Stepping away from suicides....



  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★

    @Daddrieda That actually seems like quite a fun build. However, the first points in the strength mastery might make too little difference in the grand picture to justify not getting the perfect block mastery over them. But it is indeed interesting.

    each to their own :) i find this to be '' close'' to full suicide mastery.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Daddrieda said:

    @Daddrieda That actually seems like quite a fun build. However, the first points in the strength mastery might make too little difference in the grand picture to justify not getting the perfect block mastery over them. But it is indeed interesting.

    each to their own :) i find this to be '' close'' to full suicide mastery.
    The only thing I`m getting at is the miniscule increase you get from them. Let me explain. The average 5/65 champs has around 2400 attack. 1/9 strength gives +6 and 9/9 strength give +33. If we take that increase percentage wise that would mean:
    1/9 = increase of 0,25%
    9/9 = increase of 1,3%
    That 1% damage will not be noticable at all. And is practically worthless on anything above a 3 star champ.
    In comparison greater strength gives a far greater increase, and ads 153 extra strength from 1/9 to 9/9 if you take 2400 attack as a baseline.
    At that point those 8 points in strength do not make a difference at all, and could be better spend in 6x defence and 2x courage.
    But again, very interesting build. And I get the comparison to suicides, because you will die much much faster with them (jokes)
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★

    Daddrieda said:

    @Daddrieda That actually seems like quite a fun build. However, the first points in the strength mastery might make too little difference in the grand picture to justify not getting the perfect block mastery over them. But it is indeed interesting.

    each to their own :) i find this to be '' close'' to full suicide mastery.
    The only thing I`m getting at is the miniscule increase you get from them. Let me explain. The average 5/65 champs has around 2400 attack. 1/9 strength gives +6 and 9/9 strength give +33. If we take that increase percentage wise that would mean:
    1/9 = increase of 0,25%
    9/9 = increase of 1,3%
    That 1% damage will not be noticable at all. And is practically worthless on anything above a 3 star champ.
    In comparison greater strength gives a far greater increase, and ads 153 extra strength from 1/9 to 9/9 if you take 2400 attack as a baseline.
    At that point those 8 points in strength do not make a difference at all, and could be better spend in 6x defence and 2x courage.
    But again, very interesting build. And I get the comparison to suicides, because you will die much much faster with them (jokes)
    Well I don’t know. I like this build. If you can then go ahead and try this for yourself.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Suicides are great with a handful of champs, and in real content typically you are bringing your top champs anyway. Overall, I love being able to throw specials and play around with a champs full kit like it was intended. If you grind arena , or in AQ where you can’t really be in fights all day it’s worth it if that’s how you spend your time on the game.

    Pros and cons to both , but when I cut mine on I leave it on for 2-3 months at a time
  • Ethan4llawayEthan4llaway Member Posts: 18
    Yeah i had them for a bit and it was such a pain with the constant recoil. I would rather have less damage and have fun
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  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★
    Tried them for omega red. Immediately regretted it and never used them again.
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  • Paramanona_77Paramanona_77 Member Posts: 88
    I’m fairly new, what are suicides?
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★

    I’m fairly new, what are suicides?

    They are masteries they cause you to lose health in exchange for increased damage output
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    Good stuff all, so its been a couple weeks now without suicides, some adjustments to longer fights but definitely nice to not worry about recoils and drains. Have to get back to Parry and Dex a bit more but overall I get to really sample my champs across the board.

    I have a healthy roster of Suicide friendlies, in 5s and 6s but 6 years in, you can imagine my roster is pretty stacked and I realized that I only use about 10% of them because of suicides...

    I'm no longer a die-hard, I don't do stats and percentages but it's nice to read and learn some thoughts.

    Enjoy all!
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
    This is the reason I haven’t unlocked them. As a ftp player it cost so much and I’m worried that I’ll use all the units to unlock them and then regret it. The bad thing is almost all of my top champions are the best suicide champions so that makes me torn but I stand by my decision currently.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★
    Will3808 said:

    This is the reason I haven’t unlocked them. As a ftp player it cost so much and I’m worried that I’ll use all the units to unlock them and then regret it. The bad thing is almost all of my top champions are the best suicide champions so that makes me torn but I stand by my decision currently.

    Sucide mastery you won’t regret. It hits hard. Depends what collection you have. If you got lots of immune champions then you benefit from it. If you got someone like Clairevoyant or omega red then you benefit it.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    I couldnt help but test some things out. I did some ROL fights with a handful of champions. Made 3 builds en tested all champions 3 times per build. I did a standard Suicide mastery with 3 points in deep wounds, a basic non suicide build with deep wounds and Assassin, and Daddrieda's build (well close to it, I used the points in strength in his build to use in deep wounds, because let's face it 27 attack is not going to change anything on a 2400 attack champion)
    Tested everything against Winter Soldier, with the exception of Rulk who was tested against Cap marvel.
    I also did 5 rounds of arena on each build and have recorded the times.

    It is fun to see how some champions are pretty much unaffected by the builds, while others change greatly. I would still say Suicide masteries are much supperior. I did normal rotations and ended with all champs above 60-70% health on the suicide build. Did not hold back on the sp1 and sp2, since I feel it is not needed.

    Arena times:
    Suicides: 10 minutes
    non suicides: 14 minutes
    Daddrieda: 12 minutes

    I have not taken notice of the point increase in each build but below are old % increase stats, again these are old.
    Suicides: +48.74%
    non suicides: +35.38%
    Daddrieda: +31.01%

    Looking at the stats above I think Daddrieda's build is a very good option for an extremely cheap build. I would however put 6 points in defence to get better block for quests, because else you will get the same damage as with suicides purely from block damage.

    Hope this was interesting for atleast a few people.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    1 small addition, I used teams of 3 to test this, below are the teams:
    Red Hulk, Domino, massacre
    Colossus, Omega, Emma
    Ghost, wasp, antman
    Venom, sym supreme, carnage
    Magneto, prof x, wolverine
    X-23, Prof x, White mag.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    smy168 said:

    So I've been running Suicides the last year plus and finally decided to go back to the "plain jane" of masteries...

    things I've noticed the most...

    1. definitely less damage
    2. kinda fun being able to use SP 1 and 2 without recoil
    3. very cool to be able to use "all" my champs as I choose

    haha....I know some of you turn them on and off...

    Was wondering what your thoughts may be for some of the beginners out there getting ready to hit 60 points....

    My have to try Suicides at least once, they have hybrid versions but I went full on, it was fun and with the right champs you can really clear content. I found it to be very very synergy-centric...for example, Fury+Deadpool helps regen some bleed damage...

    Enjoy all.

    I switch my Offense tree between mastery setups. Takes like 60 units, easy to farm.
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    edited February 2021
    I have good champs for suicides but I don't run suicides, hate recoil.
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