Mutant 6* r3 rank up help

The day has finally come and this will be my 2nd r3. I have been pretty lucky to land some good champs in the mutant class. I just formed a mutant t5cc and want to get some input. I've only completed Act 6 but haven't started Act 7. I've gone through the Abyss once and still have some Variants to explore.
Who would you r3?
Who would you r3?
Mutant 6* r3 rank up help 69 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valiant on
Apoc: Apoc is an amazing champion, but his largest benefit comes from his synergies. Having him at 6r2 is plenty to have him be viable in Endgame content (I have a 5/65 one and he was tearing through paths in the 7.2 beta).
Colossus: 6r2 is enough for him for now because he already has insane damage with the Omega synergy. Yeah, he has a boatload of utility, but since he's so tanky already, you don't need the extra health from 6r3 to get the most out of him.
Mags: Similar to Colossus. The only real change you will notice between having him at 6r2 versus 6r3 is about an extra 100K damage off his sp3 and some more health. In practicality, what does doing a 500K sp3 matter when a 400K one will kill them?
Prof X: Same thing. The only thing you are getting is more damage and his damage is already insane.
- #XL #Villain for Variants purposes.
- Acquirable immunities.
- Evade counter.
- Good at attack or defense.
- He'll likely be in your team anyways if you run almost any other mutant.
With suicides, ORed is an option - but only if you're okay with his degen being inferior to a sig 200 5* until around sig 150.