Moon Knight Buff

Just a few ideas

1. Improve Signature Ability - Synodic Tide

In addition to the current phases of the moon power buff/debuff, add a feature similar to Guillotine 2099’s passive, where his power gain is increased by ‘X’ amount with each hit in his Combo Meter, capping after ‘Y’ amount of hits.

Example: Power gain is increased by 1% with each hit in his Combo Meter, capping after 100 hits.

Or something along the lines of power gain is increased by 1% with each hit in his Combo meter after 50 hits, capping after 200 hits.

The numbers are arbitrary, just meant to help clarify.

2. Improve Abilities

Moon Knight is kind of a jack of all trades type character being able to have Fury, Precision, Bleed, Evade and Stun, however, none of them are specifically great.


Buff all of the abilities to a decent extent and make Moon Night a good jack of all trades.

Or, buff one of the abilities significantly. I would advocate for stun as it provides a unique aspect to the character, being able to stun without needing to use a Special Attack.

Current limitations already keep either (or both) of these suggestions from becoming overpowered. For example, his abilities depend on the moon cycle, forcing the player to adapt to this and not necessarily be able to use the abilities they want. Additionally, Moon Knight is currently unable to chain the most used 5 hit combo (medium-light-light-light-medium) into his Special 1.

3. Improve Synergies

Moon Knight’s current synergies are lackluster in terms of effect and the characters needed.


Add Captain America (One or multiple of them) and Wolverine to the Synergies

This would improve the usability of Moon Knight as he would be able to be teamed with good relevant champions. Additionally, these characters are part of this multiple personalities in the comics so it would be logical if the move was made to add them.

Just curious what people would think


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,653 ★★★★★
    He has technically already been buffed, since he was updated to make his bleeds stackable.
  • Terminator7577Terminator7577 Member Posts: 2
    Terra said:

    He has technically already been buffed, since he was updated to make his bleeds stackable.

    True, however, I would argue that was a micro-buff and not a buff to the extent that he needs, in order to be a more viable champion in the later Acts. Also I'm not saying all of these things need to be implemented, but it would be cool to have some of it.

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