How'd the Grandmaster treat you?

First time Grandmaster attempter here. Not going to lie, this fight is.....interesting? Sometimes it's fun, other times it sucks. I understand how to fight it but my skill for it is...all over the place. Mind you, this is for initial completion.
Some rounds I can knock a good chunk of damage off and other rounds it's like, "Why did I even waste those 100 units for a team revive". Needless to say, I have the GM at 52%. First phase was easiest of course and this 2nd phase is tricky. Sometimes I'll be able to hit all 5 challenges and other times I only hit maybe 1-2 and then get wrecked. My team consists of a 5*R5 Doom, 5*R5 CapIW, 5*R5 Colossus, 5*R5 Hit Monkey and a 5*R5 Claire(brought her for the Opportunist path-Should've replaced her with Heimdall). I've used about 3-400 units thus far in team revives so I hope not too much more.
Please tell me how your Grandmaster experience went the first time and make me feel better about these units spent!
Some rounds I can knock a good chunk of damage off and other rounds it's like, "Why did I even waste those 100 units for a team revive". Needless to say, I have the GM at 52%. First phase was easiest of course and this 2nd phase is tricky. Sometimes I'll be able to hit all 5 challenges and other times I only hit maybe 1-2 and then get wrecked. My team consists of a 5*R5 Doom, 5*R5 CapIW, 5*R5 Colossus, 5*R5 Hit Monkey and a 5*R5 Claire(brought her for the Opportunist path-Should've replaced her with Heimdall). I've used about 3-400 units thus far in team revives so I hope not too much more.
Please tell me how your Grandmaster experience went the first time and make me feel better about these units spent!
I was trying to intercept in the first phase but the grandmaster became so passive that he destroyed my warlock and stealthy. Then I decided to play it slow and bait sp1 and gain competence. I was also getting clipped by the sp1s first ray. This happened to me for 3-4 times. Though I then learned the timing of dexing the sp1 and I didn't mess up afterwards.
In the second phase it took less revives than the first phase and it was faster too. I completed the challenges and it was much smoother than the first phase.
In the 3rd phase I tripped up whenever inverted controls came up. I decided to focus on only reviving doom and using him and he worked a charm and I also got used to the inverted controls with him. Sometimes in the wounded phase I was dashing back instead of attacking due to inverted controls. I ended it with a sp2 in the wounded phase.
Then the last 1% I was ready to intercept like hell and I intercepted 1-2 times but then he understood what I was doing as he had also seen the videos on YouTube. So he hit me and then I decided to just back off and finish it in the uncool way of waiting out the infuriated phase and then popped sp3. I took a very embarrassing screenshot too.
In the end it was a very hilarious boss which had no bad nodes and thus induced mistakes from the player's side.
Side note: love the youtube joke lol
In the last 1% you have to intercept and two hits and then back off and repeat.
I am good with jokes.
At first I didnt understand the first phase.played as a dumb..later I get it but spent 200 units for the first phase only
Then second phase, it was really great and easy my doom did a great work on second path spend 120 units
And now third phase, it is not hard coz I have r4 professor x he is immune to inverse controls but having a little bit of trouble coz he didnt activate is so1 he goes to sp2...other than that it was easy....
I'll let you know once I did with that remaining 15%..
Good luck for you man
Soo far the Grandmaster is the worst encounter in game for me.
Also, i haven't used units. Only 20% revives. If i had enough health, i feel like i could have avoided a lot of revives. Some revival fights were like, go into fight, get hit bymistake and die. Some cases, because of the low health, can't eat the sp1 damage when i mess up. Happened in phase 3 tho haha. But it's my first try, no problem !
Dr. Zola