Monthly calendar

Fed up with the monthly calendar giving junk rewards, where’s the t2alphas?, some of you might say well it’s free but end game players like myself have no use for the junk there giving, day 30 t4 basic, come on.
T2A in the calender is idiotic, but they need to be in act 5 and hard special events.
5.3 has had bad rewards overall and if you want to advance you had best be in a top 10 alliance. I've had little to do since finishing LOL and my 5 star pulls are God awful.
It was dumb then, it would be dumb now. That kinda stuff needs to be rewards for actually doing something, not given to level 2 players for logging in.
I'm sorry, but your posts should be followed up with this image.
Great idea sir
Well i mean if kabam didnt mention all this when they announced the coming of 6*, i am pretty sure no one will say anything. But immediately after they announce the 6*, the next month calendar is back to normal and this month too. Lesson of the day? Never trust Kabam words