Taskmaster is Underrated.

The title says it all. He has great damage output, and decent utility. In the right hands, you can get insane damage on basics and special attacks. His aar is nice although I will admit since its not 100% its a bit rng. Overall, I think that he's pretty damn underrated by the community. Easily a top 5 skill, maybe top 3 or 4.
Top 10, yes. IF he wasn't broken.
As of now I'm put him around spot 15
1)Nick fury
2) Ageon
3)Squirrel girl
4) Blade
5) Spiderman (Stealth suit)
I might have not put them in order but those are the top 5 best skill champs imo. Taskmaster is probably 10th.
How the heck Taskmaster is even a top10 skill champs, let alone top5 that is laughable to even say.
If his concussion debuffs last longer and his sp1 sp2 task was any of the 3 specials, maybe he would be in top10 of the class.
Now he sits comfortably at the bottom of the class.
As in at this point Everyone calls him Underrated and knows he's a Great Champion when used right, he deserves the "Great Champion: Some Skill Required" Title by now.
I think I saw him say a little while ago that's he's over him, and Annihilus is his boy now.
And Blade's just fallen out of the meta. Mainly because he requires two entire synergies to be good and one of them has no use. Also, he just doesn't work as a standalone champ since his damage output is mediocre without synergies when facing normal opponents. The pool of Dimensional beings ain't that much.