Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Are you disappointed in this months calender?



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    QwertyQwerty Posts: 636 ★★★
    how dare they give us free stuff?
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    TheOneAndOnlyTheOneAndOnly Posts: 690 ★★★
    I am not disappointed
    Whatever slight you feel with the calendar is nothing to the slight you should feel for the current state of the game!
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    QwertyQwerty Posts: 636 ★★★
    Keonex wrote: »
    Calendar rewards are NOT FREE.

    IF YOU THINK THEY ARE FREE then that means your probably unemployed.

    Anyone that has commom sense and a job knows that every second counts.

    So opening the game daily even if only to collect CALENDAR rewards is not FREE.

    Calendar rewards need to be greatly increased.

    Also a NEW UNCOLLECTED CALENDAR needs to be created for us UNCOLLECTED

    you don't think the current rewards reflect the effort required to tap your app icon, put your device down for 30 seconds and resume doing whatever you were doing?
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    UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Posts: 658 ★★
    I hate those free rewards too. Not free enough, imo. :D
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    SpiderCoolsSpiderCools Posts: 615 ★★★
    I am disappointed
    After getting 5 star shards, then a grandmaster crystal i expected something just as good.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★
    I am disappointed
    I'm disappointed but I just add it to the long line of disappointing things and move on.

    At least the price is right.

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    SvainSvain Posts: 453 ★★
    I am disappointed
    Disappointed? Yes. But I'm not really surprised. But I'm also assuming there is going to be an event calendar, might be why the log in rewards are so lack luster this month. However, I won't be surprised if there isn't, it is Kabam after all.
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    Titan_A97Titan_A97 Posts: 179
    I am disappointed
    It's like getting new socks for Christmas or your birthday. You don't really want it but it's better than nothing I guess...
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
    I agree with @Haji_Saab. And I am mortally disappointed in the inability of players to spell “calendar.”

    Dr. Zola
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    RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Posts: 916 ★★★
    Should have been a third choice that says neutral or something, because honestly, I'm looking for new or challenging content that Kabam could give us to maintain our interests in the game. The calendar is the least of my worries, even as a high-tier player, I rather have more content that awards more end-game loot than a hit-and-miss chance of getting something good from a certain month's calendar just by logging in.
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    RoraRora Posts: 124
    I am disappointed
    I am disappointed but we can't be greedy too. Something better than nothing.
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    DJRipsterDJRipster Posts: 169
    I am disappointed
    When 6-Stars were announced, Kabam said they are going to increase opportunities at 5-Star shards... They had only two examples they gave us at that time:
    • increased rewards in monthly quests
    • 5-Star shards in the Calendar

    Unfortunately since that announcement, the Calendar hasn't had 5-star shards... One would hope to see more 3-Stars or 4-star drops from PHC or Grandmaster crystals ? Nothing there either...

    While I do understand the Calendar is a free resource and we don't necessarily "deserve" any of what we get, we all play this game as a source of entertainment and fun... Right now, no one is having fun
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    ReinaReina Posts: 280
    I am disappointed
    How do you make a pool
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    B1gG4zB1gG4z Posts: 146
    Kabam did not give us the daily log in rewards because they wanted us to have free stuff. It was to get people to log in daily.. the more people that return the more addicted you get and therefor potentially the more money you spend. So all of you saying stop moaning because it’s free then you need to realise it’s only an ulterior motive that benefits Kabam otherwise they would stop them. I personally think there should be 2 calendars. 1 for beginners with less rewards and 1 slightly better for veterans. This should be an uncollected calendar. This should stop newbies getting resources they shouldn’t be getting right at the start.
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    Samuel030sSamuel030s Posts: 125
    I am not disappointed
    At he end of the day, it's free stuff you get by logging in. You don't even have to play the game. It requires almost no effort to do and even though the rewards are meager, they are free. I understand that it was implied that we'd get better rewards, but Kabam has a history of not clearly communicating what they mean or plan to do.
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    RaaRaa Posts: 309 ★★
    Im disappointed in this month's game
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    DhruvgDhruvg Posts: 287
    I am disappointed
    We are disappointed because you guys said , we will be getting more 5* shards , and bam next 2 months no 5* shards at all , secondly it is good to see that you guys have fixed few things like 100 units , few gold , 2 team revives , 3* champ , and few more , and recently a t4 basic cat as well . Why don't add a t4cc catalyst crystal as well , we have shown our faith and respect in you guys by still playing this game , with so many bugs , you should do the same and do something for us . We just want that instead of downgrading monthly calendar , just make it better than the previous month . I think you guys can do that .
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    I am not disappointed
    You are getting stuff for free just for logging in. Every month can't be the 5* shard month. There will be ups and downs. I'm happy with what I get just for logging in. Where I'm unhappy is PHCs. No more damn 2 stars.
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    MikeyBoi69MikeyBoi69 Posts: 139
    I am disappointed
    we enjoy the excitement of logging in to a good reward. Unfortunately no excitement this month. Had hoped to see a 3 star stark spidey or goblin or doc oc as a reward as most players already have doc voodoo.
    At least we know next month it cant get worse.
    Oh yes almost forgot, calender, just to annoy some folks haha.
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    GreenElf21GreenElf21 Posts: 36
    Yup. October login reward is kind of disappointing...
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    007ENT007ENT Posts: 13
    MAJORLY DISAPPOINTED!!!! Since they mentioned 6* I ain't seen noooo 5* even 4* rewards! Forget all these Veterans trying to suppress the underdogs!!!
    "If you want something you need to work hard for it"
    You sound like my Mother, this is a game not a life lesson!
    The air I breathe is free I want some REWARDS!!!!
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    GreenElf21GreenElf21 Posts: 36
    edited October 2017
    Hey that's true... They said with the advent of 6*s, the flow of 5* shards will be more plentiful. This is not a good indication...
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    bentoddfredbentoddfred Posts: 50
    I am disappointed
    As always, I'd like to thank those that HAVE shared their feedback here in a constructive manner and didn't turn to personal attacks on others.

    Everyone has the right to their opinion, and we're happy to hear that opinion when it's shared constructively in the forums. Simply stating "I'm disappointed" doesn't lead to a constructive discussion though.

    I'm going to leave this thread open, but move it over to the proper forum section. If you wish to continue to participate in the poll and post in this thread, please do so constructively.

    IE: If you're disappointed, why? Share your suggestion of what you'd like to see in future months.
    If you're not disappointed, share that reasoning too.

    Keep the personal attacks out though. It's ok to disagree and debate topics, but it's never ok to make it personal (or to slap women - poor Free Cheese Lady).

    First, thanks for leaving more threads open lately. I think that we are trying to be more constructive on our side, so it's nice to see the mods doing their part by being a little more lenient.

    Second, I think the specific, constructive feedback on the calendars is pretty clear and unanimous: 5* shards should be a staple in the calendar going forward. The community got their hopes up when calendars were stated as a means of increased 5* shard availability and it's been very demoralizing to see that not come to fruition for 2 months now. I was also surprised to see the Grandmaster crystal removed from this calendar. I know we get two per month from the Uncollected Calendar, but this was a nice thing to look forward to in the September calendar. In my opinion, a T4B, a GMC and some 5* shards (even 1k would be nice!) are logical staples to the calendar going forward. There is still room for variation each month as well, like extra 5* shards sometimes, sometimes T4C frags, sometimes 4* shards maybe?
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    Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I am not disappointed
    Lol if you guys say kabam does nothing right, how did you end up playing for years while spending cash on the game? Lol if you want anyone to take you seriously, boycott the game or something and let the players who enjoy it have a shot at legend and arena champs. By playing it while saying you hate it either means you are hopelsssly addicted and you need to see a therapist or you are hypocrites
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