Weak in the knees node

I am confused about this node. Does it only apply to science champions?

In reading the description, it doesn't call out science champs for that particular node. Going by the description, Dragon Man should have the weakness passive removed because of either the slow or the ineptitude debuffs. Am I missing something?

In reading the description, it doesn't call out science champs for that particular node. Going by the description, Dragon Man should have the weakness passive removed because of either the slow or the ineptitude debuffs. Am I missing something?
Post edited by Kabam Boo on
And even with the weakness node on, when you have all the furies possible, shouldn't you still be hitting decent enough? Definitely wasn't the case.
SpiderGwen. No issues.
Torch also removed the weakness when the opponent was stunned (non damaging debuff). It’s almost instanteous.
Oh, also, I have no points in Pacify. 😊
I personally find that Pacify messes with the node interactions as it causes Conditional Nodes to go wonky at times due to the time of activation between stuns and abilities.
(Eg. When the opponent is stunned, and you have maxed Pacify, you have a 30% chance for the Weakness debuff to NOT go off upon stun activation. If you were to trigger more debuffs during this duration, because the Weakness debuff was not turned off already, it most likely will continue to persist until all the non-damaging debuffs wear off, and reset upon the next application of non-damaging debuff.
The EQ nodes are likely all “conditional” and not “per fight start” as they all require certain situations to occur before turning on/off.)
So.. getting messed up 30% of the time due to a mastery isn’t really what I enjoy given that it has pretty much limited use nowadays, since the days of Magik being everywhere in AWD.
If you don’t believe me, try recording 2 fights with maxed Pacify, then removing it and recording the same 2 fights. Watch the difference. 😊
Sidenote: Kabam, that king groot was super annoying. On the "easy" lane, the health pools were over the place. 200k hp Surfer, then 120k health doom, then a 350k health KIng groot.... huh?
Tested out CptIW Wasp Torch LC and Void.