S-46)
    Of the 2 claire but next id personally go Archangels (so long his sig is 33+)
  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 438 ★★
    BWCV (A)(S-46)
    Actually i changed my mind.

    Claire>Gully 2099>Archangel>Havok

    But you cant go wrong with any of them i love my 5/65 Bw dead orig but shes not on the others level
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    BWCV (A)(S-46)
    Super versatile and amazing. Aa is also incredible for act six, and was my mvp for completion, so take him up asap
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    edited January 2021
    BWCV (A)(S-46)
    I would have gone for AA over any of them, but between the two you’ve mentioned, BWCV brings a little bit more to the table.

    If she’s currently R4 I’d say you need to have a look at your mastery set up though, I know as a lv60 I have a few more mastery points but my R4s are around the 9-10k Pi mark.
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