If you were allowed to get one of these champs as a 6*, who would it be?

SpiderCoolsSpiderCools Member Posts: 615 ★★★
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
Not awakened, and remember this is IF you could.

If you were allowed to get one of these champs as a 6*, who would it be? 109 votes

Captain America
Haji_SaabWOKJank39PeterStreitSamuel030sSpiderCoolsZordak 7 votes
Superior Iron Man
BUZZdog3000vinniegainz8117777 3 votes
The Hood
RotmgmoddyWARICK99RagamugginGunnerWhododo872Sugardaddy1129Nyalemum_m2DarkZenNDK13AxeCopFireMukeshthegamerRealStealTonyStarkWronghenriesbobbyifuUC439MagrailothosTheMageHunterCosmic_Ray13 39 votes
Captain Marvel
Noob_2yrsprestatorvg2782Yagami9999PaperCedricccsha2356__nebchunkybGrimmbearMaximus0215 11 votes
phillgreen 1 vote
Luke Cage
TillerTheKiller 1 vote
Winter Soldier
BendyMegaSkater67 2 votes
Etaki_LirakoiArtOfKhaosRB6942SnakeEyes69RandomlyGeneratedGbSarkarditCdaveRexDeusraja_sLariatJakobitzItay1234212Danicb94rozerosRayzor1987Superman69VartoxOsteotomeGruftyThe_flash007 30 votes
Deadpool (Xforce)
adqqedfyvrVision_41Username819273943Luismarquez131 4 votes
KpatrixFlazinatorMr_PlatypusCuteshelfShadeadSpity68MillybeardoctordoomMasterTroller42JoseDanny_7Doctor_Patriot 11 votes


  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    They’re all so average...
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Captain America
    With this List Cap gets my vote handsdown. His sig ability has been invaluable for me, especially against certain Bosses that would take from other champs, anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 hp(4/40 4star) if they hit me blocking an SP2. And his SP1 stun is very reliable and also is a pretty good way to help with timing against certain nodes like bane.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    WOK wrote: »
    With this List Cap gets my vote handsdown. His sig ability has been invaluable for me, especially against certain Bosses that would take from other champs, anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 hp(4/40 4star) if they hit me blocking an SP2. And his SP1 stun is very reliable and also is a pretty good way to help with timing against certain nodes like bane.

    Literally the first 2 words of the OP are "not awakened"
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Captain America
    The_One wrote: »
    WOK wrote: »
    With this List Cap gets my vote handsdown. His sig ability has been invaluable for me, especially against certain Bosses that would take from other champs, anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 hp(4/40 4star) if they hit me blocking an SP2. And his SP1 stun is very reliable and also is a pretty good way to help with timing against certain nodes like bane.

    Literally the first 2 words of the OP are "not awakened"

    LOL, didnt read the fine print. My bad.
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    The Hood
    My vote goes to Hood, his damage output is near the top of those in the poll. Has a lot of utility even without being awakened and the invisibility gives you a nice chance to avoid any damage when it's active.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    If it's a Free Gif from the GM, I would take even Spider Gwen. At least I prefer her over LC/Loki, even instead DPX or SIM.

    In that list I would like Hood, then Thor, then maybe Cap Marvel.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Spider Gwen all day. Rank her as high as possible and retire my account
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Didn't read the unawakened part and was surprised to see so many people voting for Hood. My vote goes to cap if unawakened. Not really a fan of Hood
  • KhensiKhensi Member Posts: 10
    I wil go for pheonix or rogue those are very bad ass.
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  • Stu198311Stu198311 Member Posts: 77
    None of the above, starlord would get my vote.
  • SpiderCoolsSpiderCools Member Posts: 615 ★★★
    Captain America
    They’re all so average...

    Well that was why I went with them
  • Yagami9999Yagami9999 Member Posts: 152
    Captain Marvel
    I will probably go with Captain Marvel since her awakened is not really a game changer but she hits like a truck and R4/55 CM can finish Labyrinth Easy so a 6star is welcomed

    Beside Winter Soldier, I haven't heard anyone using the other heroes as R4/55 to finish labyrinth
  • Yagami9999Yagami9999 Member Posts: 152
    Captain Marvel
    damn, I missed one word.

    I meant Captain Marvel can finish EASY ROUTE Labyrinth
  • Barry_Allen007Barry_Allen007 Member Posts: 147
    The Hood
    Stu198311 wrote: »
    None of the above, starlord would get my vote.

    And **** like this is why Donald Trump won the election.
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Deadpool (Xforce)
    I'd rather get Vision or AOU version. :wink:
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Loki because who doesn't love a well timed SP1 on buff heavy champs.
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